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Humanitarian Aid

Order of Malta Strengthens Diplomacy for Humanitarian Aid

A major international conference in Rome, attended by the Sovereign Order of Malta's Ambassador to the Republic of Austria, H.E. DI Sebastian Prince von Schoenaich-Carolath, has strengthened the role of the Order of Malta's diplomatic service in the international community. The event included an audience with Pope Francis and provided a platform for exchange on ways to intensify international cooperation.
February 6, 2024

Austria's Engagement in the Middle East: Solidarity with Israel and Support for Palestine
Amid the tense situation in the Middle East, Austria has reaffirmed its solidarity with Israel and at the same time pledged humanitarian aid for the Palestinian civilian population.
November 12, 2023

Austria Delivers Food Aid to Earthquake Victims in Türkiye

Austria's Minister of Agriculture Norbert Totschnig visited the province of Adiyaman, which borders the epicenter of the earthquake. Austria delivered 6 million euros from the special pot for international food aid.
April 2, 2023

Schallenberg Condemns Russia and Shows Support for Ukraine in OSCE Speech
Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg held a speech at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) sharply condemning Russia and reassuring the ongoing support for Ukraine.
February 26, 2023

Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Shows Solidarity With Ukraine at UN General Assembly
Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal held a speech at the UN General Assembly in New York promoting peace and condemning the violation of human rights.
February 23, 2023

Austria Supports Earthquake Victims in Turkish-Syrian Border Area
The devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria left devastation and over 6000 people dead. The search for survivors in the rubble continues, among other things with numerous international aid. Austria is also sending aid with 82 soldiers and 3 million euros from the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) for relief organizations. NGOs in Vienna, meanwhile, are asking for monetary donations.
February 7, 2023

President Van der Bellen Reassured Support for Ukraine

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen met with his counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy to reassure Austria’s support for Ukraine. He also visited several humanitarian organizations doing their best they can to help and rebuild Ukraine.
February 2, 2023

Vienna Sends More Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
The City of Vienna is continuing to assist Ukrainians during these tough times. This week, three trucks of relief supplies were loaded and sent to Ukraine, which contained hospital beds, medical devices, etc.
January 22, 2023

Austria Gives 3 Million Euros as Humanitarian Aid to Lebanon
The Austrian government will increase its humanitarian and financial aid to Lebanon since the country in the Middle East is going through a severe economic crisis and at the same time is harboring a high number of refugees. The aid will go through UNHCR, CERF and the NGO Geneva Call.
December 27, 2022

EU Delegation in Vienna Organized Charity Gala "#EU4UKRAINE
The EU Delegation to the International Organizations in Vienna organized for the third time the EU Multilateral Christmas Charity Gala. The Kalush Orchestra, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) winner from Ukraine, also came to MuTh for the EU Multilateral Christmas Charity Gala in favor of Ukraine and performed together with the Janoska Ensemble, the Chorus Juventus of the Vienna Boys Choir.
December 18, 2022

Austria Gives 5.5 Million Euros for Burkina Faso and Mali
The Sahel is facing a multitude of crises. In addition to widespread poverty and the worst drought in decades, armed conflicts and terrorist violence are affecting the people of the region. With a total of 5.5 million euros from the Foreign Ministry's Foreign Disaster Fund, the Austrian federal government aims to alleviate the existing suffering in Burkina Faso and Mali.
November 23, 2022

Austria Celebrates the UN Humanitarian Day
Today marks World Humanitarian Day. World Humanitarian Day, is celebrated to honour the many people who have lost their lives in the service of humanity, as well as those who, day after day, make the lives of others easier in emergency situations.
August 17, 2022

Global Food Crisis: Lebanon Receives Aid From Austria
By intervening in Ukraine, the Russian war of aggression and resulting food crisis have exacerbated the already existing humanitarian crisis in Lebanon. Financial resources from the Foreign Disaster Fund have recently been released by the Austrian Federal Government to assist on the ground in order to help.
July 28, 2022

Austria Promises Further Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

In the course of the current programme of visits by Ukrainian politicians to Austria, Austria promised further support in the war against Russia. In addition to unwavering solidarity, the Ukrainian population is to benefit from further humanitarian aid.
June 22, 2022

Austrian Chancellor Had a Phonecall With Putin

Chancellor Karl Nehammer spoke on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the war in Ukraine. Specifically, it was about "green corridors" and the exchange of prisoners. The phone call was very intense. The focus was on issues of humanitarian aid, food security and prisoner exchange. Austria wants to mediate between Moscow and the West.
May 29, 2022

EU Supports Ukraine With Substantial Financial Aid
The second tranche of the EU macro-financial assistance to Ukraine has just been disbursed. The total of €600 million is intended to help cover the acute financing gaps in Ukraine, which is suffering severely from the consequences of the Russian war of aggression. The assistance is intended to improve Ukraine's macroeconomic stability and help keep state agencies functioning during this critical period.
May 20, 2022

UN Secretary General Guterres in Ukraine: "We Will Not Give Up”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, during a visit to the capital Kiev, expressed courage to Ukraine and assured its full support. He condemned the Russian attacks and promised to continue providing aid and financial resources. During his speech, 2 bombs, among others, hit the Ukrainian capital.
April 29, 2022

How the European Union Is Providing Humanitarian Help to Ukraine

In Ukraine, the war has been raging for about two months now. The situation for people in Ukraine is miserable and the constant fighting makes normal life impossible. The European Union also provides humanitarian support to Ukraine. Read more about the EU's humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
April 28, 2022

How the Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Affects Life in Vienna
The humanitarian crisis created by Russia's brutal war in Ukraine can now be felt in Vienna. Read how the crisis is affecting life in Vienna.
April 25, 2022

How Many Refugees Have Fled Ukraine to Austria?
Austria will help its neighboring countries cope with the expected influx from Ukraine following the Russian military attack by accepting Ukrainian refugees despite its generally restrictive migration policy. Please find below questions and answers regarding entry and stay of Ukrainian citizens in Austria.
March 3, 2022

Ukraine Invasion: Austria Demands Compliance with Humanitarian Law and the Securing of Civilian Corridors

Austria is demanding that Russia comply with humanitarian law and create secure corridors for civilians to leave Ukraine and international organizations to send aid in. Read what Chancellor Nehammer and Foreign Minister Schallenberg said about this and watch their joint press conference.
March 3, 2022

UNHCR: One Million Refugees Have Fled Ukraine in a Week

In just seven days, one million people have fled Ukraine, uprooted by this senseless war.
March 3, 2022

Ukraine Invasion: Austria Also Possesses a "Willkommenskultur"

Austria is already preparing to receive Ukrainian refugees fleeing the violent Russian invasion of Ukraine. The people of Austria have a chance to once again display their "Wilkommenskultur" ("welcoming culture") and welcome those fleeing the brutal conflict into their country with open arms. Read what Vienna is currently doing to help welcome the refugees.
March 2, 2022

Attack on Ukraine: Austria Extends Aid from Foreign Disaster Fund to a Total of 17.5 Million Euros

The Austrian government has approved another 15 million euros in humanitarian aid for Ukraine from the Foreign Disaster Fund. Read about how the money will be allocated and the daunting projections that suggest Ukraine will almost certainly need more foreign aid.
March 1, 2022

After the African Union Summit: Austria Provides €5 Million in Total to Alleviate Migration Pressure

Following the 6th European Union - African Union Summit, Austria announced that it would provide € 5 million in humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Tunisia. Read about Austria's efforts to alleviate some of the migration pressure caused by conflicts in Africa.
February 18, 2022

Crisis in Lebanon - Austria's 180 Men Help Counter Hezbollah

Foreign Minister Schallenberg is in Lebanon for a working visit to discuss the ongoing crisis the country is facing. Read more about Schallenberg's visit and how Austria plans to help Lebanon.
January 11, 2022

Priorities of Austrian Foreign Policy in the Face of Numerous Global Challenges in 2022

The Foreign Policy Committee of the Austrian National Council recently met to discuss some of the major global challenges going into 2022. Read which issues they discussed and Austria's stance on them.
December 15, 2021

Additional Millions for the Fight Against Terrorism, Armed Conflict, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Austrian government has decided to provide millions of euros to help Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, and Jordan deal with the humanitarian crises they are facing. Read how this aid will be allocated and why Austria believes it is necessary.
December 3, 2021

High-level Belarus Conference in Vienna

Chancellor Schallenberg participated in a video conference to discuss the situation in Belarus and the worsening humanitarian crisis at the EU's external border with numerous representatives from other EU member states and Belarusian opposition politicians. Read what was discussed at the meeting and watch a joint press conference with Schallenberg and Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.
November 23, 2021

Austrian Development Agency: An Additional 2 Million Euros for Afghanistan

At the United Nations donor conference for the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the Austrian Minister for Integration and Women's Affairs Susanne Raab announced that Austria will provide an additional 2 million euros in aid to Afghanistan. The aid is being made available through funds from the Austrian Development Aid Cooperation of the Austrian Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Austrian Foreign Ministry. The conference resulted in pledges of nearly double the amount of money that the UN had set as its goal.
September 16, 2021

Aid Package for Afghanistan Approved by Austrian Federal Government

The Austrian Federal Government has officially approved 18 million euros in emergency aid for Afghanistan that it had previously promised. The aid will go from the Austrian Foreign Ministry's Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN Women, and the UN World Food Program.
September 9, 2021

Schallenberg on Afghanistan: "Clear advance of mistrust toward the Taliban"

The Gymnich Meeting of EU foreign ministers recently took place in Slovenia. One of the main issues discussed during the two days of meetings was the situation in Afghanistan and how to deal with the Taliban going forward. Alexander Schallenberg expressed that there is a deep mistrust of the Taliban, but technical cooperation with them is currently necessary. Read more about what Schallenberg said and watch the video of him taking questions from the press.
September 7, 2021

Afghanistan: Austria Discusses Aid with Neighboring States Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan

To discuss cooperation and support on the situation in Afghanistan, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and Interior Minister Karl Nehammer initiated a joint video conference with Afghanistan's Central Asian neighbors, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as three European countries, Germany, Denmark, and Greece. The focus of the conversation with Afghanistan’s neighboring countries was on security, migration, and humanitarian aid.
August 31, 2021

Venezuela and Colombia Receive Support from Austria

In the midst of a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and Colombia, the Austrian government has decided to support the two Latin American countries and to additionally substantially increase the UNHCR funding. Read more below.
June 28, 2021

Austria Provides Covid-19 Aid for India

India will receive antiviral drugs worth EUR 2 million from Austria for the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Only recently, India has recorded a massive increase of infection numbers, which is why Austria and other countries have assured their help by providing various drugs and medical supplies.
April 28, 2021

Austria Continues Support for Syria

Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg has agreed on providing aid of more than EUR 18 million for Syria and Syrian refugees. On the occasion of the ten year anniversary of the crisis and the fifth Brussels Conference on "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", Schallenberg demands an end for the wait for peace in Syria.
March 31, 2021

World Water Day: Austria Promotes Access to Clean Water

On the occasion of World Water Day 2021, Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and Managing Director of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) Martin Ledolter stay committed to promoting access to drinking water in different countries around the world. Funds of almost EUR 7 million will be provided for projects in Ethiopia, Moldova and other countries.
March 23, 2021

Austria Stays Committed to Humanitarian Aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine

Austria's Federal Government has decided to release the largest disbursement from the Foreign Disaster Fund for humanitarian aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine. Around EUR 13.5 million will be made available to Austrian NGOs providing aid in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Jordan, and the eastern Ukraine.
March 18, 2021

Austria's Schallenberg and Nehammer at EU Foreign and Interior Ministers' Meeting

For the first time ever, EU Foreign and Interior Ministers met jointly to discuss migration issues. Austria's Foreign Minister Schallenberg and Interior Minister Nehammer demand a better system for the repatriation process of migrants who have not been granted asylum.
March 16, 2021

Covid-19: Austria Will Receive Additional EU Aid

Austria and 20 other EU member states or accession countries will be receiving financial aid to relief and to protect public health during the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding, which comes from the EU Solidarity Fund, comprises almost EU 32 million for Austria, which would be invested in medical equipment, emergency assistance, contact tracing and other pandemic-related obligations.
March 15, 2021

Crisis in Yemen: "Humanitarian Aid is Vital for Survival"

In order to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the Austrian government has decided to provide EUR 3 million for the malnourished and diseased people from Yemen. The funds will be provided to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which is currently working in Yemen to better the situation for the Yemeni population.
March 9, 2021

Schallenberg Delighted About Delivery of Vaccinations to Ghana

The international COVAX initiative shows its first remarkable success. 600,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by AstraZeneca were delivered to West Africa, specifically to Ghana. Austria's Foreign Minister, an active supporter of COVAX, emphasizes the importance of cooperation and solidarity in the fight against the pandemic.
February 25, 2021

Austria Provides Medical Treatment for Kosovar Patients

An impactful gas explosion in Kosovo left more than 40 people injured, several of them needing urgent intensive medical treatment. After the Kosovar government approached the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Chancellor Kurz and Foreign Minister Schallenberg reacted immediately and promised to help.
January 11, 2021

Bosnia and Herzegovina Receives Support From Austria

The Austrian Foreign Ministry has decided to provide the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) with EUR 1 million for the humanitarian care of refugees and migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Foreign Minister Schallenberg is eager to support the affected people with rapid assistance directly in the area.
January 4, 2021

EUR 2.4 Million for Covid-19 Vaccine in Developing Countries

In the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Austria will be supporting the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in a total of 92 developing countries. Foreign Minister Schallenberg warns that the crisis has underlined the "inequalities and fragilities within the community of states" and therefore demands an international approach regarding Covid-19 vaccination.
December 17, 2020

City of Vienna Supports Aid for Moria

The City of Vienna has agreed on supporting the refugees in Moria and Lesvos with financial aid. EUR 300,000 will be distributed among three non-governmental organizations, which will then provide immediate assistance for those, who currently live under extreme conditions in the refugee camps.
December 16, 2020

Austria Helps: Covid-19 Accelerates Global Crises

The Austrian government has decided to increase its funding for the Foreign Disaster Fund and the Austrian Development Agency, which are both responding to ongoing crises in the world. In total, the two programs will be able to help people in need with over EUR 175 million in 2021, an increase of almost EUR 40 million compared to 2020.
December 15, 2020

Lavrov and Schallenberg: Support for Nagorno-Karabakh

In a telephone call, Lavrov and Schallenberg, the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and Austria, respectively, have assured their countries' support for the people in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The Austrian government has, furthermore, decided to make funds from the Foreign Disaster Fund available.
November 18, 2020

City of Vienna And Global 2000: Clean Drinking Water for Children From Chernobyl

The City of Vienna together with the environmental protection organization Global 2000 will provide another 15 drinking water purification systems that will be installed in the eastern Ukraine. These installations will provide fresh drinking water for thousand of children and their families.
November 17, 2020

Austria Supports Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Jordan

The Austrian government has decided to support Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon with EUR 1 million. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister are sure that by supporting Austrian NGOs, the aid will "be helping directly in the crisis regions of the Middle East".
November 11, 2020