Syria in Austria | Syrians in Vienna | Bilateral Relations

Austria and Syria - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Austria's Schallenberg Calls for New EU Course in Syria and Criticizes Israeli Occupation

Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) is calling for a more pragmatic approach from European foreign policy in dealing with Syria and is positioning himself on the side of international law with his criticism of Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights. His demands have met with mixed reactions within the EU, but also raise fundamental questions about Europe's role in the region. Whether this course will endure remains uncertain given Austria's often cautious foreign policy.

December 18, 2024

Austria Halts Asylum Procedure for Syrians: Consequences and Reactions

One day after the fall of Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad, Austria and many other European countries drastically revised their asylum policies for Syrian citizens. Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) instructed Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) to suspend all ongoing Syrian asylum procedures and to review existing grants of asylum. This also applies to family reunification, which will be temporarily halted. Germany, Italy, and Great Britain have also taken similar steps.

December 11, 2024

Hopeful Peace Deal for Gangs in Gang Violence in Vienna

In recent weeks, Vienna's streets have been rocked by violent clashes between Syrian and Chechen youth gangs. These conflicts, which were initially perceived as ethnic tensions, have thrown the city into turmoil. But now there are signs of a surprising turnaround: Representatives of both communities have published a joint statement aimed at improving cooperation.

August 6, 2024

Austria Calls for a Reorientation of EU Policy Towards Syria

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg is calling for a fundamental reorientation of EU policy towards Syria and is receiving support from seven of his EU colleagues from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, and Slovakia.

July 23, 2024

EX-FPÖ Defense Minister Herbert Scheibner: Shadow Diplomacy in Syria and Iran

In the summer of 2019, when Syria's President Bashar al-Assad was acting with extreme brutality against the rebels in Idlib, former FPÖ Defense Minister Herbert Scheibner went on a trip to Syria. He met high-ranking representatives of the Assad regime in Damascus and later visited the Iranian ambassador in Vienna. But what drove Scheibner to these meetings?

October 9, 2023

AACC Organised the “Ambassadors’ Meeting” at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC), in harmonious collaboration with the Vienna School of International Studies or Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, successfully conducted the “Ambassadors’ Meeting”.

September 17, 2023

Türkiye Must Comply with International Law Obligations, Says Foreign Affairs Committee

The Foreign Affairs Committee has urged the Republic of Türkiye to comply with International Law. This was done after the opposition parties set a motion to condemn Türkiye’s attacks in Northeast Syria and North Iraq.

March 27, 2023

Austria Supports Earthquake Victims in Turkish-Syrian Border Area

The devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria left devastation and over 6000 people dead. The search for survivors in the rubble continues, among other things with numerous international aid. Austria is also sending aid with 82 soldiers and 3 million euros from the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) for relief organizations. NGOs in Vienna, meanwhile, are asking for monetary donations.

February 7, 2023

List of National Days of the Home Countries of All Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria

The Vindobona table below is an updated list of National Days of all nations, which belong to at least one of following categories: Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria; Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria; International Organizations in Vienna and Permanent Missions; Missions and Delegations to the OSCE.

February 11, 2015 · Updated: December 14, 2022; 08:12

Austria Gives 8 Million Euros to Syria and Jordan

The Syrian conflict, which has been going on for more than 10 years, has led to one of the world's biggest humanitarian crises. The precarious situation on the ground and in neighboring Jordan, where many Syrian refugees are, is worsening and a political solution to the conflict is not in sight. Austria's humanitarian aid on the ground is helping to prevent illegal migration to Europe, the government said.

November 30, 2022

Austro-Arab Chamber Organised the “Ambassadors’ Meeting at Vienna School for International Studies”

The Vienna School of International Studies hosted the "Ambassadors' Meeting at Vienna School of International Studies", organized by the Austro-Arab Chamber (AACC).

September 14, 2022

Foreigners in Austria: More Than a Quarter of the Austrian Population Has a Migration Background

A new study by Statistics Austria analysed the countries of origin of Austrians and found that more than a quarter of the Austrian population has a migration background. If you want to know where most foreigners in Austria come from and how much the proportion has increased in recent years, read on.

July 28, 2022

Forgotten Crisis: Austria Supports Syria at International Donor Conference

This week, the 6th donor conference to support Syria and the region is taking place in Brussels. This conference is the most important donor event for the country, which has suffered enormously in recent years, mainly due to war and natural disasters, and is still dependent on humanitarian aid from other countries. Austria is also represented and will contribute to the relief efforts.

May 10, 2022

Iran Nuclear Talks: EU Tries To Revive the Negotiations

European officials are trying to save the Iran nuclear deal. To find a solution to the months-long standoff between Tehran and Washington, EU coordinator Enrique Mora is scheduled to visit Tehran. Read about the newest developments in Iran and the JCPOA.

May 8, 2022

Arab Chambers’ Day at the Austrian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

The event "Arab Chambers' Day" at the Austrian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020 provided an opportunity for Emirati, Arab and Austrian delegates to meet and become acquainted with leading Austrian companies. Find out more about the event and which senior Arab and Austrian officials and delegations attended.

April 5, 2022

Brussels: Schallenberg Attends Ukraine Crisis Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers

Foreign Minister Schallenberg attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels. The meeting, which U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also attended virtually, focused on the ongoing crisis between Russia and Ukraine. Read about the meeting and watch an interview with Foreign Minister Schallenberg.

January 26, 2022

Omicron Coming: New Entry Rules for Austria since December 20.

With immediate effect and thus before Christmas, new stricter entry rules apply for travel to Austria. This applies to both foreigners and locals. Please find the details as follows.

December 19, 2021

Austrian Foreign Ministry: New Appointments to 28 Senior Diplomatic Posts Worldwide

The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten) has decided in its last meeting of the Council of Ministers the new appointments of several (28) Austrian diplomats - as follows.

December 15, 2021

Additional Millions for the Fight Against Terrorism, Armed Conflict, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Austrian government has decided to provide millions of euros to help Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, and Jordan deal with the humanitarian crises they are facing. Read how this aid will be allocated and why Austria believes it is necessary.

December 3, 2021

What's on the Agenda for the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, November 24-26, 2021?

The IAEA Board of Governors will convene its regular November meeting virtually, starting at 10:30 CET on Wednesday, 24 November. Board discussions are expected to include verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015).

November 23, 2021

Opening of the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting 2021 in Vienna

The IAEA Board of Governors met physically this week under the chairmanship of Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi in the Plenary Hall of the M-Building at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), and discussed the topics listed below.

September 17, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: These Are the Updated Entry Rules

Due to today's amendment of the Austrian "COVID-19 Entry Regulation 2021", we bring you an update on the regulations for entering Austria.

July 20, 2021

Schallenberg at Anti-IS Coalition Meeting: "No Country is Left Out as a Gallic Village"

At the Global Anti-IS (Anti-Daesh) Coalition Meeting in Rome, Austrian Foreign Minister Schallenberg and his European and global counterparts discussed how to best combat the current threats of Islamist terrorists.

June 29, 2021

Permanent Representative of Syria to the International Organizations in Vienna Presents his Credentials

The new Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations (Vienna), Hasan Khaddour, presented his credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ghada Waly.

June 18, 2021

Israel Flag Hoisting Crisis: Protest of Arab Ambassadors in Austria

All 17 ambassadors of Arab states accredited in Vienna protest against the raising of the Israeli flag on the roofs of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

May 27, 2021

Austria Continues Support for Syria

Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg has agreed on providing aid of more than EUR 18 million for Syria and Syrian refugees. On the occasion of the ten year anniversary of the crisis and the fifth Brussels Conference on "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", Schallenberg demands an end for the wait for peace in Syria.

March 31, 2021

Austrian Foreign Ministry: New Appointments to 30 Senior Diplomatic Positions Worldwide

The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten) under the guidance of Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg has decided in today's meeting of the Council of Ministers the new appointments of several (30) Austrian representative authorities - as follows.

February 24, 2021

Österreichisches Außenministerium: Neubesetzung von 30 Diplomatischen Leitungsfunktionen Weltweit

Das Österreichische Außenministerium (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten) unter der Leitung von Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg hat in der heutigen Sitzung des Ministerrates die Neubesetzung von mehreren (30) österreichischen Vertretungsbehörden - wie folgt - beschlossen.

February 24, 2021

New Year's Reception for Vienna's Diplomatic Corps

Alexander Van Der Bellen and Pedro Lopez Quintana, the doyen of the diplomatic corps, delivered a video address on the occasion of the New Year 2021 to all diplomats accredited in Austria and to the international community in general. Read the most important excerpts from the Austrian President's speech below.

January 29, 2021

Austria Supports Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Jordan

The Austrian government has decided to support Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon with EUR 1 million. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister are sure that by supporting Austrian NGOs, the aid will "be helping directly in the crisis regions of the Middle East".

November 11, 2020

IPU World Conference: National Council President Sobotka Highlights Importance of International Cooperation

The 5th IPU World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, originally planned on being conducted in Vienna, was held virtually from August 19 to August 20. Austrian National Council President Sobotka as well as the majority of the representatives underlined the importance of international cooperation.

August 21, 2020

Austrian Assistance to Palestinian Refugees with EUR 8.1 Million

Over the period 2020 to 2022, Austria will pay a total of EUR 8.1 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

August 19, 2020

Molecular Immunologist Penninger and AACC Discuss Potential Research Cooperations with Arab Countries

The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Vienna welcomed prominent researcher and molecular immunologist Prof. Josef Penninger for cooperative talks on the subject of establishing modern and state-of-the-art research centers and scientific units in Arab countries.

August 19, 2020

Austrian Officials Open 13th IPU Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament

The 13th IPU Summit is held virtually and will cover important topics dealing with countless inequalities women face today. The organization of the event is a common effort between the Austrian Parliament and the United Nations.

August 18, 2020

Austria Lifts Landing Bans for Airplanes from All 18 Countries that were Previously Banned

The previous landing bans for aircraft from 18 countries expired on 1 August 2020. From now on, new entry regulations will apply, requiring a mandatory Covid 19 test. There are exceptions for diplomats and some other groups.

August 1, 2020

Coronavirus Worldwide Update

Worldwide deaths has exceed 610,000, according to data collected by the ECDC Centre in Sweden. More than 14.7 million people have been infected, while some 8.6 million have recovered. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still the USA, where there are already more than 140,000 deaths. The number of infected and dead continues to rise sharply in most countries. Following is the situation update as of July 22, 2020.

July 20, 2020

COVID-19 and the Situation of Refugees in Austria

A research project at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) reveals the situation of refugees in Austria in the midst of the Corona crisis.

June 25, 2020

Start of Arab-Austrian Cultural Season 2020

The Arab-Austrian Cultural Season 2020 will be carried out under the motto “Austria and Arab Countries: A Cultural Partnership And An Extended History” has officially started.

March 9, 2020

COVID-19: Risk Assessment on Travel and Visits to Austria

The coronavirus outbreak has now reached Austria and the disease is spreading further. What is the risk of infection when travelling in and to Austria?

February 28, 2020

Reception of Austria-Accredited Ambassadors in the Federal Chancellery

The new Austrian Federal Government is in favour of continuing multilateral cooperation, especially in cooperation with the European countries.

January 31, 2020

Traditional New Year Reception for the Diplomatic Corps in Vienna

The Federal President's Reception for the Diplomatic Corps annually gathers all diplomatic representatives in Vienna in the Ceremonial Hall of the Hofburg.

January 17, 2020

Austro-Arab Chamber Secretary General Receives “Decoration of Merit in Gold of the Province of Vienna”

The AACC Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Vienna announced that Secretary General Dipl.-Ing. Mr. Mouddar Khouja was awarded the "Decoration of Merit in Gold of the Province of Vienna", in recognition of his dedication and devotement to the province of Vienna through his personal initiatives and in his professional capacity as Secretary General of AACC.

November 4, 2019

30th Anniversary Celebrations of Austro- Arab Chamber of Commerce

The AACC Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce held a gala in the ballroom of the Vienna City Hall on the occasion of its 30th anniversary and on the occasion of the 11th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition.

October 25, 2019

Turkey: Schallenberg Calls for an End to EU Candidate Status

The meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg focused on the Turkish military offensive in Northern Syria. In the run-up to the meeting, Foreign Minister Schallenberg emphasised that the military action was "simply wrong" and that it was now the EU's turn to take clear decisions.

October 16, 2019

Syria Conflict: Humanitarian Assistance to Jordan and Lebanon

Austria has decided to disburse humanitarian funds totalling EUR 1 million for Syria's most severely affected neighbouring countries. The funds from the Foreign Disaster Fund will each amount to half a million euros for Jordan and Lebanon.

September 12, 2019

Austria to Support Syria and Mali with EUR 2.5 Million

The Austrian Council of Ministers approved a total of 2.5 million euros in aid payments from the Foreign Disaster Fund for humanitarian aid in Mali and Syria. The money is intended for refugees in the two crisis areas.

July 31, 2019

Updated Directory of Foreign Ambassadors in Austria 2019

Below you will find the updated list of foreign ambassadors and representatives of the bilateral and multilateral missions and representations in Vienna, Austria (including description of persons, pictures, CVs, etc.).

November 19, 2018 · Updated: July 19, 2019; 11:50

40 Years of the UN in Vienna - The Tireless Commitment of António Guterres

UN Secretary General António Guterres completed a busy programme when he came to Vienna for the 40th anniversary celebrations and the R20 Austria World Summit. The VIC Vienna International Centre is the place where, with the help of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 193 member states, 15 Vienna-based UN organisations and more than 5000 people from 125 countries from around the world are bound together.

May 31, 2019

IS Returnees to Austria - No Consular Protection Abroad

Austria adopted an autonomous consular law whereby consular protection abroad is regulated in a separate law for the first time and IS returnees can be denied consular protection.

April 26, 2019

International Mine Awareness Day: By 2025 We Want to Make the World Minefree

Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl stresses Austria's commitment to the International Mine Awareness Day. In the last 20 years Austria has provided more than 33 million euros for mine action and supported projects in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mozambique, Ukraine and other countries.

April 4, 2019