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Austrian Diplomacy in Crossfire: Schallenberg's Journey Through the Middle East
In the shadow of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, which reached a new level of escalation following the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2024, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg embarked on a significant diplomatic mission. His trip, which lasted three days, took him through Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, and finally Lebanon - all hotspots in a region marked by political tensions and humanitarian crises.
March 4, 2024

Austrian International Military Cooperation in Jordan: Focus on Gender Issues

The Austrian Armed Forces, in cooperation with the armed forces from the Netherlands and Canada and the organization "UN-Women", have launched the first "Advanced Gender Focal Point Course" in Amman, Jordan.
February 17, 2024

Austria's Foreign Disaster Fund is Increased
Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg have praised the increase of the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) to 77.5 million euros in 2023 before the Council of Ministers.
May 4, 2023

List of National Days of the Home Countries of All Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria
The Vindobona table below is an updated list of National Days of all nations, which belong to at least one of following categories: Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria; Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria; International Organizations in Vienna and Permanent Missions; Missions and Delegations to the OSCE.
February 11, 2015 · Updated: December 14, 2022; 08:12

Weekly Briefing: Austria’s Dealing with Rising Energy Prices
The Find out more about this week's developments. Austria is trying to stop the rise of energy prices through multiple discussions, possible laws and creative methods. Read about the latest developments!
December 1, 2022

Austria Gives 8 Million Euros to Syria and Jordan
The Syrian conflict, which has been going on for more than 10 years, has led to one of the world's biggest humanitarian crises. The precarious situation on the ground and in neighboring Jordan, where many Syrian refugees are, is worsening and a political solution to the conflict is not in sight. Austria's humanitarian aid on the ground is helping to prevent illegal migration to Europe, the government said.
November 30, 2022

Forgotten Crisis: Austria Supports Syria at International Donor Conference
This week, the 6th donor conference to support Syria and the region is taking place in Brussels. This conference is the most important donor event for the country, which has suffered enormously in recent years, mainly due to war and natural disasters, and is still dependent on humanitarian aid from other countries. Austria is also represented and will contribute to the relief efforts.
May 10, 2022

Austrian Foreign Minister Schallenberg Travels to the Middle East

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg traveled to Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Autonomous Territories to hold Working meetings. The Russian invasion of Ukraine shakes the world. Austria shows itself as a mediator also in regions that are endangered but have moved into the background of attention.
April 26, 2022

Arab Chambers’ Day at the Austrian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

The event "Arab Chambers' Day" at the Austrian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020 provided an opportunity for Emirati, Arab and Austrian delegates to meet and become acquainted with leading Austrian companies. Find out more about the event and which senior Arab and Austrian officials and delegations attended.
April 5, 2022

Arab Chambers' Day at Austrian Pavilion at Expo Dubai

The event "Arab Chambers' Day" at the Austrian Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020 will provide an opportunity for Emirati, Arab and Austrian delegates to meet and become acquainted with leading Austrian companies. Find out more about the event.
March 18, 2022

Additional Millions for the Fight Against Terrorism, Armed Conflict, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Austrian government has decided to provide millions of euros to help Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, and Jordan deal with the humanitarian crises they are facing. Read how this aid will be allocated and why Austria believes it is necessary.
December 3, 2021

Official State Visit of the King of Jordan to Austria

King Abdullah II of Jordan recently met with President Van der Bellen in Vienna. The two leaders discussed various issues, including climate change. Read more about King Abdullah's official visit to Austria.
October 26, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: These Are the Updated Entry Rules
Due to today's amendment of the Austrian "COVID-19 Entry Regulation 2021", we bring you an update on the regulations for entering Austria.
July 20, 2021

Arab Ambassadors in Vienna and Economic Relations between their Countries and Austria

The Ambassadors from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, and the UAE to Austria provided an economic overview of their countries and their relationship with Austria in an online forum with the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC).
July 11, 2021

Israel Flag Hoisting Crisis: Protest of Arab Ambassadors in Austria

All 17 ambassadors of Arab states accredited in Vienna protest against the raising of the Israeli flag on the roofs of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Austrian Foreign Ministry.
May 27, 2021

World's Most Influential Climate Scientist Works in Research Institute Near Vienna

The Laxenburg-based research institute IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is proud to announce that its Director of Energy, Climate and Environment, Keywan Riahi, has been ranked first on the Reuters Hot List of the Worlds Top Climate Scientists. In total, nine IIASA researchers made it onto the ranking of the 1,000 most influential scientists. Read about who these researchers are and why they made it onto the list.
May 13, 2021

Austria Stays Committed to Humanitarian Aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine

Austria's Federal Government has decided to release the largest disbursement from the Foreign Disaster Fund for humanitarian aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine. Around EUR 13.5 million will be made available to Austrian NGOs providing aid in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Jordan, and the eastern Ukraine.
March 18, 2021

IIASA: Science Diplomacy Made in Vienna

Since the days of the Cold War, Vienna has also played host to "science diplomacy," and it is conducted at Schloss Laxenburg (near Vienna, to be exact). There resides the IIASA international research institute, which was founded in 1972 and today plays a leading role in promoting this concept as a key tool for building trust between nations and supporting foreign policy.
February 1, 2021

Austria Supports Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Jordan

The Austrian government has decided to support Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon with EUR 1 million. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister are sure that by supporting Austrian NGOs, the aid will "be helping directly in the crisis regions of the Middle East".
November 11, 2020

Cooperation Between Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Laxenburg Research Institute IIASA

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has joined IIASA as a prospective member through the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan. The two potential partners are testing a two-year trial membership.
September 9, 2020

Start of Arab-Austrian Cultural Season 2020

The Arab-Austrian Cultural Season 2020 will be carried out under the motto “Austria and Arab Countries: A Cultural Partnership And An Extended History” has officially started.
March 9, 2020

Syria Conflict: Humanitarian Assistance to Jordan and Lebanon

Austria has decided to disburse humanitarian funds totalling EUR 1 million for Syria's most severely affected neighbouring countries. The funds from the Foreign Disaster Fund will each amount to half a million euros for Jordan and Lebanon.
September 12, 2019

Ambassador Leena Al-Hadid Takes Over as New Chairperson of IAEA Board of Governors

The new Jordanian Ambassador to Austria and to the international organizations in Vienna, H.E. Mrs. Leena Al-Hadid, who recently presented Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg, was also elected this week by the IAEA Board of Governors as the Chairperson of the IAEA's Board of Governors for 2018-2019.
September 28, 2018

Meet the New Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Austria: H.E. Mrs. Leena Al-Hadid

The new Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Austria, H.E. Mrs. Leena Al-Hadid presented Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.
September 19, 2018

Austrian Exports to the Palestinian Territories Better than Ever

Despite the current tensions between the State of Palestine and Austria over the participation of Ambassador Martin Weiss in the US Embassy Opening Ceremonies, the Austrian Foreign Trade Centers Amman and Tel Aviv are planning a Fact Finding Mission to Ramallah and Amman for the second half of 2018. Austrian exports of goods to the Palestinian Territories increased by +108% in 2017.
May 17, 2018

Austrian Delegation Seeks to Improve Economic and Political Relations with Jordan

An official visit of President Van der Bellen to Jordan will take place from 17 April to 19 April 2018. The delegation to Amman will be accompanied by an economic mission headed by WKO Vice President Richard Schenz. The economic mission of the WKO is the response of an invitation issued some time ago by the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom.
March 8, 2018

Meet Her Excellency Austria's New Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl

Karin Kneissl (53) was recently appointed Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. At present, she is busy touring Europe and introducing herself to her counterparts, or inviting them to the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs in Vienna.
February 20, 2018