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WHO World Health Organization

European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Health Policy in the Context of Democracy, Demography and Digitalization
The 27th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is one of the most important health policy conferences in Europe. For four days, more than 1200 participants from science, civil society, industry and the public sector will meet to discuss current challenges in the field of health policy. The conference is dedicated to the complex interplay of the “3D” trends: democracy, demography and digitalization.
September 24, 2024

Austria Provides 2 Million Euros for Disaster Relief in North Africa

The suffering caused by natural disasters in Morocco and Libya has caused consternation around the world. To respond to this humanitarian crisis, the Austrian Federal Government has decided to provide two million euros from the Foreign Ministry's Foreign Disaster Fund.
September 21, 2023

Austrian Minister of Social Affairs Travels to Moldova for Working Visit
In an official trip, the Austrian Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Johannes Rauch, visits the Republic of Moldova to negotiate bilaterally with Moldovan ministerial counterparts and representatives of WHO, EU, and NGOs.
July 26, 2023

Secretary-General Tieffenthal Participated in the European Ministers Council

A Council Meeting between all Development Ministers of the European Nations took place in Stockholm. Secretary-General Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal represented Austria in the meeting, where they discussed global healthcare and the rebuilding of Ukraine.
March 9, 2023

International Atomic Energy Agency and its 66th General Conference
Many issues were discussed at the 66th General Conference of the IAEA, held in Vienna. The theme of "Global Cooperation in the Nuclear Field" focused not only on nuclear security, the future of nuclear technologies, and the role of the IAEA but also on global nuclear security issues, such as Iran's and North Korea's nuclear programs as well as recent Russian nuclear threats.
October 1, 2022

Covid in Austria: The Situation Among Refugees and People With Migrant Backgrounds
As the World Health Organization is reporting vaccine inequity for migrants in national vaccine rollouts around the world, Austria is attempting to vaccinate its migrant population by offering vaccinations at the integration centers throughout the country. Read about how this is going.
December 22, 2021

With Omicron Spreading, Many Countries Consider a Vaccine Mandate like Austria
The Omicron variation has reignited the debate over and the introduction of mandatory vaccination. The challenges, remain immense, even as some governments are trying to speed up their vaccination campaigns and are considering a vaccine mandate in the face of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Whether Omicron will lead to the wealthier countries rethinking things remains undecided.
December 6, 2021

Travel and Covid: Austria Imposes Entry Ban on Southern African Countries
Due to the spread of a new variant of COVID-19 in Southern Africa, Austria has imposed an entry ban on travelers from South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini/Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Read about the new travel restriction and the variant causing it.
November 26, 2021 · Updated: November 26, 2021; 15:11

Vienna International Centre - Live-Ticker Coronavirus Situation: Several New Positive COVID-19 Cases, 380 Cases in Total
The Vienna International Centre (VIC, UNO City) and the Vienna International Centre Medical Service are reporting new positive COVID-19 cases. The total number of VIC personnel who have tested positive is 380. Below you can see the latest updates of the four main Vienna-based United Nations organizations (United Nations Office at Vienna/UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN Industrial Development Organization and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), as announced by UNIS and provided by the Vienna International Centre Medical Service. Regular updates on the number of cases of are no longer issued
June 25, 2020 · Updated: August 9, 2021; 17:25

Vienna Declaration Sets Stage for Climate-Friendly Mobility

The adoption of the Vienna Declaration at the THE PEP Conference with more than 850 participants from 41 countries, including 46 ministers and state secretaries, has set the stage for environmentally conscious and healthy mobility. Read all about the event below!
May 20, 2021

New US Presidency: Austria and EU Welcome New Chapter

Joe Biden, as new President of the United States, and Kamala Harris, as new Vice President, were inaugurated on January 20, 2021. The reactions from politicians throughout the European Union and Austria to the inauguration and the President's first acts were filled with hope and positivity.
January 22, 2021

Red Ribbon at Austrian Parliament Draws Attention to World AIDS Day

In order to draw attention to World AIDS Day on December 1, the Austrian Parliament has installed a Red Ribbon on Vienna's Hofburg. National Council President Sobotka points out the recent research, treatment and therapy successes and demands tolerance for and the inclusion of people infected with HIV.
December 1, 2020

Coronavirus in Austria: Update
The coronavirus pandemic has also hit Austria, and deaths and infections caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are still on the rise. New officially confirmed cases of disease are constantly being added. Despite this outbreak in Austria, the situation looks much worse elsewhere. In contrast, however, there are more than 610,797 deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The Austrian health authorities are networked with the relevant bodies within the framework of WHO and EU membership and are in permanent coordination. The international authorities monitor current developments and address the member countries with the following recommendations.
July 20, 2020

Coronavirus in Vienna: Update - July 20, 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has also hit the metropolis of Vienna hard and the number of infected cases and unfortunately also deaths is constantly increasing. It must also be assumed that an unknown number of people who do not suspect this has already been infected. Medical science does not yet know the virus exactly. What is known so far is that in 80 percent of the cases the infection is mild. The mortality rate is currently three per cent, compared with just under one per cent for influenza. What is the Vienna Pandemic Plan? What is the situation in Vienna and what can be done individually? Questions and answers on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) below.
July 20, 2020

Coronavirus in Lower Austria: Update
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has also hit Austria's largest federal state in terms of area, Lower Austria, hard and the number of infected cases is constantly increasing. Below we look at the official data of the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, and analyze the structure of deaths and infections both provincially (Bundesland) and by district (Bezirk). Questions and answers on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) below.
July 20, 2020

Coronavirus in Austria: Live-Ticker (Our live coverage has now concluded)

On this website you can find information and guidance in English from Vindobona.org regarding the current outbreak of the coronavirus pandemie (COVID-19) in Austria. Vindobona.org is being informed by local Austrian and global health authorities to rapidly disseminate information and knowledge on this new virus, and to provide advice to travellers and expats on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak. Please visit this page for daily updates.
April 17, 2020 · Updated: June 9, 2020; 17:35

Vienna International Centre Prepares to Return to Work

In the last two months, i.e. since Monday, 16 March, most of the Vienna International Centre staff have been working from home. From Friday, May 15th, the VIC will start the gradual return to "normal operation". A long-awaited step that will take place gradually and carefully, with the health and well-being of everyone at the VIC remaining the top priority.
May 13, 2020

Coronavirus in Austria: Live-Ticker (Our live coverage has now concluded)
This live ticker has been terminated. Our live coverage has now concluded.
May 1, 2020

Coronavirus in Europe: Update
European coronavirus infections have passed 1,000,000. The number of deaths has now reached 166,007. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still in Europe, together with the US, where there are now more deaths than in the rest of the world. The number of infected and dead people is still doubling every four days in most European countries. Most of the 32 European countries presented in this study are under a state of emergency with curfews and border controls. There is also a lack of doctors, lung respiratory equipment and hospital beds. Following the situation update for the European Union, EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland, as of April 21, 2020.
April 21, 2020

Explosive Corona Papers: Tens of Thousands of Additional Deaths in Austria

An internal study prepared for the government by a commission of experts on the COVID19 crisis shows a gloomy forecast for Austria. The paper states that under the realistic assumption of a replication factor of 1.7 (i.e. 1 person infects 1.7 people), the Austrian health system will collapse. If it is not possible to push the replication factor below the value of 1, tens of thousands of additional deaths and a collapse of the health care system can be expected in Austria by mid-April.
April 1, 2020

Vienna International Centre: Meanwhile Nine COVID-19 Cases Among VIC Personnel

The VIC Medical Service reports, that there are three more confirmed cases of COVID-19 involving VIC personnel. Still, all employees of the organizations located at the VIC are to work from their home offices. Update: As of March, 31, the cumulative total of COVID-19 among VIC personnel is 10 cases. Update: As of Tuesday, March 31, the cumulative total of COVID-19 among VIC personnel is 10 cases.
March 30, 2020 · Updated: March 31, 2020; 22:30

Austrian Government Extends Measures: Masks Partially Obligatory

At a press conference today, the government presented further measures to contain the coronavirus.
March 30, 2020

Already Six Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in the VIC Community

While 4750 of the approximately 5000 international diplomats, scientists and support staff working at the VIC (UN in Vienna/UNODC, IAEA, UNIDO and CTBTO PrepCom) still have to work from home, it has been revealed that a total of six employees have now been infected with coronavirus.
March 26, 2020

Austrian Government to Boost Coronavirus Testing Capacity

The government announced on Tuesday that it would greatly increase the capacity for coronavirus testing, apparently after the WHO had asked European countries to do so the day before.
March 24, 2020

Vienna International Centre: Second COVID-19 Case - Staff Stay at Home Until April 13

In the meantime, there is a second confirmed case of coronavirus infection at the Vienna International Centre (VIC). In addition, the safety measures taken are being extended. All employees of the organizations located at the VIC are to work from their home offices until Monday April 13, 2020.
March 21, 2020

UN Vienna at the Home Office: Instead of 5000 Staff, only 250

The VIC Vienna International Centre informed today that the order that the staff of the four major UN agencies stationed at the VIC should work from home is bearing fruit, and that only about 250 would come to the VIC. Further measures to reduce attendance are planned.
March 18, 2020

First COVID-19 Case at Vienna International Centre Confirmed

The VIC Vienna International Centre (UNO-City) confirms the first case of coronavirus infection, according to which a person who was thought to have contracted influenza as early as 2 March is now infected with coronavirus after all. According to the VIC, none of the first responders have developed any symptoms in the last 14 days.
March 17, 2020

COVID-19: "How do we get through this, Mr. President?"
Alexander Van der Bellen spoke to the "Kronen Zeitung" about an unprecedented threat: "In Austria we want to avoid a situation in hospitals where doctors have to decide who gets the oxygen, the 70-year-old or the 60-year-old."
March 16, 2020

Biggest Health Crisis of the Last Decades - Current Legal COVID-19 Measures in Detail
The next four weeks will decide on the health of many, says the Austrian Minister of Health. What legal bans are in force as of today...
March 16, 2020

Information Campaign on Coronavirus in 11 Foreign Languages

As part of an information campaign for people with a migration background on how to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19), extensive information is now available in 11 foreign languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dari/Farsi, English, French, Pashto, Polish, Russian, Somali, Turkish and Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian.
March 16, 2020

Austria Suspends Travel also with Great Britain, Russia, the Netherlands and Ukraine
After Italy, Switzerland, Spain, France, Iran and parts of China, Austria is now also discontinuing air and rail traffic with Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine.
March 15, 2020

Austria Reports Second Death from COVID-19
In Vienna, the second person died from the consequences of the coronavirus.
March 15, 2020 · Updated: March 15, 2020; 12:06

Austrian Embassies and Consulates Suspend the Issue of Visas

In view of the coronavirus crisis, which has also erupted in Austria, and the related efforts to restrict travel and visits, the Austrian diplomatic missions, i.e. embassies and consulates worldwide, saw themselves forced to suspend the processing of visas.
March 14, 2020

American International School in Vienna Moves to Distance Learning

Vienna's school for children of expats, the "American International School", will close both the High School and Elementary and Middle Schools and move to distance learning, following the WHO's statement, which classifies the spread of COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The school informs, that there are currently no confirmed cases at AIS Vienna.
March 14, 2020

COVID-19: Further Drastic Measures - Reduction of Social Life to a Minimum
In order to slow down the spread of the virus, it is necessary for the Austrian population to continue to take consistent measures, in particular to reduce social contacts to a minimum in the near future.
March 13, 2020

Austria is Concerned, but Federal President Remains Silent
In Austria - as in the rest of the world - there is also the danger of a coronavirus pandemic, but Federal President Van der Bellen, who ran the election campaign with a ticket from the Green Party, and who comments on the climate crisis almost weekly, remains silent, instead of informing the population and calling on them to take preventive measures. (Updated on March 13, 2020. See below.)
February 29, 2020 · Updated: March 13, 2020; 20:30

State of Emergency in Austria: Federal Government Appeals to Population

The Federal Government informed about further necessary steps and the current situation regarding coronavirus. From Monday, March 16, 2020, social life will be reduced to a minimum. Air and train traffic to Switzerland, Spain and France will be suspended. Many shops will be closed, with the exception of those necessary for basic services. Public transport will be maintained. With a few exceptions, cafés, restaurants and bars will only be open until 3 p.m. from Monday onwards. Visitors are prohibited in all hospitals.
March 13, 2020

Highest Security Level: Austria also Suspends Travelling with Switzerland, Spain and France
In addition to Italy, air and rail traffic to Switzerland, Spain and France will now be discontinued. Alongside the existing border controls, checks are now also carried out at the border to Switzerland. The highest travel warning (security level 6) applies to all 4 countries (incl. Italy). As a result of recent decisions, security level 6 now applies to 6 countries: Italy, Iran, parts of China, Switzerland, Spain and France. The Austrian government's "goal is to prevent a situation like that in Italy with all democratic possibilities".
March 13, 2020

High Security Risk - Travel Warning for Austrians to Return as Long as Still Possible
Due to the coronavirus crisis, Austria's Foreign Minister Schallenberg has raised the travel warning for all countries worldwide to "high security risk" (security level 4 of 6). He is calling for citizens to return to Austria as long as there are still opportunities for return travel.
March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Update: South Tyrol Confirms First Death
Now the first person infected with the coronavirus has also died in South Tyrol, reports South Tyrol.
March 12, 2020

Austria Reports First Death from COVID-19
The first death in Austria due to the coronavirus was reported from Vienna today. A 69-year-old man died last night in the Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital.
March 12, 2020

Austrian Government Announces Drastic Measures on Coronavirus
In the fight against the coronavirus, the government has announced drastic measures for the first time. Entry ban from Italy, partial suspension of air and train traffic, cancellation of events, suspension of teaching at universities and technical colleges.
March 10, 2020

Air Travel to Austria: Further Flights Stopped Due to COVID-19 Spread

To contain the coronavirus, direct flights from Austria to Iran, South Korea and the northern Italian airports of Bologna and Milan will be discontinued in the next two weeks. Passengers from third countries require a medical certificate. This was announced by the Federal Government during a press conference broadcast nationwide. Details as follows.
March 7, 2020

Can the Coronavirus be Transmitted through Food and Toys?

After the occurrence of infections in Austria due to the respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the question repeatedly arises whether the virus can also be transmitted through food and toys?
March 4, 2020

Red Cross Austria on Corona: Situation is Stable

The Austrian Red Cross has already carried out more than 500 infection transports and 800 coronavirus sample collections.
March 4, 2020

Coronavirus: Austria's "Containment Strategy"
The latest developments concerning the coronavirus were the dominant topic of today's debate in the Health Committee of the Austrian Parliament.
March 3, 2020

Vienna Airport - Good Results 2019, but Coronavirus is Uncertainty Factor

Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) is pleased to report an increase of +7.2% in revenues and +15.7% in net profit, but the strong growth in the number of passengers during the past year has now been countered by a major uncertainty factor with the corona virus crisis.
March 3, 2020

What Does the Austrian Government Propose Against the Virus?

The Federal Chancellery is now addressing the public with information and advice on prevention against the coronavirus.
March 2, 2020

Corona Virus: Public Information Campaign Receives Good Response

So far there have been 2,120 tests in Austria, 16 of which have been positive. In addition, there are 350 isolation cases which are in quarantine.
March 2, 2020

COVID-19: While some Cities are Taking Drastic Measures, Vienna is Watching
The WHO strongly urges that the containment of the virus be recognized as the most important means of control and that appropriate measures be taken. However, the City of Vienna decides not to take containment measures at events, because the situation "does not justify official measures".
March 1, 2020