European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Health Policy in the Context of Democracy, Demography and Digitalization
The 27th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is one of the most important health policy conferences in Europe. For four days, more than 1200 participants from science, civil society, industry and the public sector will meet to discuss current challenges in the field of health policy. The conference is dedicated to the complex interplay of the “3D” trends: democracy, demography and digitalization.

EHFG President Clemens Martin Auer emphasizes the importance of the event: “This year's forum is taking place at a crucial time for Europe's healthcare systems, which are being challenged by democratic upheavals, demographic changes, and rapid digitalization.” In particular, the erosion of democratic structures, as can be observed worldwide, poses an increasing threat to the public health sector.
The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, in close cooperation with the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. This event brings together representatives from the public and private sectors as well as civil society and academia to discuss current challenges in health policy.
Demography and digitalization as key challenges
Demographic change in Europe, characterized by an aging population and falling birth rates, is placing a considerable burden on healthcare systems. According to the organizers of the EHFG, the proportion of older people in the population is expected to increase rapidly, requiring a reorganization of care and health services. This could force young people to stay in the workforce longer and increasingly opt for careers in the healthcare sector.
At the same time, advancing digitalization, particularly through artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, offers an opportunity to increase the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare services. However, as EHFG speakers warn, there is a risk that digital advances could hurt social justice. Inequalities between population groups and regions could increase if appropriate regulations are not put in place in time.
Democracy in the health crisis
Another major challenge is the growing threat to democratic institutions. In the run-up to the conference, reference was made to the increasing popularity of autocratic and populist movements that are undermining public trust in politics and healthcare systems. In a year when over 50% of the world's population is called to the polls, the question is whether democracies are capable of tackling the major challenges of our time - from the climate crisis to migration and healthcare.
Top-class experts and speakers
The forum brings together high-ranking experts and decision-makers, including Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine, and Pamela Rendi-Wagner, Director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. Other speakers include Vytenis Andriukaitis and Lena Schilling, Members of the European Parliament, as well as representatives of the WHO, OECD, and other international organizations.
The future of the healthcare system in Europe
This year's EHFG 2024 will not only provide analyses of current challenges but also develop concrete solutions. The focus will be on developing a new “social contract” for the healthcare system and creating alliances between various stakeholders. Climate change and its impact on public health in particular are increasingly becoming the focus of discussions.
With more than 25 sessions, three plenary discussions, and plenty of networking opportunities, the European Health Forum Gastein 2024 offers a platform for a comprehensive exchange on the future of healthcare systems in Europe.
The EHFG 2024 marks a critical moment for European health policy. In the face of profound changes in democracy, demographics, and digitalization, it requires innovative solutions to ensure the sustainability and stability of healthcare systems. Participants from around the world are invited to join the discussions and work together to find ways to protect and promote health in a rapidly changing world.