Health Policy

European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Health Policy in the Context of Democracy, Demography and Digitalization

The 27th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is one of the most important health policy conferences in Europe. For four days, more than 1200 participants from science, civil society, industry and the public sector will meet to discuss current challenges in the field of health policy. The conference is dedicated to the complex interplay of the “3D” trends: democracy, demography and digitalization.

September 24, 2024

Austrian Politician and Doctor Pamela Rendi-Wagner in the Race for the Head of the ECDC

The former leader of the Austrian Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and qualified doctor Pamela Rendi-Wagner is facing a potential new challenge in her career. She is on the shortlist for the position of head of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), an important EU authority based in Stockholm.

February 15, 2024

Austria's Cooperation with EU Drugs Agency Exemplary

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the leading European institution in the field of drugs. EMCDDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel is meeting with the Austrian ministries responsible for drug policy issues, in particular with Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Justice Minister Alma Zadić, as part of a three-day working visit to exchange views.

March 20, 2023

Austria’s Plan for Gradually Dropping COVID Mitigations

June 30 is going to be the date when all COVID-19 Measures Will Drop in Austria. Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Constitution Minister Karoline Edtstadler confirmed this in a press conference.

February 4, 2023

First International Cross-Over Transplantation for Kidney Disease at Vienna University Hospital AKH

In the University Hospital Vienna AKH, for the first time made possible by diplomacy, a kidney was implanted in a 31-year-old Viennese, which was flown in from Israel by a living donor. A few hours earlier, a kidney was removed from his brother at Vienna General Hospital and transferred to Israel on the same plane.

January 9, 2023

IAEA Supports Radiation Protection in Medical Procedures

The IAEA supports efforts and is raising awareness of radiation protection in medical procedures. The benefits of nuclear technology enable great technological advances.

April 13, 2022

Vienna's Mayor Ludwig: "Pandemic has not yet been mastered"

Mayor Ludwig announced that Vienna will keep some of the COVID-19 measures in place despite the federal government lifting many of them. Read which measures still apply in Vienna and what the mayor and health experts said about it.

February 21, 2022

Economic Outlook for Austria until 2024

Strong economic rebound amid high uncertainty about impact of Covid-Omicron variant. Find out what the economic future holds for Austria until 2024.

February 2, 2022

Austria First EU Country to Implement Mandatory Corona Vaccination

Austria has become the first EU country to implement mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for all adults. Read about the new law, as well as the new incentives the Austrian government is offering for vaccination.

January 21, 2022

Covid in Austria: Presentation of the Bill on Compulsory Vaccination Starting February 1, 2022

At a press conference at the Federal Chancellery, the federal government presented the draft law for compulsory vaccination in Austria, which will take effect on February 1. "It is not about the fight of vaccinated against unvaccinated!"

January 17, 2022

Explainer - What Do Vienna's Currently Valid Corona Entry Rules (3G / 2.5G / 2G / 2G+) Mean?

At present, the lockdown has been lifted (with the exception of the unvaccinated) and with it the ban on entry for hospitality, gastronomy, events, etc. In practice, you never know which entry rule applies and whether you are prepared for it. In the following, we therefore provide an overview of the current entry rules and their specific requirements.

January 13, 2022

Covid in Austria: Up to 32,000 New Cases Forecasted per Day

Experts are forecasting a stark increase in the number of COVID-19 infections in Austria in the coming weeks. Read more about the current COVID-19 situation in Austria.

January 12, 2022

These Covid Rules Apply After the Lockdown for Vienna and Surroundings

The Austria-wide lockdown ended yesterday and applies to vaccinated and recovered individuals (2G). For the unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to be in effect. What new rules now apply at the federal level and in Vienna and the province of Lower Austria (Wien und Umgebung)?

December 13, 2021

Austrian Compulsory Vaccination Bill is Ready: "We Want Freedom Back!"

The Austrian government has announced that the controversial compulsory vaccination bill is finally ready. Read what Constitutional Minister Edtstadler said about the bill and regaining freedom.

December 10, 2021

Latest Covid Rules in Vienna: It's Getting Even More Complicated - Full Opening Not Until Dec. 20

Overly cautious mayor Michael Ludwig hesitates with the full opening. Starting Monday, December 13, culture, trade and body-related service providers may open for vaccinated. However, the gastronomy and hotel industry may only open from December 20, 2021. For unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to apply.

December 7, 2021

Austria's Mandatory Vaccination Bill on the Table

The first draft of Austria's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination bill is now available, and it details fines for the unvaccinated beginning in March 2022. Learn how much the fines could be and who may qualify for an exemption from compulsory vaccination.

December 6, 2021

What IAEA Meeting Attendees at the Vienna International Center Should Be Aware Of

The latest information regarding COVID-19 measures, as recommended by VIC Medical Services for all persons entering the VIC, is provided on this page.

December 3, 2021 · Updated: December 6, 2021; 07:33

Austro-French Vaccine Company Valneva's Covid-19 Jab under EU Review

The EU's medicines agency EMA launched an accelerated review of a Covid-19 vaccine by Austro-French biotech firm Valneva. Recently the European Commission agreed to buy as many as 60 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine. The deal would allow EU member states to purchase almost 27 million doses from Valneva in 2022, and an additional 33 million in 2023.

December 2, 2021

Staying Overnight in Vienna During Covid-Lockdown

During the current 4th Austrian Lockdown (November 22 to probably including December 12, 2021) overnight stays in Viennese hotels are allowed for business reasons, but not for personal reasons. Find out what the requirements for an overnight stay in a Viennese hotel are and what exemptions are possible.

December 2, 2021

Impact of the Corona Pandemic on Hospital Stays in Austria: 18% Fewer Inpatient Stays

The Corona pandemic has had a significant impact on the number of inpatient treatments, examinations and surgeries in Austrian hospitals: In 2020, hospital stays decreased by almost one fifth to 2.1 million compared to the previous year. In 26,500 cases, a COVID-19 disease necessitated a hospital stay.

November 30, 2021

Austria Donated Unusable Covid Vaccine Doses to Bosnia and Herzegovina

It was recently reported that Bosnia and Herzegovina had to throw out an unknown amount of the 500,000 AstraZeneca Covid vaccination doses that had been donated by Austria. Read more about this and the problem of global vaccine equity.

November 30, 2021

Austrian Compulsory Vaccination Bill Provides for Fines of up to 7,200 Euros

Compulsory vaccination is to apply to everyone who has a residence or habitual abode in Austria and is over the age of 12. Those who do not comply with the vaccination obligation can be summoned. If they also fail to appear at a follow-up appointment, the draft law provides for penalties of up to 3,600 euros or four weeks' imprisonment. Who gets already punished for the second time, must pay 7,200 euros. The details below.

November 29, 2021 · Updated: November 30, 2021; 08:50

Covid Lockdown Controls: Already 386,000 Inspections and 3,700 Charges

Since the beginning of the intensive COVID-19 lockdown controls, the Austrian police have conducted 386,000 and filed 3,700 charges. Read about the strict enforcement of the latest Covid lockdown.

November 29, 2021

Travel and Covid: Austria Imposes Entry Ban on Southern African Countries

Due to the spread of a new variant of COVID-19 in Southern Africa, Austria has imposed an entry ban on travelers from South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini/Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Read about the new travel restriction and the variant causing it.

November 26, 2021 · Updated: November 26, 2021; 15:11

Explained: Compulsory Covid Vaccination for All in Austria as of February 2022

The Austrian government has announced that vaccination against COVID-19 will be mandatory as early as February 2022. Learn more about the new law and what it means for people in Austria.

November 25, 2021

Edtstadler at General Affairs Council: Mandatory Vaccination is Necessary

At a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in Brussels, Austrian EU Minister Karoline Edtstadler stressed the need for mandatory vaccinations in Austria and coordination in the fight against COVID-19 at the European level. Read Edtstadler's expectations for the European Commission, her defense of compulsory vaccinations, and more.

November 24, 2021

Full Lockdown in Austria: These Rules Apply from November 22 to December 12, 2021, Inclusive

An Austria-wide lockdown for everyone, including those vaccinated, has again been in effect in Austria since Monday, November 22, due to the dramatic Corona situation. The updated key points in detail.

November 23, 2021

Solidarity with Vietnam: Austria Sends 50,000 Vaccines

Parts of Vietnam are currently experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19. To simultaneously help Vietnam in the fight against the virus and improve bilateral relations, Austria donated 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Read more about this act of solidarity.

November 22, 2021

Vienna International Centre-based Organizations Reduce their Presence

After only a few months in which employees at the Vienna International Centre were able to slowly return to their jobs, the end of the gradual return to "normal operations" has now been heralded and the VIC is at the beginning of the fourth lockdown. What needs to be done to ensure the health and well-being of all VIC employees?

November 22, 2021

Covid in Austria: Lockdown From Monday, Immediate Tightening of Measures in Vienna

Chancellor Schallenberg and Health Minister Mückstein have announced a nationwide lockdown for Austria beginning Monday. As of February 1, 2022, vaccination will be mandatory in Austria. Additionally, Vienna has announced a tightening of COVID-19 measures effective immediately. Read about the upcoming lockdown and the new measures in Vienna.

November 19, 2021

Covid in Vienna: Booster Shots for All after Four Months and Vaccination for Children Five Years and Older

The City of Vienna has decided to offer booster vaccinations for COVID-19 to everyone four months after their second dose. The Austrian capital has also begun vaccinating children 5 to 11 years old. Read about these two new vaccination offers.

November 17, 2021

Covid in Austria: Nationwide Lockdown for Unvaccinated Effective Immediately

Due to the low vaccination rate of about 65 percent and the exploding new infections, a lockdown for the unvaccinated is being imposed in Austria in the fight against the fourth Corona wave. The new rule has been in effect since midnight of Sunday to Monday. The measure will be monitored very consistently, and violations will be punished accordingly. About two million people are affected.

November 14, 2021 · Updated: November 14, 2021; 22:30

COVID-19 in Austria: Verification of Compliance with Applicable Access Rules Becomes Easier

A new app known as Green Check is now widely available in Austria and has made verification of compliance with COVID-19 access rules much simpler. Read more about the new app and how it works.

November 12, 2021

Vienna as a Center of Diplomacy: Bid for Another International Organization

Vienna is bidding to become the European headquarters of the International Vaccine Institute, which has been based in Seoul since 1997 and is responsible for distributing vaccines to developing countries. The aim is to further strengthen Vienna as the official seat of international organizations. Cost: Fifteen million euros within 5 years. Learn more about the background, the plan and the financing of this initiative.

November 8, 2021

COVID-19 in Austria: Booster Vaccinations Now Available to Everyone in Vienna After Six Months

Mayor Michael Ludwig has announced that the City of Vienna is now offering COVID-19 booster vaccinations to everyone in Vienna six months after they received their second dose. Read about the specifics of Vienna's booster vaccination campaign and where and when to get a third shot.

November 2, 2021

How and Where to Get Vaccinated for Free Against Influenza in Vienna

The City of Vienna is offering free influenza vaccines between November 2, 2021 and March 31, 2022 to all people over the age of 7 months who live, study or work in Vienna. A total of 450,000 vaccine doses are available. Find out when and where to sign up and where to get the vaccination here.

October 25, 2021

Corona Measures - The Viennese Way

The City of Vienna intends to continue on the "Viennese Way of Safety" with a general FFP2 mask requirement and 2G rules for late-night bars and clubs. According to Mayor Ludwig, the low infection figures prove the effectiveness.

October 22, 2021

UPDATE: Current Situation for Arriving and Departing Passengers at Vienna International Airport

Flight operations at VIA Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) are still restricted. The most important changes and information for arriving and departing passengers at Flughafen Wien are available below.

October 14, 2021

Travel from Austria to the U.S. - Biden's New Policy Will End the Need for National Interest Exceptions

As announced by Biden and the White House around the UN General Assembly, as of early November it will again be possible for all adult foreign nationals, i.e. including Austrians and other foreign nationals entering the U.S. via Vienna, to enter the U.S., thus also eliminating the need for national interest exemptions (NIE). More details in the article.

September 22, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Once Again Adopts a Special Approach

Vienna's mayor Michael Ludwig announced at a press conference that as of October 1, Vienna's regulations will differ from those of the rest of Austria, namely that 2G will apply to night-time catering and larger events. What does this mean?

September 21, 2021

Corona Virus in Austria: Almost 1,500 New Infections Nationwide

To date, there have been 698,948 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 10,812 people have died as a result of Corona virus across Austria, currently with 1,438 new infections Austria-wide, 171 are being cared for in intensive care units. Read on to get all the latest stats.

September 7, 2021

Corona Virus in Austria: Latest Figures

To date, there have been 687,076 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 10,782 people have died as a result of Corona virus across Austria, currently with 1,120 new infections Austria-wide, 122 are being cared for in intensive care units. Read on to get all the latest stats.

August 30, 2021

Vienna International Centre - Live-Ticker Coronavirus Situation: Several New Positive COVID-19 Cases, 380 Cases in Total

The Vienna International Centre (VIC, UNO City) and the Vienna International Centre Medical Service are reporting new positive COVID-19 cases. The total number of VIC personnel who have tested positive is 380. Below you can see the latest updates of the four main Vienna-based United Nations organizations (United Nations Office at Vienna/UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN Industrial Development Organization and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), as announced by UNIS and provided by the Vienna International Centre Medical Service. Regular updates on the number of cases of are no longer issued

June 25, 2020 · Updated: August 9, 2021; 17:25

Covid-19 in Austria: These Are the Updated Entry Rules

Due to today's amendment of the Austrian "COVID-19 Entry Regulation 2021", we bring you an update on the regulations for entering Austria.

July 20, 2021

Delta Variant on the Rise in Austria: Tightening of Coronavirus Measures Again

The rapid spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus in Austria is the reason for significant tightening of access to night catering and events and changes to the green passport. The latest changes are as follows.

July 15, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: What Will the Rules Be for the New Normal as of May 19?

Today, the new rules for the planned opening from May 19 were presented. The curfew restriction will be dropped. There will be far-reaching relaxations in the areas of catering, hotels, closed sports venues, cultural facilities and recreational businesses. These will be accompanied by security measures such as access tests, hygiene and distance measures, capacity restrictions and mandatory registration of guests.

May 10, 2021

Lockdown Ends in Vienna and Lower Austria: What's Permitted Now

On Monday, the hard lockdown finally came to an end in Vienna and Lower Austria. With the end of the hard lockdown, stores and body-related service providers, museums, zoos and other leisure businesses are allowed to reopen. What residents of Vienna and Lower Austria are now allowed to do again, read below.

May 3, 2021

Austria's Health Minister Resigns

Austria's Health Minister Rudolf Anschober resigns. After health issues in recent weeks, Anschober steps back knowing that "he would not be able to give 100 percent." Until the announcement of a successor, Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler will take over Anschober's duties. Successor Wolfgang Mückstein already named.

April 13, 2021 · Updated: April 13, 2021; 13:03

Covid-19: Austria Will Receive Additional EU Aid

Austria and 20 other EU member states or accession countries will be receiving financial aid to relief and to protect public health during the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding, which comes from the EU Solidarity Fund, comprises almost EU 32 million for Austria, which would be invested in medical equipment, emergency assistance, contact tracing and other pandemic-related obligations.

March 15, 2021

Coronavirus in Austria: What Are the New Rules?

As of February 8, the Austrian COVID-19 measures have been relaxed again. The exit restrictions apply again only from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. However, there are still contact restrictions. Retailers, schools and museums are allowed to open again, although only under stricter conditions. Body-related service providers such as hairdressers are also allowed to offer their services again, but only on presentation of a negative PCR or antigen test result.

February 9, 2021
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