Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Once Again Adopts a Special Approach
Vienna's mayor Michael Ludwig announced at a press conference that as of October 1, Vienna's regulations will differ from those of the rest of Austria, namely that 2G will apply to night-time catering and larger events. What does this mean?

Vienna is again taking a special approach when it comes to the Corona measures.
The stricter rules are intended to increase the vaccination rate.
Covid rules have already been stricter in Vienna than in other provinces.
Today, Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig gave a press statement on the current Corona situation in Vienna in the City Senate meeting room of Vienna City Hall.
In this statement, he presented new measures due to the current Corona situation, including a 2-G rule for guests in night time catering and for larger events.
In addition to the "2-G rule" for guests, there is to be a 2.5-G rule for employees. This means that employees must be vaccinated, recovered or PCR-tested.
Furthermore, it is said that it has been agreed with the Vienna police that controls in pubs and clubs will be intensified.
Further measures include making FFP2 masks compulsory for customers in all retail outlets.
The 2G rule applies from the age of 12.
The measures will apply from October 1 and are initially limited to one month.