Corona Virus in Austria: Latest Figures
To date, there have been 687,076 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 10,782 people have died as a result of Corona virus across Austria, currently with 1,120 new infections Austria-wide, 122 are being cared for in intensive care units. Read on to get all the latest stats.
To date, 687,076 cases, 10,782 died and 661,189 recovered. 453 hospitalized, 122 of them intensive care. 1,120 new infections Austria-wide.
As of today (August 30, 2021, 9:30 a.m.), 10,782 persons have died and 661,189 have recovered Austria-wide due to Corona virus.
Currently, 453 people are undergoing hospitalization due to Corona virus.
Of these, 122 are being cared for in intensive care units, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior (BMI) informed today.
New infections in the provinces since yesterday:
- Burgenland: 16
- Carinthia: 40
- Lower Austria: 150
- Upper Austria: 236
- Salzburg: 72
- Styria: 80
- Tyrol: 73
- Vorarlberg: 34
- Vienna: 419
The Ministry of Health's dashboard is operated by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES).
The dashboard obtains its data exclusively from the Epidemiological Reporting Register (EMS) and is updated daily, 14:00.
The EMS is the official register in which data is entered by the district authorities as well as by laboratories.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior collects the figures as part of the coordination of State Crisis and Disaster Management in the Operations and Coordination Center (EKC) via videoconference. These figures may include cases not yet recorded in the EMS.