Viktor Liashko

European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Health Policy in the Context of Democracy, Demography and Digitalization

The 27th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is one of the most important health policy conferences in Europe. For four days, more than 1200 participants from science, civil society, industry and the public sector will meet to discuss current challenges in the field of health policy. The conference is dedicated to the complex interplay of the “3D” trends: democracy, demography and digitalization.

September 24, 2024

New Framework Agreement Between Ukraine and Austria to Facilitate Economic and Humanitarian Assistance

A new framework agreement between Ukraine and Austria is to promote a strengthening of economic cooperation as well as the expansion of humanitarian aid on the ground. For this purpose, the Austrian Minister of Labour, Martin Kocher, and the Caritas Secretary General, Andreas Knapp, travelled to Ukraine.

September 8, 2022
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