Health Industry

European Health Forum Gastein 2024: Health Policy in the Context of Democracy, Demography and Digitalization

The 27th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is one of the most important health policy conferences in Europe. For four days, more than 1200 participants from science, civil society, industry and the public sector will meet to discuss current challenges in the field of health policy. The conference is dedicated to the complex interplay of the “3D” trends: democracy, demography and digitalization.

September 24, 2024

Austria's Cooperation with EU Drugs Agency Exemplary

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the leading European institution in the field of drugs. EMCDDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel is meeting with the Austrian ministries responsible for drug policy issues, in particular with Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Justice Minister Alma Zadić, as part of a three-day working visit to exchange views.

March 20, 2023

International Vaccine Institute Opens an Austrian Office

International Vaccine Institute (IVI), an international health organization dedicated to developing, delivering, and evaluating vaccines for global health, announced the opening of its Austrian Country Office.

January 26, 2023

First International Cross-Over Transplantation for Kidney Disease at Vienna University Hospital AKH

In the University Hospital Vienna AKH, for the first time made possible by diplomacy, a kidney was implanted in a 31-year-old Viennese, which was flown in from Israel by a living donor. A few hours earlier, a kidney was removed from his brother at Vienna General Hospital and transferred to Israel on the same plane.

January 9, 2023

No More Compulsory Vaccination and New Regulations in Vienna: What You Need to Know

Austria's National Council announced at the end of this week that compulsory vaccination would be abolished. Contrary to this announcement, Vienna is tightening its mandatory masking in the health sector. In recent weeks, the number of cases has been increasing, which is why this step was necessary.

July 8, 2022

IAEA Supports Radiation Protection in Medical Procedures

The IAEA supports efforts and is raising awareness of radiation protection in medical procedures. The benefits of nuclear technology enable great technological advances.

April 13, 2022

Vienna's Mayor Ludwig: "Pandemic has not yet been mastered"

Mayor Ludwig announced that Vienna will keep some of the COVID-19 measures in place despite the federal government lifting many of them. Read which measures still apply in Vienna and what the mayor and health experts said about it.

February 21, 2022

City of Vienna to Provide 120,000 Euros to Migrant Organizations in 2022

The City of Vienna has decided to provide 120,000 euros in funding for migrant organizations and associations to help offset the financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about the funding for projects in 2022 and examples of important integration projects from 2021.

January 28, 2022

These Covid Rules Apply After the Lockdown for Vienna and Surroundings

The Austria-wide lockdown ended yesterday and applies to vaccinated and recovered individuals (2G). For the unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to be in effect. What new rules now apply at the federal level and in Vienna and the province of Lower Austria (Wien und Umgebung)?

December 13, 2021

Austria's Mandatory Vaccination Bill on the Table

The first draft of Austria's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination bill is now available, and it details fines for the unvaccinated beginning in March 2022. Learn how much the fines could be and who may qualify for an exemption from compulsory vaccination.

December 6, 2021

Austrian Compulsory Vaccination Bill Provides for Fines of up to 7,200 Euros

Compulsory vaccination is to apply to everyone who has a residence or habitual abode in Austria and is over the age of 12. Those who do not comply with the vaccination obligation can be summoned. If they also fail to appear at a follow-up appointment, the draft law provides for penalties of up to 3,600 euros or four weeks' imprisonment. Who gets already punished for the second time, must pay 7,200 euros. The details below.

November 29, 2021 · Updated: November 30, 2021; 08:50

Explained: Compulsory Covid Vaccination for All in Austria as of February 2022

The Austrian government has announced that vaccination against COVID-19 will be mandatory as early as February 2022. Learn more about the new law and what it means for people in Austria.

November 25, 2021

Solidarity with Vietnam: Austria Sends 50,000 Vaccines

Parts of Vietnam are currently experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19. To simultaneously help Vietnam in the fight against the virus and improve bilateral relations, Austria donated 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Read more about this act of solidarity.

November 22, 2021

Japanese Life Sciences Corporation Invests More Than 100 Million Euros in Vienna

The Japanese life sciences company Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited is investing more than 100 million euros in a new building in Seestadt, Vienna. Read about the massive investment and see a picture of what it is supposed to look like upon completion.

November 18, 2021

Covid in Vienna: Booster Shots for All after Four Months and Vaccination for Children Five Years and Older

The City of Vienna has decided to offer booster vaccinations for COVID-19 to everyone four months after their second dose. The Austrian capital has also begun vaccinating children 5 to 11 years old. Read about these two new vaccination offers.

November 17, 2021

Vienna Declaration Sets Stage for Climate-Friendly Mobility

The adoption of the Vienna Declaration at the THE PEP Conference with more than 850 participants from 41 countries, including 46 ministers and state secretaries, has set the stage for environmentally conscious and healthy mobility. Read all about the event below!

May 20, 2021

Digital Days 2020 Reached Over 1,100 Registered Users

The Digital Days 2020 hosted by the City of Vienna as a hybrid event have welcomed over 1,100 users with more than 4,000 views in total. Digitalization in every business sector was discussed among politicians and experts from the business world.

October 5, 2020

Kurz: "There is light at the end of the tunnel"

Today, Chancellor Kurz was holding a State of the Union Address and talked about the Coronavirus, special vacation for parents and a "pact against isolation". According to him, the next summer will be normal again. However, the time until then will be challenging.

August 28, 2020

Novartis Opens Production Facility for Innovative Eye Retina Product in Tyrol

The pharmaceutical company Novartis is investing EUR 27.4 million in the Kundl site in Tyrol to produce an active ingredient for a new therapy for wet age-related macular degeneration with 40 employees.

June 20, 2020

Coronavirus: Temperature Checks Effective Immediately at Vienna Airport

Following a decision by the Austrian health authorities, the body temperature of passengers on direct inbound flights from China are being measured at Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien Schwechat) with respect to coronavirus.

February 6, 2020 · Updated: February 24, 2020; 09:31

Austrian Measures against the Novel Coronavirus

At a press conference at Vienna International Airport (Wien-Schwechat) on the coronavirus, Minister of Health Anschober and Minister of the Interior Nehammer provided information on the measures taken by Austria and the airport as follows..

February 7, 2020

China Returnees: No Coronavirus in Vienna yet

The first coronavirus test results (2019-nCoV PCR tests) of those seven Austrians who returned Sunday from the Chinese province of Hubei and were transferred directly to the Hygiene Centre Vienna are now available and all of them are negative.

February 4, 2020

World Bank Approves Health Loan to Croatia

The Croatian government will use the World Bank’s funds for a national health program.

May 9, 2014

Moderate Improvement in Vamed´s Results

The Austrian health service supplier could record a rise in sales by 3.0%. EBIT was up by 8.0%.

March 22, 2012
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