City of Vienna to Provide 120,000 Euros to Migrant Organizations in 2022

More+Work & Careers ♦ Published: January 28, 2022; 12:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

The City of Vienna has decided to provide 120,000 euros in funding for migrant organizations and associations to help offset the financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about the funding for projects in 2022 and examples of important integration projects from 2021.

Deputy Mayor of Vienna Christoph Wiederkehr: "Existing inequalities in access to healthcare, the labor market and the education system must not be allowed to worsen." / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / L'Arnq [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

The City of Vienna funds a large number of integration projects every year, and in 2022, the focus is on supporting migrant self-organizations.

With a total of € 120,000, migrant associations and organizations are to be strengthened after they have come under financial pressure due to the Corona pandemic.…