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Vienna City Government - Magistrat der Stadt Wien

ViennaUP'22 - Event in Vienna Excites Thousands of People
The Vienna International Business Festival ViennaUP'22 attracted 10,000 participants from all over the world this year. With the attention-grabbing event, the City of Vienna hits the bull's eye for international visibility and positioning in the startup scene.
June 3, 2022 · Updated: January 7, 2023; 14:40

EU Capitals Make Important Contribution to EU Climate Targets
The 11th Annual Dialogue of EU Capitals with the European Commission took place recently. A representative of the City of Vienna was also present. Read on to find out what goals and issues the EU capitals are currently facing.
September 30, 2022

Why do so Many Viennese Not Apply for Austrian Citizenship?
Austria has one of the highest proportions of foreigners in the European Union. A recently published study by the City of Vienna analyses the motivations of the many people without Austrian citizenship and explains why most of them prefer to keep their old citizenship.
September 20, 2022

Most Popular Congress Cities Worldwide: Vienna in 1st Place Despite COVID-19 Pandemic
As an ideal venue for international congresses and events, Vienna has built a reputation in the past. Now this reputation has been confirmed by the International Congress and Convention Association. The first congress statistics published by Vienna since the Covid-19 outbreak were published in 2021, placing it ahead of Lisbon and Athens as the world's top conference metropolis.
August 5, 2022

International Day Against Human Trafficking: What Measures is Vienna Taking?
International Day against Trafficking in Persons is held every year on 30 July in order to raise awareness of human trafficking and its consequences. This year's theme is "new technologies that enable and prevent trafficking in persons."
July 29, 2022

Weekly Briefing: Newest Developments in Diplomacy and Vienna
Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria. The Georgian Prime Minister visited Austria and Vienna enables Ukrainian displaced persons to graduate from Ukrainian high school. In addition, Austria's Chancellor visited Israel and concluded an important agreement there. Furthermore, expats in Austria appreciate the high quality of life, but do not feel welcome. Read more about this week's developments.
July 14, 2022

City of Vienna Organises Online Matura for Displaced Children From Ukraine
In order to enable displaced children from Ukraine to take the Ukrainian Matura, the City of Vienna is offering a total of 800 displaced Ukrainian pupils the opportunity to take the exam online in Vienna this year at the end of July/beginning of August. This project is organised by the Ukrainian Education Centre, which was launched at the beginning of April by the City of Vienna together with Raiffeisen Centrobank and the H. Stepic CEE Charity.
July 12, 2022

Displaced Persons From Ukraine Now Have Access to Family Allowance
Families displaced from Ukraine can now apply for Austrian family allowance. As a result of this announcement, a loophole in the law has been closed, making it possible for all Ukrainians in Austria to claim social benefits. It will be introduced in the National Council on Friday.
July 8, 2022

No More Compulsory Vaccination and New Regulations in Vienna: What You Need to Know
Austria's National Council announced at the end of this week that compulsory vaccination would be abolished. Contrary to this announcement, Vienna is tightening its mandatory masking in the health sector. In recent weeks, the number of cases has been increasing, which is why this step was necessary.
July 8, 2022

Vienna Economic Council - How Vienna Deals With Current Economic Challenges
The Vienna Economic Council met this week to deal with the effects of the conflict in Ukraine. The aim was to make Vienna attractive as a business location and to manage emerging economic crises in the best possible way. Read on if you want to learn more!
July 7, 2022

American Community in Vienna Celebrates Independence Day
Today, Americans around the world celebrate the Independence Day of the United States. So does the US community in Vienna. The day, which celebrates autonomy from Great Britain, is the occasion for great celebrations in the USA and is the most important holiday of the proud nation. We wish everyone a happy celebration day!
July 4, 2022

World-Renowned Psychoanalyst Receives Austrian Citizenship
Erika Freeman, a world-renowned Austro-American psychologist and psychotherapist, was granted Austrian citizenship last week after she was forced to flee her native Vienna to the US at the age of 12 to avoid deportation by the Nazis. She is one of 14,903 survivors and descendants of victims of the Nazi regime who have been granted Austrian citizenship since 2019.
July 4, 2022

Politicians in Vienna Demand Easier Access to Austrian Citizenship
Heated debates recently took place in Vienna's provincial parliament when the parties jointly discussed making it easier to obtain Austrian citizenship. Besides fears that such a facilitation would "devalue" Austrian citizenship, there was also a lot of support and calls for a more open Austria. The debate was fuelled by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, who had recently spoken out in favour of a simpler process in an interview.
June 21, 2022

Commission Vice-President Timmermans Visits Vienna: Cities as Engine for European "Green Deal"

Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Climate Action Frans Timmermans met Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig at a working meeting in Vienna today. The main topic of discussion was the importance of cities in the implementation of the European Green Deal and what measures Vienna is taking to achieve CO2 neutrality.
June 14, 2022

Vienna Receives Award as Austria's Most Transparent Municipality
In a report by the Transparency International Austria organization, Vienna was named the most transparent city in Austria. With an impressive result of over 87%, Vienna was able to defend its first place for the third time in a row and achieved the best result ever. Particularly decisive for this good performance is Vienna's city administration, which provides relevant information for the population on its websites in a proactive, easy-to-find manner and to a high degree.
June 7, 2022

New Photography Museum Will Open in Vienna
A new photography museum will open in Vienna's Arsenal in fall 2024. This museum will be a showcase and discussion space under the name Foto Arsenal Wien. In order to adapt the building, the city is investing two million euros. Read more about Vienna's newest addition to the city's bustling cultural scene.
June 1, 2022

21,500 Displaced Persons: Vienna Confronted with Major Integration Challenge
With the increasing number of people seeking protection from Ukraine, the number of challenges that the country of Austria has to cope with is also increasing. Vienna, as a place of reception for a total of 21,500 people, faces numerous issues in the future, which require immediate and efficient measures to facilitate the education, integration and housing of Ukrainians in Vienna.
May 24, 2022

Business Festival in Vienna as the Centre of the International Startup World
Vienna will be the venue for one of the biggest start-up events in the world this month. Thousands of visitors from over 40 nations will attend the ViennaUP'22 festival between 27 May and 3 June. If you want to find out what the 8-day programme will focus on and why ViennaUP is unlike any other festival, read on.
May 10, 2022

New "United Cities of Tourism" Campaign Aims to Strengthen City Tourism Across Europe

With a new campaign, the city tourism in Europe, which has suffered extremely by the Covid-19 pandemic, should be stimulated again. Several destinations across Europe will participate and the goal is to support each other in strengthening tourism. Read on if you want to know more about this interesting campaign.
May 4, 2022

Russian Gas Supplies: Wien Energie Invests One Billion Euros in Gas Exit
Austria's largest energy company, Wien Energie, is taking a big step towards independence from Russian gas supplies. The company is investing a sum of one billion euros in the expansion of renewable energies and thus wants to end the purchase of fossil fuels step by step in the next 5 years.
May 2, 2022

Ljubljana and Vienna Strive for More Intensive Cooperation

Ljubljana and Vienna will continue to cooperate intensively over the next 4 years. The cooperation of the two cities serves, among other things, to help each other with know-how and to advance the common goals.
April 22, 2022

1,350 Ukrainian Displaced Persons Could be Accommodated by Private Apartments in Vienna
The residents of the city of Vienna already provided over 1,100 housing donations for Ukrainian aid seekers who had to flee from the war crimes committed by the Russian invaders. Thus, about 94% of Ukrainians could be accommodated in private shelters and facilitate the situation for public quarters.
April 21, 2022

Donauinselfest 2022 - This Year Without Covid Measures

The traditional Vienna Danube Island Festival is to be held again this year in all its glory. After two years of improvisation due to the pandemic, this year's festival will again take place without access controls and masks. In addition to international acts, Ukrainian artists will also be on the program this year to demonstrate the empathy and friendship between the two countries.
April 20, 2022

No More Masks in Retail: New Covid Rules in Vienna

Recently, the Ministry of Health announced a significant relaxation of Covid-19 measures in Austria. The mask requirement in stores will be dropped, and the green passport for triple vaccinated people will also be extended. Read on if you want to know what will change for you and in which stores you still can't do without the mask.
April 15, 2022

Solidarity With All Refugees: Integration House Calls for Refugee Ball 2022
After a one-year break, the City of Vienna and Integrationshaus are once again inviting to the annual Vienna Refugee Ball. The event, which will take place on April 23, aims to draw attention to current problems in the refugee issue and collect donations that will benefit the non-profit organization Integrationshaus.
April 12, 2022

Melitopol Mayor Previously Kidnapped by Russians in Vienna
The mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, who was kidnapped two weeks ago, accepted an invitation to the Vienna City Hall. The topic of conversation was aid for the Ukrainian civilian population.
April 1, 2022

U.S. Companies Step Up Investments in Austria: A Record 17 New Ventures Launched in the Past Year

The international business sector in Vienna seems to be recovering. Last year 225 foreign companies settled in the capital of Austria - a record number since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. An important factor in this development was the settlement of companies from the USA, which stood out with 17 projects. If you want to know where most of the companies come from and where to turn to if you have questions about settling in Austria, please read on.
April 1, 2022

Ukraine Invasion: Austria Also Possesses a "Willkommenskultur"

Austria is already preparing to receive Ukrainian refugees fleeing the violent Russian invasion of Ukraine. The people of Austria have a chance to once again display their "Wilkommenskultur" ("welcoming culture") and welcome those fleeing the brutal conflict into their country with open arms. Read what Vienna is currently doing to help welcome the refugees.
March 2, 2022

Russo-Ukrainian War: Enhancement of Austria's Humanitarian and Logistical Assistance to Ukraine

The conclusion of the meeting of the Austrian National Security Council on the current situation in Ukraine is to prepare Austria in the best possible way for any consequences of the nuclear threat.
February 28, 2022

Ukraine Assistance: Vienna Sends Trucks with Medical Supplies to Kiev and Odessa
Responding to the Russian invasion, the Vienna City Government has sent about 15 tons of medical or relief material to Ukraine.
February 24, 2022

Vienna's Mayor Ludwig: "Pandemic has not yet been mastered"
Mayor Ludwig announced that Vienna will keep some of the COVID-19 measures in place despite the federal government lifting many of them. Read which measures still apply in Vienna and what the mayor and health experts said about it.
February 21, 2022

Vienna is Becoming the Start-up Capital of Austria

Vienna's start-ups generated an added value of 3.9 billion euros in 2021, making it the most popular place in Austria for start-ups. Read more about the start-up environment in Vienna and what it has done for the Austrian economy.
February 9, 2022

Vienna Business Agency Sees Significant Increase in Expat Advice Requests

The Expat Center and the Business Immigration Office of the Vienna Business Agency saw a stark increase in the number of expats seeking advice during the COVID-19 crisis. Read about this increase and how the Vienna Business Agency has assisted expats.
February 9, 2022

Vienna Also Relaxes Corona Measures, But Stays With 2-G Rule in Gastronomy
The city of Vienna has announced that it will relax the current Corona measures largely in line with the nationwide easing. Only one point is to be deviated from.
February 3, 2022

Vienna: Immigrating Foreigners Boost EU's Fifth Largest City

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Vienna's population grew again in 2021. Read why immigration was critical for Vienna to continue its growth and what the forecast is for the future.
January 31, 2022

City of Vienna to Provide 120,000 Euros to Migrant Organizations in 2022

The City of Vienna has decided to provide 120,000 euros in funding for migrant organizations and associations to help offset the financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about the funding for projects in 2022 and examples of important integration projects from 2021.
January 28, 2022

Forward-looking Agreement for Strengthening Vienna as a Business Location

A joint program of the City of Vienna and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW) is intended to strengthen and further develop the business location, but also to secure prosperity and quality of life for the city. The ten priority areas include strengthening the location, supporting SMEs and start-ups, climate protection, infrastructure, skilled workers and tourism.
January 25, 2022

Vienna - Perhaps the Best Place to Go in 2022
Vienna was ranked one of the top travel destinations for 2022 by multiple international media outlets. Read more about this positive development for Vienna's tourism industry.
January 19, 2022

Explainer - What Do Vienna's Currently Valid Corona Entry Rules (3G / 2.5G / 2G / 2G+) Mean?
At present, the lockdown has been lifted (with the exception of the unvaccinated) and with it the ban on entry for hospitality, gastronomy, events, etc. In practice, you never know which entry rule applies and whether you are prepared for it. In the following, we therefore provide an overview of the current entry rules and their specific requirements.
January 13, 2022

Vienna Tourism: November Overnight Stays Plus 494% - "Only Arithmetically"
Despite a lockdown for part of the month, Vienna saw a stark increase in the number of overnight stays in November 2021 compared to November 2020. Read how this compares to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019 and how accommodation providers in Vienna have fared so far this year.
December 23, 2021

Jewish Museum Vienna Opens "The Viennese Rothschilds. A Thriller"

The Jewish Museum Vienna has opened a new exhibition entitled "The Viennese Rothschilds. A thriller," which covers the history of the Rothschild family in Austria. Learn more about the new exhibit and see some pictures from inside.
December 17, 2021

Expats Rank Vienna Last in Terms of "Local Friendliness"

The results of the "Expat Insider 2021" survey are in, and Vienna earned the top spot in quality of life but took last place in terms of the friendliness of the people. Read why Vienna simultaneously ranked so high and so low.
December 16, 2021

These Covid Rules Apply After the Lockdown for Vienna and Surroundings
The Austria-wide lockdown ended yesterday and applies to vaccinated and recovered individuals (2G). For the unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to be in effect. What new rules now apply at the federal level and in Vienna and the province of Lower Austria (Wien und Umgebung)?
December 13, 2021

Latest Covid Rules in Vienna: It's Getting Even More Complicated - Full Opening Not Until Dec. 20
Overly cautious mayor Michael Ludwig hesitates with the full opening. Starting Monday, December 13, culture, trade and body-related service providers may open for vaccinated. However, the gastronomy and hotel industry may only open from December 20, 2021. For unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to apply.
December 7, 2021

City of Vienna Partner Lab Massively Expands Covid-19 Laboratory
The Lifebrain laboratory, which partners with the City of Vienna, is undergoing a massive expansion on its COVID-19 laboratory. This expansion comes just weeks after an unfair competition lawsuit brought against Lifebrain by the Vienna Medical Association was dismissed. Read about Lifebrain's lab expansion and legal issues.
December 1, 2021

Vienna Ranked Fourteenth Most Expensive City in the World
While Tel Aviv is the most expensive city in the world and tops the Cost of Living Index 2021, Paris and Singapore are tied for second, followed by Zurich and Hong Kong in fourth and fifth place, respectively. Vienna comes in fourteenth place after Tokyo and jointly with Sydney. Damascus, Syria, was named the world’s cheapest city. See the full list of the world's most expensive cities to live in 2021.
December 1, 2021

Last Call for Britons in Vienna: Apply for Residence by End of 2021
The City of Vienna is reminding all British residents and their families that they must apply for a residence permit by the end of 2021 due to Brexit. Read about this fast-approaching deadline for Britons in Vienna.
November 29, 2021

Full Lockdown in Austria: These Rules Apply from November 22 to December 12, 2021, Inclusive
An Austria-wide lockdown for everyone, including those vaccinated, has again been in effect in Austria since Monday, November 22, due to the dramatic Corona situation. The updated key points in detail.
November 23, 2021

Covid in Austria: Lockdown From Monday, Immediate Tightening of Measures in Vienna
Chancellor Schallenberg and Health Minister Mückstein have announced a nationwide lockdown for Austria beginning Monday. As of February 1, 2022, vaccination will be mandatory in Austria. Additionally, Vienna has announced a tightening of COVID-19 measures effective immediately. Read about the upcoming lockdown and the new measures in Vienna.
November 19, 2021

Japanese Life Sciences Corporation Invests More Than 100 Million Euros in Vienna

The Japanese life sciences company Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited is investing more than 100 million euros in a new building in Seestadt, Vienna. Read about the massive investment and see a picture of what it is supposed to look like upon completion.
November 18, 2021