Coronavirus in Europe: Update

More+More+ ♦ Published: April 21, 2020; 08:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

European coronavirus infections have passed 1,000,000. The number of deaths has now reached 166,007. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still in Europe, together with the US, where there are now more deaths than in the rest of the world. The number of infected and dead people is still doubling every four days in most European countries. Most of the 32 European countries presented in this study are under a state of emergency with curfews and border controls. There is also a lack of doctors, lung respiratory equipment and hospital beds. Following the situation update for the European Union, EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland, as of April 21, 2020.

Coronavirus death toll in Europe at 166,007 cases. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM / Public Domain Description

The number of current suspected and actual cases is official information from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), which is located in Frösunda, north of Stockholm City in Sweden.

These follow uniform criteria and are updated regularly throughout the day (please return for updated numbers).

Confirmed cases of disease - status as of Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 8.00 a.m.:

As of today, a total of 2,471,930 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported worldwide.

As of today, a total of 1,039,275 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in the 32 European countries (EU/EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland).

The number of deaths worldwide is currently 170,129.

The total number of deaths in Europe is currently 103,299 deaths. (That's 40,249 more dead compared to the previous update.)

Sorted from A-Z that is: Austria (470), Belgium (5,828), Bulgaria (43), Croatia (47), Cyprus (12), Czech Republic (194), Denmark (364), Estonia (40), Finland (98), France (20,265), Germany (4,706), Greece (116), Hungary (199), Iceland (10), Ireland (687), Italy (24,114), Latvia (5), Liechtenstein (1), Lithuania (37), Luxembourg (75), Malta (3), Netherlands (3,751), Norway (181), Poland (380), Portugal (735), Romania (478), Slovakia (13), Slovenia (77), Spain (20,852), Sweden (1,580), Switzerland (1,429), UK United Kingdom (16,509).

Coronavirus - The following official and confirmed case numbers and deaths were reported by the following countries:

(Sorted by total cases)

Countries, Regions Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered
Spain 200,210 30,111 20,852 3,096 80,587
Italy 181,228 21,712 24,114 3,649 48,877
France 155,383 18,604 20,265 5,298 37,409
Germany 146,653 16,581 4,706 1,512 91,500
UK United Kingdom 124,743 36,122 16,509 5,180
Belgium 39,983 9,394 5,828 1,925 8,895
Netherlands 33,405 6,854 3,751 928 250
Switzerland 27,944 2,256 1,429 291 18,600
Portugal 20,863 3,929 735 200 610
Ireland 15,652 5,005 687 322 77
Austria 14,795 754 470 102 10,631
Sweden 14,777 3,829 1,580 661 550
Poland 9,593 2,659 380 135 1,133
Romania 8,936 2,303 478 147 2,017
Denmark 7,515 1,197 364 79 4,312
Norway 7,127 522 181 47 32
Czech Republic 6,838 779 194 47 1,559
Finland 3,868 804 98 39 2,000
Luxembourg 3,558 266 75 6 637
Greece 2,245 100 116 17 269
Hungary 1,984 472 199 77 267
Croatia 1,881 231 47 22 771
Iceland 1,773 62 10 2 1,362
Estonia 1,535 203 40 12 165
Slovenia 1,335 123 77 22 193
Lithuania 1,326 256 37 13 242
Slovakia 1,173 404 13 11 251
Bulgaria 929 234 43 8 167
Cyprus 772 110 12 0 81
Latvia 739 82 5 0 88
Malta 431 47 3 0 126
Liechtenstein 81 2 1 0 55
Total of 32 Countries: 1,039,275 166,007 103,299 23,848 313,713


(Sorted by total deaths)

Countries, Regions Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered
Italy 181,228 21,712 24,114 3,649 48,877
Spain 200,210 30,111 20,852 3,096 80,587
France 155,383 18,604 20,265 5,298 37,409
UK United Kingdom 124,743 36,122 16,509 5,180
Belgium 39,983 9,394 5,828 1,925 8,895
Germany 146,653 16,581 4,706 1,512 91,500
Netherlands 33,405 6,854 3,751 928 250
Sweden 14,777 3,829 1,580 661 550
Switzerland 27,944 2,256 1,429 291 18,600
Portugal 20,863 3,929 735 200 610
Ireland 15,652 5,005 687 322 77
Romania 8,936 2,303 478 147 2,017
Austria 14,795 754 470 102 10,631
Poland 9,593 2,659 380 135 1,133
Denmark 7,515 1,197 364 79 4,312
Hungary 1,984 472 199 77 267
Czech Republic 6,838 779 194 47 1,559
Norway 7,127 522 181 47 32
Greece 2,245 100 116 17 269
Finland 3,868 804 98 39 2,000
Slovenia 1,335 123 77 22 193
Luxembourg 3,558 266 75 6 637
Croatia 1,881 231 47 22 771
Bulgaria 929 234 43 8 167
Estonia 1,535 203 40 12 165
Lithuania 1,326 256 37 13 242
Slovakia 1,173 404 13 11 251
Cyprus 772 110 12 0 81
Iceland 1,773 62 10 2 1,362
Latvia 739 82 5 0 88
Malta 431 47 3 0 126
Liechtenstein 81 2 1 0 55
Total of 32 Countries: 1,039,275 166,007 103,299 23,848 313,713


(Sorted from A-Z)

Countries, Regions Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered
Austria 14,795 754 470 102 10,631
Belgium 39,983 9,394 5,828 1,925 8,895
Bulgaria 929 234 43 8 167
Croatia 1,881 231 47 22 771
Cyprus 772 110 12 0 81
Czech Republic 6,838 779 194 47 1,559
Denmark 7,515 1,197 364 79 4,312
Estonia 1,535 203 40 12 165
Finland 3,868 804 98 39 2,000
France 155,383 18,604 20,265 5,298 37,409
Germany 146,653 16,581 4,706 1,512 91,500
Greece 2,245 100 116 17 269
Hungary 1,984 472 199 77 267
Iceland 1,773 62 10 2 1,362
Ireland 15,652 5,005 687 322 77
Italy 181,228 21,712 24,114 3,649 48,877
Latvia 739 82 5 0 88
Liechtenstein 81 2 1 0 55
Lithuania 1,326 256 37 13 242
Luxembourg 3,558 266 75 6 637
Malta 431 47 3 0 126
Netherlands 33,405 6,854 3,751 928 250
Norway 7,127 522 181 47 32
Poland 9,593 2,659 380 135 1,133
Portugal 20,863 3,929 735 200 610
Romania 8,936 2,303 478 147 2,017
Slovakia 1,173 404 13 11 251
Slovenia 1,335 123 77 22 193
Spain 200,210 30,111 20,852 3,096 80,587
Sweden 14,777 3,829 1,580 661 550
Switzerland 27,944 2,256 1,429 291 18,600
UK United Kingdom 124,743 36,122 16,509 5,180
Total of 32 Countries: 1,039,275 166,007 103,299 23,848 313,713