Ukraine in Austria | Ukrainians in Vienna | Bilateral Relations

Austria and Ukraine - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Further Funding of Integration Projects for Ukrainians in Austria

The Austrian government recently initiated a special call for project proposals. The aim is to facilitate the integration of Ukrainian displaced persons in Austria and to give them access to social life. The projects are financed with funds from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Federal Chancellery.

May 11, 2022

Meeting Between Antonio Guterres and Karl Nehammer Dominated by the Ukraine Crisis

UN Secretary General António Guterres met with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer today to discuss current issues such as the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic. Both partners were convinced of the importance of continuing to negotiate with the Russian aggressor and discussed Austria's role in mediating peace.

May 11, 2022

Pro-Russian Authorities in Kherson Want to Ask Russia For Annexation

Russia accomplished in its war efforts in Ukraine to occupy Kherson. The pro-Russian authorities, installed by the Kremlin, in occupied Kherson plan to ask for the southern Ukrainian region's incorporation into Russia.

May 11, 2022

UN Secretary General António Guterres Met Austria's President Alexander Van Der Bellen in Vienna

The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres is currently visiting Vienna and met with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen. The main topic of conversation was the conflict in Ukraine and its international ramifications.

May 11, 2022

Why May 9 Is Important For Russia: Putin Tries to Justify War in Ukraine

Russia today celebrates the Day of Victory over Fascism. For Russia, this holiday is a national sanctuary, for Putin's Russia the most important day for propaganda. Read more about May 9 and its importance for Russia?

May 9, 2022

Will Russia Hold Referendums in Eastern Ukraine or Step Up Its War Effort

The war in Ukraine is raging and the Ukrainians are defending themselves against the more powerful Russian forces, which, however, have faltered. The question that arises is what strategy Russia will now adopt. There are signs of referendums in eastern Ukraine and of stepping up the Russian war effort.

May 5, 2022

Fight Against Trafficking in Women: Intervention Center Established

To combat sexual exploitation of children and women from Ukraine, the Federal Criminal Police Office recently set up a hotline where those affected can report. In recent weeks, the number of people seeking protection, mostly women and children, had increased enormously, providing easy game for human traffickers and increasing the risk of human trafficking, smuggling, sexual exploitation and coercion into prostitution.

May 5, 2022

Number of Hungry People Further Increased in 2021

The number of people going hungry worldwide continued to rise in 2021. Several factors contributed to the increase, including conflicts, economic crises, and weather extremes, according to a report released today by the Network Against Food Crises.

May 4, 2022

Austria Provides Record 46 Million in Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

In order to provide relief for the suffering of the Ukrainian population, the Austrian federal government is providing a further 46 million euros. The sum is to benefit humanitarian causes in Ukraine and the affected region and is the highest disbursement ever.

May 4, 2022

Austria and the Indecision for the Gas Embargo

The war in Ukraine has been raging for two months. To stop Russia, a great many countries have imposed tough sanctions on Russia. Many European countries and the U.S.A. want to impose a gas embargo on Russia. Austria is still very cautious about this step.

May 3, 2022

Press Freedom Day: Independent Media Essential in Times of War

On International Press Freedom Day, numerous international organizations highlight the importance of free journalism and the need for access to independent media. This year, the focus is on the war in Ukraine, which is characterized by propaganda and disinformation campaigns. Austria also has some catching up to do in these matters, according to a ranking by Reporters Without Borders. Read on if you want to learn more!

May 3, 2022

Russia Hides Its Operations in Ukraine From the OSCE

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine will be suspended, due to the lack of consensus at the OSCE Permanent Council on 31 March 2022 to extend the Mission’s mandate. In the Russian Federation’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine, Russia torpedoed the OSCE and wants as little international attention as possible on its military operations in Ukraine.

May 2, 2022

Austrian Efforts to Support Ukrainian Refugees

Austria is assuring support for Ukrainian refugees. Austria takes care legally, financially and in humanitarian terms that Ukrainian refugees feel welcome in Austria. Read more about Austria's efforts to support Ukrainian refugees in Austria.

May 1, 2022

Hungarian-Austrian Relations: National Council Presidents Köver and Sobotka Led Virtual Meeting

Hungarian National Council President László Kövér and his counterpart Wolfgang Sobotka recently held a virtual meeting to discuss current issues. The main topic, as in so many meetings these days, was the war in Ukraine and its impact on Europe. If you want to know what else was discussed, read on!

April 29, 2022

UN Secretary General Guterres in Ukraine: "We Will Not Give Up”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, during a visit to the capital Kiev, expressed courage to Ukraine and assured its full support. He condemned the Russian attacks and promised to continue providing aid and financial resources. During his speech, 2 bombs, among others, hit the Ukrainian capital.

April 29, 2022

How the European Union Is Providing Humanitarian Help to Ukraine

In Ukraine, the war has been raging for about two months now. The situation for people in Ukraine is miserable and the constant fighting makes normal life impossible. The European Union also provides humanitarian support to Ukraine. Read more about the EU's humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

April 28, 2022

Amendment to the Law: Improved Integration Measures and Professional Recognition for Ukrainians in Austria

The Austrian National Council is currently working on an amendment to the law, which should enable Ukrainian displaced persons to get better access to integration and educational opportunities. In addition, it will be easier in the future to have professional qualifications recognized in Austria if various documents are not presentable.

April 28, 2022

Population Growth in Austria: Ukrainian Immigration Provides for Over 9 Million Inhabitants

The population in Austria recorded particularly high growth in the first quarter of 2022, pushing the number of inhabitants to over 9 million for the first time. The main reason for this is the large number of temporarily housed Ukrainian aid seekers who have come to Austria in recent months to flee the Russian war of aggression.

April 27, 2022

Humanitarian Crisis in Mariupol: UN Calls for Immediate Cessation of Fighting

The humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol continues to escalate, and more and more trapped civilians are fighting for their survival. Now, several UN-Organizations are calling on the Russian war leadership to establish humanitarian escape corridors and to cease hostilities immediately.

April 26, 2022

Impact of the Ukraine War: Sobotka Meets Swiss National Council President Irène Kälin

During a visit to Switzerland, the Swiss President of the National Council Irène Kälin received Austria's National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka to discuss the situation in the Ukraine war and its consequences. Both condemned the Russian actions and promised to help each other through this difficult situation. Read on if you want to learn more about the conversation.

April 26, 2022

Women Refugees From Ukraine Particularly At Risk

The war in Ukraine is already in its ninth week. The Russian invasion caused many people to leave the country, especially women and children. These groups are particularly vulnerable to exploitation by criminal structures and others with malicious intentions.

April 25, 2022

Russian Proxies Have Detained OSCE Officials in Donetsk and Luhansk

OSCE special monitoring mission members have been arrested and detained in Donetsk and Luhansk. The OSCE calls for the immediate release of detained OSCE officials.

April 25, 2022

Ukraine: IOM and the Austrian Ministry of the Interior Launch Joint Project for War-Displaced Persons

A joint project of the International Organization for Migration and the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, aims to help Ukrainian protection seekers with numerous assistance offers. The project will run with 400,000 euros until the end of August and can be extended if necessary.

April 25, 2022

How the Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Affects Life in Vienna

The humanitarian crisis created by Russia's brutal war in Ukraine can now be felt in Vienna. Read how the crisis is affecting life in Vienna.

April 25, 2022

IAEA on the Current Status of Ukraine's Nuclear Security

The Russian aggression on Ukraine threatens Ukraine's nuclear security. A watchful IAEA is monitoring the situation very closely and expressed concern.

April 22, 2022

IAEA Director-General Chief Grossi Will Lead Assistance Mission to Ukraine’s Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine threatens the country's nuclear security. The country has many nuclear power plants and Russian troops were entrenched in Chernobyl until a few weeks ago. To maintain nuclear safety efforts at Chernobyl, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director-General of the IAEA, will lead an assistance mission to Ukraine’s Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

April 22, 2022

War Crimes in Ukraine: Austria Supports International Criminal Court

In order to help uncover the war crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine, the state of Austria is providing the International Criminal Court with a sum of 100,000 euros. The sum will be used, among other things, to collect, analyze and process evidence to document the crimes committed.

April 22, 2022

UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Urged the Security Council to Stop the War in Ukraine

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements called on the United Nations Security Council to put aside its differences and find a solution to end the war in Ukraine. There have already been 5 million people who have fled Ukraine, and there are another 7 million internally displaced.

April 21, 2022

1,350 Ukrainian Displaced Persons Could be Accommodated by Private Apartments in Vienna

The residents of the city of Vienna already provided over 1,100 housing donations for Ukrainian aid seekers who had to flee from the war crimes committed by the Russian invaders. Thus, about 94% of Ukrainians could be accommodated in private shelters and facilitate the situation for public quarters.

April 21, 2022

Refugee Crisis in Poland: European Parliament Presidents Visit Refugee Reception Center in Poland

Poland receives nine European Parliament Presidents, among them also Austria's Federal Council President Christine Schwarz-Fuchs. Together they visited the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk and the refugee reception center Lwowska as well as the Humanitarian Aid Centre Ptak near Warsaw.

April 21, 2022

Special Representatives of OSCE Chairman-in-Office Visit Council of Europe

Personal Representatives of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for tolerance issues visited the Council of Europe. During this visit, meetings were held about Human Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination. During the meetings, the representatives urged Russia to stop its invasion of Ukraine.

April 21, 2022

Production of ID Cards for Displaced Ukrainians - 40,000 Copies Already Manufactured

The production of the ID card for displaced persons, continues to progress. So far, 40,000 cards have been produced for the 56,000 registered Ukrainian aid seekers and 30,000 have already been issued. This document is enormously important for war refugees in Austria, as it allows, among other things, access to the Austrian labor market, or internal travel within the EU.

April 14, 2022

Ukrainian Ambassador Khymynets Thanks Austrian Communities for Hosting Refugees

Ukrainian Ambassador Khymynets thanked Austrian communities for hosting refugees from Ukraine. Close cooperation between Austrian and Ukrainian communities is planned.

April 14, 2022

OSCE Publishes Report on Russian War Crimes in Ukraine

The OSCE recently presented a report in Vienna on the documentation of war crimes in Ukraine. A delegation of the OSCE saw "clear signs" of violations of international humanitarian law by the Russian aggressor. Detailed elaborations on individual events had not been possible, but some cases of human rights violations could be proven.

April 13, 2022

OSCE Troika Expressed Strong Support to Ukraine and Urges Russia to Stop its Invasion

Numerous states and organizations condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine. The OSCE Troika met with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister and calls on Russia to halt its military aggression against Ukraine.

April 12, 2022

Russian Aggression Against Ukraine Provides Opportunity Against Climate Change

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has challenged many old structures globally. One of those structures is the energy infrastructure of Europe. The Russian Aggression has put Europe in an energy crisis. This crisis could give momentum to combat climate change.

April 11, 2022

Vienna Presents Itself as a Bridge Builder: Austrian Chancellor to Meet Putin in Moscow

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer will meet Russian President Putin in Moscow for talks. It will be the first meeting of an EU head of government with Putin since the beginning of the war. After the recent expulsion of four Russian diplomats and in view of the current stalemate a daring but diplomatically sensible step.

April 10, 2022

IAEA on the Status of Ukraine's Nuclear Safety

The war in Ukraine threatens the country's nuclear security. Nuclear facilities are becoming the sites of battles with Russian forces. Even as Russian forces reorganize, the IAEA continues to express concern.

April 8, 2022

Russo-Ukrainian War - EU Adopts Fifth Sanctions Package to Put Pressure on Russia

Recently, new sanctions against the Russian state were published. The EU is trying to put economic pressure on the Kremlin and cut off the sources of financing for the invasion of Ukraine. What new measures are taken, you can read here.

April 8, 2022

How the Kremlin Exploits Its Diplomatic Missions in Vienna to Spread Russian Propaganda

Since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin has used its diplomatic missions in Vienna and around the world to help spread propaganda and disinformation about the war. Read about this propaganda effort and view some blatant examples of Russian propaganda from the diplomatic missions.

April 6, 2022 · Updated: April 8, 2022; 15:46

UN Excludes Russia from Human Rights Council over Inhumane Crimes in Ukraine

After more and more details about crimes committed by the Russian Army against the Ukrainian population become public, the UN General Assembly is taking action. With a necessary two-thirds majority, the deputies voted for an exclusion from the Human Rights Council. This is not the first time something like this has happened.

April 8, 2022

G7 and OSCE Condemn Russian Aggression Against Ukraine

Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, many countries are enraged by Putin's actions. The Russian Aggression against Ukraine is ravaging the country. The G7 members strongly condemn Russia's actions. The OSCE expressed its concerns on many issues too.

April 7, 2022

Expulsion: Austria Declares Four Russian Diplomats as "Personae Non Gratae"

Now Austria is joining the trend of European sanctions against Russian diplomats, expelling three members of the Russian Embassy in Vienna and one member of the Russian Consulate General in Salzburg.

April 7, 2022

State Visit of the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins to Austria

The Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen received the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, for an official visit to Austria. The main topics of discussion are the Russian aggression in Ukraine and European security policy.

April 6, 2022

Europe's Energy Dilemma Requiring Austria and Germany to Rethink in Wake of Russian Aggression

Due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Europe has to face new questions about energy policy, which had been known for many years but were largely ignored and deferred. The much-discussed gas embargo in recent weeks is to further intensify the sanctions against Russia and its economy. Read more about the current situation.

April 6, 2022

Russian Ambassador in Vienna Denies Massacre and Reaffirms Kremlin Propaganda

The Russian Ambassador to Austria, Dmitry Lyubinsky (57), has attracted attention in connection with allegations and statements regarding war crimes in Ukraine that are in abrupt contradiction to the realities as currently captured by the "Western" side. Among other things, His Excellency claimed that "Ukrainians are blowing up their own hospitals." Following the, within a few weeks, fourth summons to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador only let it be known that "for my part, I have categorically rejected all unfounded accusations against the actions of the Russian armed forces and especially against the Russian government."

April 5, 2022

Russian Mission to the OSCE Blocks Ukraine Mandate for OSCE Observers

Russia has blocked the extension of the mandate for the international OSCE observers in Ukraine. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has decisively changed the situation for the observers there.

April 5, 2022

Threatened Former Soviet Republic of Moldova in Focus of Central European Foreign Policy

Moldavia is a country in eastern Europe, located in between Romania and Ukraine. Moldavia has had its troubles with Russia since the disputed Republic of Transnistria takes 50 percent of the land. Russia's invasion of Ukraine leads to a new perspective on security in Europe.

April 4, 2022

Austrian Chancellor Met Scholz and Habeck in Berlin: "Russian Energy Embargo Not an Issue"

Olaf Scholz and Karl Nehammer recently met in Berlin to discuss the tense political situation. The Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine triggered a chain reaction of economic sanctions. Germany and Austria stand side by side as partners and want to respond to the difficulties together.

April 4, 2022

Economic Outlook for Austria: The Kremlin's Aggression against Ukraine is a Game Changer

After a few tough years in which the Covid-19 virus shaped the Austrian economy, a new enormously important factor is coming into play - the war in Ukraine. The Russian aggression led to more pessimistic economic outlook and will still play an enormous factor in the Austrian market in the future.

April 4, 2022