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IAEA and the Nuclear Safety in Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine raises issues about nuclear safety. After several wildfires around the Chernobyl nuclear ruins, possible shelling by Russian forces in the vicinity is now leading to new concerns about the safety of the infamous nuclear power plant. The IAEA expressed its concerns and demands for an agreed framework to provide assistance.
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant exclusion zone in 2007. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Jason Minshull, Public Domain
The war in Ukraine opened Questions about Nuclear Safety. As already reported the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant was a location of fighting in the war. Russian armed forces shelled the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl.
However, the situation deteriorated in recent days. Ukrainian authorities informed the IAEA that Russian armed forces are shelling the nuclear power plant and the city of Slavutych. Many people who work in Chernobyl and maintain the safety of the nuclear power plant live in Slavutych. …
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