Sweden in Austria | Swedes in Vienna | Bilateral Relations

Austria and Sweden - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

EU Supports Young Researchers with EUR 677 Million

The European Commission is providing a total of EUR 677 million to over 400 recipients of a "Starting Grant" from the European Research Council. Eleven of the selected junior researchers are conducting research at Austrian institutions.

September 4, 2020

Climate and Energy Goals: Additional Measures Will Be Needed for Austria

Austria's Ministry for Climate Protection recognizes the need for additional protective measures in order to meet the climate targets established by the European Union. An increases of investments in sustainable ideas is demanded.

September 3, 2020

Dombrovskis in Alpbach: Economy Must Serve All People

Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Dombrovskis highlights the importance of the young generation in rebuilding the economy after Covid-19. Unemployment needs to be tackled and sustainability and digital innovation will be supported.

September 2, 2020

Higher Unemployment Rate in Euro Zone, Decreasing Numbers in Austria

Even though many EU Member States have loosened Covid-19 containment measures, unemployment increased once again in the euro zone. Austria's rate decreased slightly from June to July 2020.

September 2, 2020

Economic Sentiment in Austria and the EU Brightened Further in August

Businesses and the population of the EU still have below-average economic sentiment although the expectations improved over the last month. The sharp decline due to Covid-19 is made up by about 60 % already.

August 31, 2020

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg at the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Berlin

Austria's Foreign Minister Schallenberg has come together with the other EU Foreign Minister to discuss current foreign affairs. The main topics were the conflict between Greece and Turkey, the current situation in Belarus, relations between the EU and Russia, and the peace process in the Middle East.

August 28, 2020

US and British Universities At the Top, Austria's Universities are Mid-Table

Similar to the recent years, British and US universities are dominating the newly published "Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities". Austria's best result was a ranking in between 151 to 200 by the University of Vienna.

August 26, 2020

IPU World Conference: National Council President Sobotka Highlights Importance of International Cooperation

The 5th IPU World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, originally planned on being conducted in Vienna, was held virtually from August 19 to August 20. Austrian National Council President Sobotka as well as the majority of the representatives underlined the importance of international cooperation.

August 21, 2020

Austrian Officials Open 13th IPU Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament

The 13th IPU Summit is held virtually and will cover important topics dealing with countless inequalities women face today. The organization of the event is a common effort between the Austrian Parliament and the United Nations.

August 18, 2020

Austria Lifts Landing Bans for Airplanes from All 18 Countries that were Previously Banned

The previous landing bans for aircraft from 18 countries expired on 1 August 2020. From now on, new entry regulations will apply, requiring a mandatory Covid 19 test. There are exceptions for diplomats and some other groups.

August 1, 2020

The 2020 Vienna Election: 230,000 Non-Austrian EU Citizens Are Eligible to Vote

A total of 1,362,795 persons are entitled to vote in the Vienna municipal and district elections on October 11, 2020. This figure includes 229,784 non-Austrian EU citizens who are eligible to vote and may participate in the district representative elections.

July 27, 2020

Coronavirus Worldwide Update

Worldwide deaths has exceed 610,000, according to data collected by the ECDC Centre in Sweden. More than 14.7 million people have been infected, while some 8.6 million have recovered. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still the USA, where there are already more than 140,000 deaths. The number of infected and dead continues to rise sharply in most countries. Following is the situation update as of July 22, 2020.

July 20, 2020

Landing Ban at Austrian Airports Extended from 10 to 18 Countries

In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Austria will reinforce the landing bans for aircraft from COVID-19 risk areas as of Thursday, 16 July. Thus, landing bans will apply to aircraft from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Iran, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, United Kingdom and Ukraine.

July 14, 2020

Austria's Contribution to the "Conference on the Future of Europe"

Minister for European Affairs Karoline Edtstadler started her Austria Dialogues on the Conference on the Future of Europe (Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas) with a series of talks with representatives of the Federal Provinces, mayors and EU municipal councils.

June 9, 2020

Coronavirus in Europe: Update

European coronavirus infections have passed 1,000,000. The number of deaths has now reached 166,007. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still in Europe, together with the US, where there are now more deaths than in the rest of the world. The number of infected and dead people is still doubling every four days in most European countries. Most of the 32 European countries presented in this study are under a state of emergency with curfews and border controls. There is also a lack of doctors, lung respiratory equipment and hospital beds. Following the situation update for the European Union, EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland, as of April 21, 2020.

April 21, 2020

Tyrol Lifts Coronavirus-Quarantine

Tyrol is still under massive criticism and threat of a class action lawsuit from Germany and some Scandinavian countries because the authorities in the Tyrolean ski resort of Ischgl took quarantine measures very late, although warnings from these countries had already been issued. Today Tyrol's Governor Günther Platter announced during a video press conference that Tyrol would end its self-isolation.

April 6, 2020

COVID-19: Risk Assessment on Travel and Visits to Austria

The coronavirus outbreak has now reached Austria and the disease is spreading further. What is the risk of infection when travelling in and to Austria?

February 28, 2020

Reception of Austria-Accredited Ambassadors in the Federal Chancellery

The new Austrian Federal Government is in favour of continuing multilateral cooperation, especially in cooperation with the European countries.

January 31, 2020

Traditional New Year Reception for the Diplomatic Corps in Vienna

The Federal President's Reception for the Diplomatic Corps annually gathers all diplomatic representatives in Vienna in the Ceremonial Hall of the Hofburg.

January 17, 2020

Model European Parliament with 100 Participants in Vienna

Students from ten countries discussed European policy issues in the Great Redouten Hall of the Austrian Parliament.

October 8, 2019

Ambassador Kumlin Granit Takes Over from Ambassador Al-Hadid as New Chairperson of IAEA Board of Governors

The IAEA Board of Governors elected by acclamation Ambassador Mikaela Kumlin Granit of Sweden as the Chairperson of the IAEA’s Board of Governors for 2019–2020.

September 24, 2019

Ikea Logistics Centre Vienna Completed: €70 Million Investment Volume

One year after the start of construction work, the Ikea logistics centre with 43 loading gates has been completed. To date, Ikea has invested more than 70 million euros in the site. The site will have a total of 150 employees.

August 25, 2019

Updated Directory of Foreign Ambassadors in Austria 2019

Below you will find the updated Vindobona.org list of foreign ambassadors and representatives of the bilateral and multilateral missions and representations in Vienna, Austria (including description of persons, pictures, CVs, etc.).

November 19, 2018 · Updated: July 19, 2019; 11:50

40 Years of the UN in Vienna - The Tireless Commitment of António Guterres

UN Secretary General António Guterres completed a busy programme when he came to Vienna for the 40th anniversary celebrations and the R20 Austria World Summit. The VIC Vienna International Centre is the place where, with the help of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 193 member states, 15 Vienna-based UN organisations and more than 5000 people from 125 countries from around the world are bound together.

May 31, 2019

Diplomats for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2019

More and more embassies, delegations and permanent representations to international organisations supported this day (IDAHOBIT), that raises awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide, as well as EuroPride 2019 in Vienna.

May 29, 2019

1989-2019: Europe Exhibition Opened at Vienna`s Heldenplatz

The new exhibition "Moving Moments - The End of the Division of Europe" (Bewegende Momente - Das Ende der Teilung Europas) looks back on the fall of the Iron Curtain and pays tribute to the achievements of the people in these mostly peaceful revolutions. It also shows how the European Union is seen today by young people from these countries.

May 10, 2019

Migration Agency Demands New EU Migration Policy

Vienna based think tank International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is teaming up with its 17 member states to draw up migration policy recommendations for the next EU Commission.

May 10, 2019

Austria's Most Important Trading Partners - Ranking of the Top-20

Although the United States is only the second largest Austrian export partner after Germany, in 2018 exports exceeded the ten billion euro mark for the first time, growing by +9.7%. Imports, on the other hand, were only about half as high. Of the top 20 import partners, all, with the exception of Switzerland, showed a positive development. Imports from Russia, the UK, Slovakia, Poland and Slovenia recorded double-digit growth.

March 29, 2019

EU Citizens in Austria - Vote for Your Austrian MEP at the European Elections 2019

EU citizens who have their main residence in Austria can vote for Austrian members of the European Parliament. Here we show you how this works and who you can choose.

February 25, 2019

New Appointments of Austrian Diplomatic Posts Abroad

At its meeting of 25 April 2018, the Austrian Council of Ministers decided to entrust the following Foreign Ministry officials with the direction of Austrian Missions.

April 25, 2018 · Updated: January 11, 2019; 17:15

New Austrian Foreign Trade Strategy: Growth, Jobs, Prosperity

In a joint event in the Aula of Sciences, the Federal Government's new foreign trade strategy was presented by Economics Minister Margarete Schramböck, Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl and President of the Chamber of Commerce Harald Mahrer. The key points of the strategy are the following: Perspective, value orientation, location effect, focal points, future orientation, communication, efficient coordination.

December 20, 2018

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden Visits IAEA Laboratories in Seibersdorf

Her Royal Highness Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden visited the laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Seibersdorf, Austria to understand how nuclear techniques help IAEA Member States with food and agriculture, human health, industrial applications and the environment.

December 4, 2018

Meet the New Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Austria: H.E. Ms. Mikaela Kumlin Granite

The new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Austria, H.E. Ms. Mikaela Kumlin Granite presented Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

November 7, 2018

Austria Prepares for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union: ‘A Europe that protects’

On 1 July 2018 Austria takes over the EU Presidency for six months. The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will focus on three topics: the fight against illegal migration, digitalisation and stability in the neighbourhood.

June 5, 2018

What does the Vienna-based ICMPD and its Director General Michael Spindelegger do?

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) was founded in 1993 in Vienna on the initiative of Austria and Switzerland with the aim of making migration and mobility of people orderly, safe and regular, including through the implementation of planned and well managed migration policies. The aim is to counteract the often short-term thinking of governments so that sustainable solutions can be found and implemented in the medium and long term to combat and overcome the migration crisis. From this point of view, the tasks of the ICMPD have become extremely topical and important due to the refugee crisis.

April 26, 2018

The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe Now More at Risk Than 10 Years Ago

In the Austrian National Defence Academy, the security issue "The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe restored?" was discussed in the form of a public panel discussion. At the invitation of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Karl-Renner-Institut, the Scientific Cluster for Polemology and Legal Ethics, the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (ROCPE), the Austrian National Defence Academy and the ISP Institute for Security Policy, Hannes Swoboda as moderator and the panelists Thomas Greminger, Fyodor Lukyanov, Stephanie Liechtenstein, Alena Kupchyna discussed the hoped-for security policy development of Europe and the OSCE.

March 7, 2018

Strabag to build further Akalla tunnel section for the Stockholm motorway ring

STRABAG Sverige AB, a subsidiary of STRABAG SE, has been awarded an approx. EUR 45 million contract from the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) to build the Akalla Motorway Tunnel. The tunnel is part of the Stockholm Bypass, a motorway ring around the Swedish capital and currently the largest road construction and tunnelling project in the country.

November 21, 2017

20 Years Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT): Ministerial Meeting at VIC

Marking the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), a Ministerial Meeting was held at Vienna International Center. Hosting some 40 international organizations, Austria is a hub for the promotion of peace, safety and security, sustainable development and the fight against crime, drug abuse and terrorism.

June 20, 2016

Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Council of Ministers Places 27 New Diplomats at Head of Embassies

The Council of Ministers of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to place 27 new Austrian diplomats at head of Austrian Embassies worldwide.

December 10, 2015

How Can Exporters Benefit from the "Go-International Initiative" of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce?

Even in a challenging global economic environment, exports remain the driving force behind the Austrian economy. The go-international initiative of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce encourages companies to step across the border by offering advisory services, events and support, as well as making it easier for existing exporters to enter additional foreign markets.

October 19, 2015

Bilderberg 2015: Full List of All 133 Participants

The full list of all 133 attendees to the top secret Bilderberg Group conference 2015 has been released (see below). The Austrians participating are René Benko, Oscar Bronner, Heinz Fischer, Alfred Gusenbauer, Erich Hampel, Wolfgang Hesoun, Gerhard Roiss, Rudolf Scholten and Karl Sevelda.

June 12, 2015 · Updated: June 12, 2015; 17:45

The Bilderberg Group - Background and Criticism

The first Bilderberg conference dates back to May 1954, when it was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. Partly because of its working methods to ensure strict privacy, the Bilderberg Group has been criticised for its lack of transparency and accountability.

June 11, 2015

Bilderberg 2015: The "World Government" Meets in Austria

A select group of global elite is gathering today at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Telfs-Buchen, Austria. The 63rd Bilderberg conference is a super secret annual conference where they can discuss politics, economics and foreign policy freely. A total of around 140 participants from 22 countries have confirmed their attendance at the Bilderberg conference 2015. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry and finance have been invited. This year the list includes nine Austrians. Key talking points on the agenda include the Ukrainian crisis, Greece, Middle East and Terrorism (see detailed list below). Security is tight - participants as well as protesters and journalists will have to deal with the Austrian anti terror squad "Cobra". After 1979 it's the second time that the conference takes place in Austria.

June 11, 2015 · Updated: June 11, 2015; 19:00

Swedish Embassy in Vienna has New Premises

The Swedish Embassy/UN representation and the OSCE-delegation have moved to new premises with extensive entertainment facilities, Schwedenhaus Wien. This represents a new and unique concept which could be a model for how Sweden will be represented abroad in the future. As the Embassy also represents Sweden in Slovakia and Slovenia, Schwedenhaus Wien will have both a regional and multilateral (UN and OSCE) approach.

May 29, 2015

Analysis: The Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna

The Eurovision Song Contest 2015 has been the 60th edition of the annual Eurovision Song Contest musical event. The contest took place in Vienna and followed Conchita Wurst's victory in the 2014 edition with her song "Rise Like a Phoenix". The song "Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw took the winning spot in the 60th Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna with 365 points. The 2016 Eurovision Song Contest will therefore be held in Sweden.

May 16, 2015 · Updated: May 28, 2015; 08:00

Quality of Living Rankings: Vienna Tops the List Again

Vienna remaines at the top of the 2015 Quality of Living Rankings, boasting the best quality of living for expatriates. In the top 5 there are two other European cities, Zurich (place 2) and Munich (place 4). Also Auckland (3rd) and Vancouver (5th) are among the top five cities.

March 4, 2015

Global Peace Index: Austria is Third Most Peaceful Country

The latest Global Peace Index analyses the state of peace around the world. It identifies the most and least peaceful countries, trends in violence and conflict, and calculates the economic impact of violence. The top three most peaceful countries are Iceland, Denmark and Austria. Small and stable democracies make up the top ten most peaceful countries. New Zealand, Canada and Japan are the only non-European countries in the top ten.

March 4, 2015

Austria is Celebrating 60 Years of United Nations Membership in 2015

Austria became a member of the United Nations in 1955 and is celebrating 60 years of UN membership in 2015. 70 years ago, the United Nations were founded in San Francisco.

February 5, 2015

George Soros: "A New Policy to Rescue Ukraine"

Soros is calling on members of the European Union to behave as countries indirectly at war with Russia and to provide Ukraine with $50 billion to defend itself and kick-start political reforms. Russian President Vladimir Putin's imperial ambition has unintentionally brought into being a new Ukraine that is adamantly opposed to endemic corruption and inefficient government. By offering assistance, Europe can foster an open society in Ukraine and protect itself from Russian aggression.

January 22, 2015

Vienna Congress comsult 2015: "Power of Regions"

“Power of Regions“ is the topic of the Vienna Congress com•sult 2015 which is taking place today at Vienna's House of Industry. Distinguished participants from industry, politics and the business community such as F.W. de Klerk, Mohamed El Baradei, Author Benjamin R. Barber, Václav Klaus and Iain Begg are discussing the principle of regionality and its future in Europe.

January 20, 2015