Austria International Renewables Industry News

Read the latest headlines about developments in the international renewables industry in Vienna and Austria

China and Austria: Extension of Climate Neutrality Research Agreement

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Austria, the Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang and Austria's Climate Protection Minister Gewessler extend the agreement for cooperation in research and technology in the field of climate neutrality.

June 1, 2021

Austria Joins Global Renewable Energy Network

Austria has become a member of the REN21 Renewable Energy Network, an international community with actors from academia, governments, NGOs and industry. Austria's Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler hopes for a closer collaboration between international stakeholders with regard to the energy transition around the world.

April 27, 2021

Austria Switches Completely to Renewable Energy Sources

By 2030, Austria's current government wants to achieve a total anergy transition. In the next nine years, the government plans for massive investments in the renewable energy sector in order for Austria to be able to produce 100 percent of its electricity with renewable energy sources by 2030.

March 12, 2021

Vienna International Center Provides Heating for Viennese Households

With a new energy recycling plant, the Vienna International Center's (VIC) air conditioning system can now provide heat for around 2,400 households in the near proximity. Waste heat of the VIC's cooling system will flow into the district heating system, which can save around 3,400 tons of CO2 each year.

February 23, 2021 · Updated: February 23, 2021; 14:55

Austria Joins International Renewable Energy Agency

Since January 1, 2021, Austria is member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). During the Agency's General Assembly, Austria's Climate Protection Minister demands a transformation of the world's energy system towards 100 percent renewables and is pleased that Austria will make a contribution to this change.

January 26, 2021

German Wind Farms Sold to Austrian Energy Provider

Austria's Wien Energie managed to acquire 49 percent of the wind farm portfolio of the German Encavis in Austria. This deal will further reduce the CO2 emissions of the energy company and adds an additional 37 gigawatt hours of renewable energy for households in Vienna and the surrounding area.

December 23, 2020

Austria Ranks Fifth in Share of Renewable Energy Sources

In a newly published report by the European statistics office Eurostat, Austria is one of the most environmental-friendly EU member countries with regard to energy sources. Austria ranks fifth in a statistics that gathers data about the share of renewable energy sources in the total gross energy consumption of a country.

December 21, 2020

New European Climate Target: Kurz and Gewessler Delilghted

The European Council has agreed on a new climate target for 2030. The member states want to decrease annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent and also take other steps on their path to climate neutrality until 2050. Austria's Chancellor Kurz and Minister Gewessler are pleased with the agreement.

December 11, 2020

WKO and IV: Need for "Climate Protection with Common Sense"

The heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) demand appropriate framework conditions for climate-friendly behavior instead of the race for ever higher climate targets. Both Secretary Generals want "climate protection with common sense".

December 10, 2020

Increase of Budget for Investment Subsidies to EUR 2 Billion

The Austrian Government has announced a budget increase for investment subsidies. A high demand and investment volume in the first three weeks of the application period has lead to this decision that is welcomed by the Federal Chamber of Commerce.

September 23, 2020

Environmental Support Act: 1 Billion for Climate Protection Support until 2022

The National Council is in favor of a budget increase dedicated to climate protection. In detail, the Environment Committee wants to raise the amount of funding to EUR 1 billion by 2022 which will be invested in biogenic heating networks, renovation of buildings and other measures.

September 17, 2020

Austrian World Summit 2020 Was a Success

The Austrian World Summit 2020 was held in a mixture of analog and digital setting due to Covid-19, yet starred international personalities that all highlighted the importance of sustainability and the fight against climate change.

September 17, 2020

Foreign Trade Has Partially Recovered from Crisis

According to the latest report from Statistics Austria, imports and exports are only slightly behind last year's number indicating an upwards trend after Covid-19 has impacted foreign trade significantly.

September 8, 2020

WKO Secretary General: Labor Market Situation Improves, But Remains Great Challenge

The secretary general of Austria's Federal Chamber of Commerce WKO recognizes a slightly positive trend in the labor market but underlines the importance of ongoing and future economic measures.

September 7, 2020

Climate and Energy Goals: Additional Measures Will Be Needed for Austria

Austria's Ministry for Climate Protection recognizes the need for additional protective measures in order to meet the climate targets established by the European Union. An increases of investments in sustainable ideas is demanded.

September 3, 2020

Economic Sentiment in Austria and the EU Brightened Further in August

Businesses and the population of the EU still have below-average economic sentiment although the expectations improved over the last month. The sharp decline due to Covid-19 is made up by about 60 % already.

August 31, 2020

Vienna Based UNIDO Holds Expert Panel to Discuss Developments in Industry and Society

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization hosted an expert panel about the future of industry and society. Main topics were the advancement of attaining the sustainable development goals and shaping society as a whole.

August 21, 2020

Climate Change - Austrian World Summit Postponed

Arnold Schwarzenegger's ambitious climate project in Vienna falls victim to the coronavirus and has to be postponed until autumn.

March 24, 2020

Schwarzenegger in Vienna: Kick-off for Climate Conference

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Federal Chancellor Kurz stress the need for effective climate protection.

January 29, 2020

Vienna Energy Forum 2020 as a Hub for Innovative and Sustainable Energy Solutions

During high-level talks at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25), Maria Patek, Austria's Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism, announced the hosting of the Vienna Energy Forum (VEF) 2020.

December 11, 2019

Further Increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Austria

Environmental control report calls for increased investment in climate-neutral economy and society. Climate neutrality requires change in the economy and society.

October 16, 2019

What Does Vienna Have in Common with the New Silk Road?

In order to ensure sustainable development, the cities along the New Silk Road also have to face major infrastructural and social challenges, as well as climate-ecological challenges. More than 1000 participants from more than 178 cities are expected in September in the Vienna International Center for UNIDO's Bridge for Cities Conference as part of the Belt & Road Initiative.

August 12, 2019

Official Visit of President of Hungary - Criticism of Expansion of Paks Nuclear Power Plant

President János Áder of Hungary paid an official visit to Austria. The main topic of discussion between Áder and Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen was climate protection.

February 25, 2019

Kurz Met Bill Gates: "He is a Source of Inspiration"

Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz met billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates at the EU summit in Brussels. Gates was in Brussels this week to create a pilot fund that will invest €100 million in European companies working to stop climate change.

October 19, 2018

Austro-Arab Energy Community Meets in Vienna to Discuss International Cooperation

The 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition took place in Vienna yesterday, organized by the AACC Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the City of Vienna and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RECREEE). Under the general theme "Energy Transition - Urban Technology and Sustainable Cities", New Opportunities for International Cooperation and Partnerships, representatives from EU institutions, international organizations, funds, European and international financial institutions as well as ministers and high-ranking personalities from the Arab economy met representatives of the local economy, politics and business community. Participants included Nabil R. Kuzbari, Richard Schenz, Michael Ludwig, Omar Al-Rawi, Mahdi Allak, Johannes Peterlik, Samir Koubaa, Michael Esterl and Li Yong.

October 2, 2018

Vienna Energy Forum and the R20 Austrian World Summit 2018: Feedback of a Participant

At the Vienna Energy Forum and the R20 Austrian World Summit recently held in Vienna, Beatriz Mayor of IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis also participated, who shares her interesting insights as follows.

June 6, 2018

Top Energy Events Put Vienna in the Focus of the Global Clean Energy Economy

The Vienna Energy Forum 2018 in May in Vienna brings together a multitude of people and institutions to discuss and solve the key questions of the present on the topic of energy. Among them are heads of state, ministers, energy experts, representatives of international and non-governmental organizations, academia, civil society and the private sector. The PFAN Climate and Clean Energy Investment Forum and the R20 Austria World Summit are also part of this huge event. This event, sponsored by Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a high-level summit about leadership on implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

April 19, 2018

OSCE: "Reliable, Affordable and Sustainable Energy Supplies are Prerequisite for Stability and Security"

Energy experts from the OSCE Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation, representing both government institutions and private sector companies, will begin a week-long field study of sustainable energy in Austria and Germany.

July 12, 2016

Activ Solar Files for Reorganisation in Austria, Debts Reach EUR 500 Million

Vienna-based Activ Solar GmbH announced that it is bankrupt and that it has filed for reorganization in Austria due to its investment exposure in Ukraine. The company has amassed debts to the tune of EUR 500 million.

February 10, 2016

Klaus Toepfer to Give Keynote Speech at Economic and Environmental Forum in Vienna

Good governance in the OSCE area, reinforcing security and stability through co-operation, will be theme of the 24th Economic and Environmental Forum and the 1st Preparatory Meeting taking place on 25 and 26 January in Vienna. The meeting will focus on good environmental governance to enable sustainable economic development.

January 22, 2016

US Company Contour Moves European Headquarters from Paris to Vienna

The Vienna-based European headquarters will be the strategic centre for all thermal and renewable energy facilities in Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Spain, Northern Ireland and Ukraine.

December 11, 2015

Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Likely to be Announced Early Tuesday

Officials negotiating in Vienna's Palais Coburg say nothing is confirmed, but a deal will possibly come in the early hours of the morning. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said an Iran nuclear deal would not be ready to be announced July 13, as China’s Foreign Minister urged the P5+1 and Iran to finalize the accord.

July 13, 2015

BioEnergy International Expands Business in the USA

Listed technology company BDI BioEnergy International AG has been awarded with a contract for a plant optimisation project in California by Crimson Renewable Energy LP. The contract volume is in the lower single-digit million Euro range.

October 20, 2014

Analysis: The South Stream Gas Pipeline

Due to the signing of the South Stream agreement between OMV and Gazprom for the Austrian part of the pipeline during Putin's visit to Vienna, we take a look at the background of the project.

June 25, 2014

Fischer: Room for Further Trade with Albania

Austrian President Heinz Fischer was paying a visit to Western Balkan States.

May 22, 2014

Czech Arca Capital to Invest in Romania

As reported by daily E15, Czech investment group Arca Capital is planning to make a huge investment in Romania.

May 12, 2014

Czech Republic: Rosatom to Complete Temelin?

Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom presented an offer to complete the units of the Czech nuclear power plant Temelin.

May 12, 2014

Calls for European Energy Union Become Louder

Polish PM Tusk called for a European energy union. His Hungarian counterpart supports the idea.

May 9, 2014

Romania Keeps Majority Stake in Romgaz

Romania´s government will privatize 15% of the country´s biggest natural gas producer. The opening of the economy to foreign investors bears potential dangers.

October 12, 2013

Wifo: Economy Remains Competitive Despite High Wages

Head of Wifo (Austrian Institute for Economic Research), Karl Aiginger, calls for a change of views in economic policy as competitiveness is more than just low costs.

September 18, 2013

Romania: Austrian Investors Demand Transparency

In an interview with Business Review Romania, Rudolf Lukavsky, commercial counselor for Romania and Moldova at the Austrian Embassy described the downsides and advantages of the economic environment in the country.

September 17, 2013

EVN Records Lower Net Profits

Business development Q. 1–3 2012/13

August 29, 2013

Electricy Thieves Caused Losses for EVN in Bulgaria.

Austrian energy provider EVN lost € 800,000 because of electricity thieves.

August 27, 2013

Slovenia: Decrease of Net Electricity

In the seven months of 2013, Slovenia's total consumption of electricity decreased for less than 1% over the same period one year ago.

August 27, 2013

Bulgaria and Romania to Strenthen Relations

Bulgaria and Romania plan to strengthen relations at bilateral, regional and European level.

August 26, 2013

Moody´s Downgrades Austrian Verbund

The rating agency lowers the rating of the Austrian energy group from „A3“ to „Baa1“.

August 2, 2013

Austria: Verbund to Take Austerity Measures

Only a few months ago, CEO of Verbund Wolfgang Anzengruber promised that “2013 will become the best year in the company’s history”. However, there have been bad news for the energy company ever since.

August 1, 2013

EVN Forced to Lower Electriciy Prices in Bulgaria

Austrian energy provider EVN is ordered by the regulator to drop electricity prices.

July 30, 2013

Renewable Energy: Only Decent Growth Rates

2012: Share of eligible renewable energy consumption in Austria increased by 1% .

July 19, 2013

Serbia to Invest € 10bn in Energy Sector

Serbia will invest € 10 bn in the development of the energy sector in the next eight years.

July 12, 2013