Foreign Trade Has Partially Recovered from Crisis

PeopleExecutives ♦ Published: September 8, 2020; 15:10 ♦ (Vindobona)

According to the latest report from Statistics Austria, imports and exports are only slightly behind last year's number indicating an upwards trend after Covid-19 has impacted foreign trade significantly.

Statistics Austria's head Tobias Thomas sees first signs of recovery after the Covid-19 crisis hit foreign trade. / Picture: © Statistik Austria/Ranger–Marton

In June 2020, the value of imports of goods was EUR 11.61 billion according to Statistics Austria, a decrease of 5.1% compared to June 2019, with the strongest decrease in the imports from Germany.

Exports of goods decreased by 5.4% to EUR 11.49 billion; Italy and Hungary were particularly affected. The balance of trade thus showed a liability of EUR 0.12 billion. …