Statistics Austria

Inflation in Austria at its Lowest Level Since 2021

Inflation in Austria fell to 1.8 percent in September compared to the same month last year. This was the lowest figure for a good three and a half years, according to Statistics Austria.

October 19, 2024

Austria's External Trade Deficit 2023 has Fallen Sharply

Austria recorded a remarkable reduction in its foreign trade deficit in 2023. As the latest figures from Statistics Austria show, the deficit fell by around 90 percent from 20.59 billion euros in 2022 to just 2.02 billion euros. This decrease is mainly due to cheaper energy imports, especially gas.

June 25, 2024

Inflation Sank in December to 10,2 Percent

The inflation rate continues to drop in Austria. After a reduction in November to 10,6 percent, inflation dropped even further in December to 10,2 percent. However, experts are slowing the enthusiasm down for the moment.

January 5, 2023

Inflation in Austria: Highest Value Since Post-War Period

Inflation in Austria is getting higher and higher. At 10.5%, it has now exceeded the magic limit of 10 percentage points and is thus considered the highest inflation in Austria since the post-war period. Read on if you want to know which products have become more expensive!

October 25, 2022

Every Third Austrian Had to Suffer Income Losses in the Last Year

The COVID-19 pandemic and the many current crises have left a mark on the Austrian population. According to a recent survey, more than one third of Austrians suffered a loss of income within the last 12 months.

October 14, 2022

Foreign Companies Provide Every 5th Job in Austria

A new statistic examines the question of how many jobs in Austria depend on foreign companies and what share these companies have in the Austrian economy. Read on if you want to know more!

October 8, 2022

Number of Holiday Trips Back to Pre-Crisis Levels

To mark World Tourism Day, today we turn our attention to tourism in Austria. After the summer, the travel activity of the Austrian population was evaluated. The pleasing result: the Austrian population is travelling more again and is back at pre-crisis levels. Among others, this pleases the airport, which recorded an increase in passenger volume.

September 27, 2022

Foreigners in Austria: More Than a Quarter of the Austrian Population Has a Migration Background

A new study by Statistics Austria analysed the countries of origin of Austrians and found that more than a quarter of the Austrian population has a migration background. If you want to know where most foreigners in Austria come from and how much the proportion has increased in recent years, read on.

July 28, 2022

Rising Migration Poses New Challenges for Austria

The year 2022 has so far been exceptional for Austria in terms of integration and presents Austria with a mammoth task, according to Integration Minister Susanne Raab. The presentation of the Integration Report 2022 on Monday provided new insights into immigration in Austria.

July 25, 2022

Vienna Enables Compatibility of Work and Family

The daycare center statistics published annually by Statistics Austria have shown Vienna's path in the field of elementary education to be positive.

July 18, 2022

Austria's Foreign Trade Achieves Strong Growth

In the previous year, there were strong increases in foreign trade compared to the first CoV year 2020. It is pleasing that almost all federal states were able to record a positive foreign trade balance.

July 15, 2022

Austria as an International Leader in Research and Development Expenditures

Austria is one of the top performers in Europe in terms of expenditure on research and development. With a value of over 3% of GDP, Austria is thus one of the few countries to reach the EU's specified quota. Austria is also very successful in other areas on average in the EU. Read more in the following article!

July 4, 2022

Population Growth in Austria: Ukrainian Immigration Provides for Over 9 Million Inhabitants

The population in Austria recorded particularly high growth in the first quarter of 2022, pushing the number of inhabitants to over 9 million for the first time. The main reason for this is the large number of temporarily housed Ukrainian aid seekers who have come to Austria in recent months to flee the Russian war of aggression.

April 27, 2022

Housing in Austria: Average Monthly Rents Remain Above Inflation Rate

Rental prices are not spared from the persistently high inflation. On the contrary - according to a recent study, rental prices remain above the current inflation rate. If you want to know how expensive rent is and how much the average tenant pays, read on.

March 30, 2022

Naturalizations in Austria on the Rise Again Due to Descendants of Nazi Victims

Naturalizations in Austria are on the rise again, mainly due to the large number of descendants of victims of nazi persecution who applied for citizenship thanks to the amendment to Austria's Citizenship Act. Read more about this increase in naturalizations.

February 17, 2022

Austria's Population will Exceed Nine Million this Year

Austria's population is nearing nine million and should reach this mark sometime in 2022. Read more about Austria's recent population increase.

February 16, 2022

After Pandemic Shock, Strong Upturn in Foreign Trade: China +26.4 %, USA +18 %

New data for January to September 2021 shows that Austria's foreign trade is returning to pre-pandemic levels. Read about Austria's improving trade figures.

December 10, 2021

The Percentage of Austrians Born Abroad Rises from 20% to 27%

Austria's population is growing and aging. In 2020, actually life expectancy has decreased by half a year. There are more seniors than under-20s. In 2022, the population is expected to reach nine million.

November 30, 2021

Naturalizations in Austria Up 21.1% Year on Year in the First Three Quarters of 2021

In the first nine months of 2021, Austrian citizenship was granted to 7,676 persons, including 1,131 persons residing abroad. With 368 naturalizations, the United States ranks fourth. Find out which other countries the new citizens come from.

November 26, 2021

Austrian Foreign Trade Picks Up Again

Austria's foreign trade in 2021 has improved significantly compared to 2020, and in some months, it is even approaching the pre-pandemic levels of 2019. Read the detailed numbers showing that Austrian trade is picking up again.

November 11, 2021

Back to School: 82 Percent of Austrian Teachers Vaccinated

As the school year begins, statistics show that 82 percent of Austrian teachers have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This is a much higher proportion than that of the general population, which is 65 percent fully immunized. The willingness to vaccinate varies by federal state, type of school, gender, and age group. Read more about the results of the study, such as where each federal state ranks on the list.

September 9, 2021

Number of Naturalizations in Austria Continues to Rise Despite Covid

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, naturalizations in Austria have increased in the first half of 2021. During this time Austria granted citizenship to 5,057 people. In the same period, however, Vienna experienced a decrease in the number of naturalizations. Read more about the details of this trend and how they vary among the federal states of Austria.

September 3, 2021

Austrian Wholesale Prices: Largest Increase Since March 2011

In July 2021, wholesale prices saw their largest year-over-year increase since March 2011. The increases can be seen in the steel industry, gas industry, agricultural industry, and more. Read about which other industries the increases are affecting and just how significant the increases are.

August 6, 2021

Building Permits in Vienna Reach Record Levels in 2021

In positive news for the construction industry, reports show that building permits in Vienna have reached record levels in the first quarter of 2021. They also show an interesting trend in Lower Austria.

July 16, 2021

How Expensive is Rent in Austria?

The rent costs in Austria vary depending on the duration, region and type of rental segment. Find out more about the exact amounts you have to pay across Austria!

May 25, 2021

Statistics Austria: Highest Public Deficit Since Records Began

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Austria has recorded its highest public deficit since the start of the record in 1954. The deficit in 2020 amounted to 8.9 percent of the GDP (EUR 33.2 billion), which was caused by a sharp increases in government spending and a decrease in government revenue.

April 1, 2021

Austrian Foreign Trade: Covid-19 Pandemic Takes its Toll

Austria's imports and exports both declined heavily in 2020. A year characterized by the Covid-19 pandemic, the total value of imports decreased by around 9 percent compared to 2019, while Austrian companies exported 7.5 percent less than the year before. In total, imports and exports resulted in a trade balance deficit of around EUR 2 billion.

March 15, 2021

International Women's Day 2021: Gender Pay Gap in Austria Still Significant

Since the International Women's Day is on March 8, Statistics Austria has revealed some data that show the still significant differences between women and men in Austria's workforce. On average, women earn around 14 percent less than men and only 3.8 percent of employed women hold managerial positions, compared to 8.1 percent of employed men.

March 5, 2021

Naturalizations in Austria Decline Heavily

The number of naturalizations in Austria has also been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. After nine years of constantly rising numbers, naturalizations have decreased by 15.2 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year. Almost 9,000 people have gained Austrian citizenship, a third of them having Bosnian, Serbian or Turkish citizenship before naturalization.

February 12, 2021

Significantly More Deaths in Austria in 2020

Due to Covid-19, deaths in Austria in the year 2020 have increased by almost 11 percent compared to 2019. Furthermore, life expectancy has decreased by about half a year for men and women in 2020. In weekly comparisons, an increase in deaths of almost 50 percent compared to the same weeks in 2019 had been observed.

January 14, 2021

World Statistics Day 2020: New Economic Monitor Shows Austria's Economic Development

Statistics Austria has introduced a new economic monitor which shows Austria's economic development over time. Data is updated biweekly and will include more than 80 economic indicators across different sectors and industries. In addition to this monitor, Statistics Austria provides a Covid-19 data collection which focuses also on population, health and education.

October 19, 2020

European Ministers Sign EU Cloud Declaration

At the Informal Council of EU Minister for Telecommunication and Digitalization the future of the EU with regard to security, exchange and use of data was discussed. Austrian Minister Schramböck is delighted about the progress made and the signing of the EU Cloud Declaration that should enable an even better exchange of data among member states.

October 15, 2020

Public Deficit Amounts to 9.4%, Public Debt to 82.6% of GDP in First Half Year of 2020

Austria's government has lost its successful path to a lower public deficit due to Covid-19. In the first half year of 2020, the public deficit amounted to 9.4% while public debt rose to 82.6%. The outlook for the second half of 2020 is not much better and an increase of public debt is expected.

September 30, 2020

Austrian Economy Slumped by 12.1% in Q2 2020

The newly published report by Statistics Austria shows a massive economic slump in the second quarter of 2020. Austria's GDP declined by more than 12 percent compared to the second quarter of 2019 while expectations for the last two quarters of the year are not much better.

September 28, 2020

Foreign Trade Has Partially Recovered from Crisis

According to the latest report from Statistics Austria, imports and exports are only slightly behind last year's number indicating an upwards trend after Covid-19 has impacted foreign trade significantly.

September 8, 2020

Number of Naturalisations Decreased in Austria

The number of naturalisations decreased by one fifth in the first half of 2020. This might be due to the fewer party traffic during the COVID-19 lockdown which started in March.

August 25, 2020

Statistics Austria: Inflation Has Risen to 1.7% in July 2020

According to latest reports, inflation in Austria has risen from 1.1% in June to 1.7% in July 2020. The pricing of clothing was the main driving force.

August 19, 2020

Change at the Helm of Statistics Austria - Halt of "Message Control"

German-born Prof. Dr. Tobias Thomas replaces Konrad Pesendorfer, takes over as Co-CEO and becomes Technical Statistics Director General. His first official act is the suspension of advance transmissions of statistical press releases to the Federal Chancellery of Austria (BKA).

June 2, 2020

Naturalisations in Austria up by 9.2%

In the first nine months of 2019, 7,610 persons were granted Austrian citizenship, including 1,416 former EU citizens. More than half of them are women. The trend of rising naturalisation figures thus continues.

November 22, 2019

Austria's Foreign Trade on the Upswing

According to preliminary statistics, the total nominal value of imports of goods in the period January to September 2018 was 5.2% higher than in the previous year at 115.23 billion euros, while exports of goods rose by 6.0% to 111.55 billion euros. The trade balance deficit amounted to 3.68 billion euros after 4.27 billion euros in the same period of the previous year.

December 14, 2018

Growth of Foreign Controlled Enterprises in Austria

Statistics Austria reports a slight increase in the number of foreign-controlled companies in Austria. As at 31.12.2016 there were around 10,800 companies in Austria that are part of a foreign group. In comparison, the number of foreign subsidiaries of Austrian companies remained constant.

October 31, 2018

Integration Report 2018: Focus on Women with a Migration Background

The members of the Expert Council on Integration presented the results of the Integration Report 2018. The Integration Report provides a comprehensive overview of integration in Austria. Austria's number of asylum applications in 2017 remained high compared to other EU countries. With 2.8 asylum applications per 1,000 inhabitants, Austria ranks 5th among all EU member states in proportion to its population.

September 14, 2018

Austria: Number of Naturalisations Increased by 3.7% in 2014

7.693 people acquired Austrian citizenship in 2014 (including 123 persons resident abroad). Compared to 2013, the number of naturalisations increased by 3.7%. Top former nationalities include Bosnia-Herzegovina (1 120), Turkey (885), followed by Serbia (671), the Russian Federation (433) and the Kosovo (381).

February 20, 2015

Austrian Population Rises Above 8.5 Million

Austria's population increases to 8.58 million at the beginning of 2015, according to preliminary results of Statistics Austria. In absolute terms, the population grew by almost 72 000 last year. Hence, population growth was significantly higher than in the previous year (2013: +56 000). More than half of the population growth was concentrated in the Eastern part of Austria (55.9%), where Vienna accounted for a large share of the total increase (38.9%).

February 20, 2015

Inflation in Austria Dropped Down to +1.0% in December 2014

The annual inflation rate of the consumer price index measured by Statistics Austria went down to +1.0% in December 2014 (November +1.7%).

January 19, 2015

Further Decrease of Inflation to 1.7% in August

The annual inflation rate of the consumer price index slowed down to 1.7% in August 2014 (July 1.8%).

September 17, 2014

Austria's Foreign Trade: Imports +1.0%, Exports +1.2% in H1 2014

According to preliminary results by Statistics Austria, total imports amounted to €64.62 bn and total exports amounted to €63.23 bn in the period January to June 2014.

September 5, 2014

Austria: Wholesale Price Index Down by -1.6% Y/Y

The index of wholesale prices (WPI 2010) amounted to 107.7 (preliminary value) in August 2014 and thus went down by 0.4% against July 2014. Compared to August 2013, the wholesale prices decreased by 1.6%.

September 5, 2014

Austria: Turnover of Service Enterprises Stable

In the first half of 2014, turnover of Austrian service enterprises increased by 1.0% compared to the same period in the year before. Turnover in trade decreased by 0.5% in nominal terms for the time period from January until June 2014. Taking inflation into account, sales in trade fell by 0.2%. Results were calculated by Statistics Austria, Short Term Statistics Trade and Services.

September 5, 2014

Statistics Austria: IPP Down by 0.8%

Industrial producer prices in July 2014 are down -0.8% compared to July 2013.

August 29, 2014
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