The Percentage of Austrians Born Abroad Rises from 20% to 27%

More+More+ ♦ Published: November 30, 2021; 22:51 ♦ (Vindobona)

Austria's population is growing and aging. In 2020, actually life expectancy has decreased by half a year. There are more seniors than under-20s. In 2022, the population is expected to reach nine million.

The number of Austria's foreign-born population will continue to increase in the future, assuming continued international immigration. / Picture: © Vienna City Administration

Austria's population is growing. The leap over the nine-million mark is imminent.

But Austria is also getting older. Life expectancy has increased massively in recent decades.

However, the Covid 19 pandemic has temporarily slowed down this long-term trend. In 2020, life expectancy has fallen by half a year. …