Vienna Enables Compatibility of Work and Family
The daycare center statistics published annually by Statistics Austria have shown Vienna's path in the field of elementary education to be positive.
In the reporting year 2021/22, places were provided for over 100,000 children in Vienna's elementary educational institutions, just over a third of them by municipal kindergartens and after-school care centers. Overall, about 44 percent of children under three and over 92 percent of 3 to 5 year-olds attended an elementary educational institution. For the under-threes, Vienna is once again the frontrunner in Austria. Vienna is also at the same high level as in previous years for 3–5-year-olds, with over 92 percent.
In the city of Vienna, there are 2,780 childcare facilities with 16,841 employees in total. More than 90 percent of the educational institutions are open more than 9 hours per day and more than 47 weeks per year. In addition, Vienna has by far the lowest number of average closing days, at around 12 days. The Austrian average is over 22 days. Vienna also has by far the most facilities and staff.
Kindergarten is the first educational institution
As the first educational institution, kindergarten has an important role to play in society. The educational programs offered are geared to the needs and interests of the children. However, the extensive range of elementary educational institutions in Vienna also helps families to reconcile work and family life and makes it possible to return to work as soon as desired after maternity leave.
According to City Councilor for Education Christoph Wiederkehr the data presented by Statistics Austria "clearly shows the enormous importance of Vienna's kindergartens for society." Wiederkehr stressed the important role of kindergarten as the first and most important educational institution for children.