New European Climate Target: Kurz and Gewessler Delilghted

Lifestyle & TravelHealth ♦ Published: December 11, 2020; 21:30 ♦ (Vindobona)

The European Council has agreed on a new climate target for 2030. The member states want to decrease annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent and also take other steps on their path to climate neutrality until 2050. Austria's Chancellor Kurz and Minister Gewessler are pleased with the agreement.

Austria's Minister for Climate Protection Gewessler is delighted about the EU's new climate target for 2030. / Picture: © BMK / Cajetan Perwein

"I am pleased that it has been possible to reach agreement on a new climate target for 2030," Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said at the meeting of EU heads of state and government in Brussels.

In parallel, he said, measures must be taken to maintain competitiveness in Europe: …