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State Visit of the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins to Austria

The Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen received the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, for an official visit to Austria. The main topics of discussion are the Russian aggression in Ukraine and European security policy.
April 6, 2022

Last Call for Britons in Vienna: Apply for Residence by End of 2021
The City of Vienna is reminding all British residents and their families that they must apply for a residence permit by the end of 2021 due to Brexit. Read about this fast-approaching deadline for Britons in Vienna.
November 29, 2021

New Cargo Airline Relocates to Austria

Express service provider DHL Express is relocating a large part of its cargo airline from England to the Vienna area. The new cargo airline for the European market, based in Austria, is said to be a strong signal for the location.
May 26, 2021

UK and Austria Work on Post-Brexit Agreements

During his visit to London, Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg met with his British counterpart Dominic Raab and with Brexit Minister David Frost. Both the United Kingdom and Austria have reiterated their commitment to bilateral cooperation.
May 18, 2021

Brexit: Austria to Receive EUR 16.8 Million to Cushion Impact

To alleviate the likely negative effects of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the European Commission has set up a reserve, from which EU member states will receive funding. Austria is entitled to EUR 16.8 million, while other member states, which have closer trade links to the leaving party, will receive more.
January 15, 2021

Brexit Agreement: Austria's Economy Significantly Better Off

The Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) has issued a study in which the effects of the post-Brexit trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union was compared to a no-deal scenario. The results of the study show that the Austrian economy be happy with the negotiated agreement.
January 14, 2021

Brexit Has Lasting Impact on Erasmus

The Brexit has a huge impact on the European economy and its people. One of the most discussed effects among the younger population is the end of the United Kingdom's participation in the Erasmus+ program. Thousands of European and British students are affected and will now need to seek other opportunities to further their studies abroad.
January 13, 2021

Britons in Vienna: 10% Have Already Applied for Residence Permit
About 10 percent of the British citizens in Vienna have already applied for a residence permit. Due to Brexit, the British population residing in EU countries needs to take certain measures in order to stay eligible for residence in the future. In Austria, the deadline for applications is December 31, 2021.
January 13, 2021

Eurochambres President Demands Repositioning of EU

After the post-Brexit trade deal between the EU and the United Kingdom has finally been set up, Eurochambres President Christoph Leitl demands repositioning of the European Union and does not only see negative impacts of the UK leaving the single market and the customs union.
January 11, 2021

Schramböck: "UK Will Remain Important Partner in Europe"

Although the United Kingdom will be leaving the European Union's customs union and single market at the end of 2020, Austria's Economics Minister Schramböck assures that "Austria's companies will continue to play a significant role in the UK markets" in the future. The newly negotiated agreement between the UK and the EU will provide a proper framework for these business relations.
December 30, 2020

Selmayr and Beste Meet to Discuss German EU Council Presidency

Ralf Beste, Germany's ambassador to Austria, and his fellow countryman Martin Selmayr, representative of the European Commission in Austria, met to discuss the year of 2020 and the German Presidency of the EU Council, which will be ending on December 31. Both politicians underlined the importance of the European Union in finding solutions for international problems.
December 29, 2020

Brexit Agreement: Federation of Austrian Industries and WKO Welcome Agreement

With regard to the finalized Brexit negotiations, the Federation of Austrian Industries and Chamber of Commerce showed themselves relieved after the EU and the United Kingdom have finally come to an agreement which will regulate the relations between the leaving party and the member countries of the European Union starting from January 1, 2021.
December 28, 2020

Legal Certainty for British in Austria
Austria gives Britons in Austria legal certainty with regard to residence. Although the United Kingdom left the European Union at the beginning of this year, the European Union and many member countries for themselves have ensured a smooth transitions for British citizens currently residing in EU countries.
December 22, 2020

European Council: Kurz Hopes for Rapid Approval of Vaccine

Prior to the European Council, Austria's Chancellor Kurz hopes for a rather fast approval process of a Covid-19 vaccine and is looking forward to a succession of close cooperation between the EU and the United States. Other relevant topics for the Council will be sanctions for Turkey, Brexit negotiations, EU climate targets, and the joint fight against terrorism.
December 10, 2020

Selmayr Visits Van der Bellen

Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, Martin Selmayr, visited Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen prior to the upcoming European Council. The two politicians discussed current issues in Europea including the Covid-19 pandemic, the relations with the United States and the Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom.
December 9, 2020

Prize for Pre-Scientific Papers: "We Are Europe"

For the first time, the European Commission in Austria together with the Liaison Office of the European Parliament and the Ministry of Education has awarded the "We are Europe" prize to several young Austrians, who have shown a particular good understanding of European topics in their pre-scientific papers.
November 17, 2020

Ambassador Turner Met Governor of Carinthia

British Ambassador to Austria met Carinthia's Governor Kaiser to discuss the current Covid-19 situation in Austria and also the Brexit negotiations that are in the decisive stage. Turner hopes that the registration of British citizens following the Brexit will be easy and unbureaucratic.
November 12, 2020

Spanish Secretary of State for EU Met Edtstadler

The Spanish Secretary of State for the EU González-Barba Pera met European Affairs Minister Edtstadler in Vienna to discuss the fight against Covid-19 and the cooperation on EU-level. Both sides agreed on the importance of a common effort by the European Union to tackle future problems.
October 28, 2020

EU Council: Kurz Demands Better Coordination of Restrictions

At the EU Council of the heads of state and government, Chancellor Kurz demands better coordination of travel restrictions, quarantine periods and testing with regard to Covid-19. Other topics on the agenda were the Brexit negotiations, foreign relations, and climate protection.
October 16, 2020

Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Met Austrian Counterpart

The Swedish and Austrian Minister for EU Affairs have come together to discuss current EU topics which included migration policy, the joint fight against Covid-19 and recent developments between Great Britain and the EU regarding Brexit.
October 7, 2020

Approval for EU Membership Remains High Among Austrians

A recent survey conducted by the Austrian Society for European Politics shows that the Covid-19 pandemic had only little or no effect on the approval for EU membership among the Austrian population. 70 percent of a representative sample wants to remain in the European Union.
October 2, 2020

Austrian Chancellor Kurz at 10 Downing Street

Chancellor Kurz met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in London today. The discussion with Johnson focused on London's future relations with the European Union.
February 25, 2020

Brexit: Global Research Institute IIASA Gratified that UK Remains Member

The UK, which is one of 23 member countries and which has been a member of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg near Vienna since 2015, has confirmed funding for a further five years of UK membership of the institute.
February 10, 2020

EU Climate Neutrality by 2050, but Austria Against Nuclear Energy

The EU's commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 is an important milestone. Each state is free to evaluate its own national climate mix. The Austrian head of government stressed that nothing had changed in Austria's attitude that nuclear energy is not a safe and sustainable source of energy.
December 13, 2019

Potential President of the EU Commission Michel Barnier Met Top of New Austrian Government

Brexit chief negotiator Michel Barnier was in Vienna to meet several members of the new government, including Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg. Officially, the Brexit negotiations were the focus of the talks, however, unofficially Barnier repeatedly shows interest as Jean-Claude Juncker's successor in the office of EU Commission President.
June 11, 2019

Vienna Stock Exchange: High Dependence on UK Traders

In 2018, around 60% of the equity turnover on the Vienna Stock Exchange came from UK trading participants. Hence equity turnover declined by 16.3% compared to the previous year. The most active stocks were Erste Group, OMV and Voestalpine. The SME segment "direct market plus" started with 8 companies, including 4 new listings.
April 3, 2019

Barnier Meets the Austrian Government - What's the Point of a Brexit Postponement?

The Brussels chief negotiator for the Brexit, Michel Barnier, visited Vienna for talks with Foreign Minister Kneissl, Chancellor Kurz and Chancellery Minister Blümel. The agenda of the meeting included an exchange on the current state of the Brexit negotiations and the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom.
March 1, 2019

What Does No-Deal Brexit Really Mean for British-Austrian Travel Behaviour?

As of March 29, 2019 at 11.00 p.m. (UTC Universal Time Coordinated) or March 30, 2019 at 00:00 (CET Central European Time) the United Kingdom is no longer an EU member and is to be treated as such by Austria. In order to close the legal gaps in the course of a disorderly Brexit, a comprehensive law is in preparation. This law will be subject to numerous amendments in several Austrian ministries. The main areas affected are civil rights (in particular right of residence, social security), transport and customs. In following we look at the effects of the No-Deal-Brexit on travel behaviour.
February 13, 2019

Population Development - City of Vienna at 1.9 Million Inhabitants

Last year Vienna grew by 11,000 inhabitants. The birth surplus was 4,000, the migration gain 7,000. Immigration from Great Britain was disproportionately high due to Brexit fears. Serbia is the strongest group of immigrants. The influx of refugees has fallen back to the level before the wave of refugees. In 2027 about 2 million people will live in Vienna.
January 22, 2019

What Brexit Means for Austrian Federal Provinces

The economic links between the Austrian provinces and the United Kingdom show that the withdrawal will not only be disadvantageous for the UK, but will also leave its mark on Austria's economy. According to a chart of the Thinktank Agenda Austria, the Austrian federal states whose exports will be hardest hit by the UK's departure are Upper Austria and Styria.
November 29, 2018

Japan-Austria Relations - Kurz Met Shinzo Abe

During the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit in Brussels, Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz met for bilateral talks. The meeting focused on the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria next year, the new tax convention between Japan and Austria, the Japan-European Union (EU) relations and the situation in North Korea.
October 30, 2018

UK Nationals Living in Austria Preparing for Brexit

The British Embassy in Vienna invites all British Nationals living in Austria to a series of information events throughout the country to prepare them for BREXIT.
October 22, 2018

Austria Prepares for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union: ‘A Europe that protects’

On 1 July 2018 Austria takes over the EU Presidency for six months. The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will focus on three topics: the fight against illegal migration, digitalisation and stability in the neighbourhood.
June 5, 2018

The Future of the EU: Europe Day Is To Be Given Greater Importance

On Europe Day, one pupil from each member state of the European Union came to the Hofburg for a discussion. More political education in schools and a more comprehensive climate policy are their main demands. "We are 20 percent of the population, but 100 percent of the future."
May 11, 2018

Goals for Austria's Presidency of the Council of the European Union

On 1 July 2018, Austria will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Bulgaria. During its Presidency of the Council of the European Union (1 July to 31 December 2018), guided by the motto "A Europe that protects", Austria will focus on three key areas: security and the fight against illegal migration, retaining competitiveness through digitalisation, and stability in the neighbouring regions (particularly the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU).
April 25, 2018

David Goodhart at the IWM: Dilemmas of Post-Liberalism

David Goodhart, a British journalist, commentator, author and the director of the Demos thinktank discusses immigration and liberalism with Ivan Krastev at the IWM Institute of Human Sciences.
April 13, 2018

Gisela Stuart: How Does a Europe-Endorsing German-British MP Become a Brexite Proponent?

Gisela Stuart, born and raised in West Germany and a Member of the British parliament (Labour party, 1997 – 2017), will give a guest lecture at the IWM - Institute for Human Sciences. She will answer the question of how an EU advocate can turn into a passionate advocate for Brexit.
March 22, 2018

Brexit and Its Consequences for Austria

Like any other economy within the euro area, Austria will also be confronted with challenges following the Brexit vote, according to the latest analysis by RBI Research analysts. However, the economic momentum should not experience any noticeable weakening, even though one should expect considerable declines in exports to the United Kingdom.
July 1, 2016

CESEE Outlook: Modest Recovery - EU is Obstacle to Growth – BREXIT Poses Uncertainties

According to the latest prognosis of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) will have a trend growth rate of up to 3% in the period of 2016-2018. This is 1-1½ percentage points higher than average growth in the eurozone. Consumption will be the main growth driver. The Austrian economy is still benefiting from its economic ties with the region. Direct effects of BREXIT on the region will be limited – indirect effects for the European economy as a whole may be considerable.
June 29, 2016

Agenda Austria Recommends Campaign Against Öxit

Think tank Agenda Austria recommends the government in Austria to devise a large campaign against an Austrian exit ("Öxit”), highlighting the benefits of EU membership, since the experts anticipate an increase in discussions concerning this issue.
June 27, 2016

What Brexit Means for Austria: Mitterlehner, Kurz, Fiat Steyr

Mitterlehner hopes that the referendum will end in Britain staying in the EU. Kurz says, that Brexit would be terrible. Fiat could relocate production of agriculture and construction machine maker CNH (Case New Holland) from UK to Steyr in case of Brexit.
June 20, 2016