Gisela Stuart: How Does a Europe-Endorsing German-British MP Become a Brexite Proponent?

More+Events ♦ Published: March 22, 2018; 19:21 ♦ (Vindobona)

Gisela Stuart, born and raised in West Germany and a Member of the British parliament (Labour party, 1997 – 2017), will give a guest lecture at the IWM - Institute for Human Sciences. She will answer the question of how an EU advocate can turn into a passionate advocate for Brexit.

During the 2016 European Union membership referendum Stuart served as a principal figurehead for Vote Leave, along with Conservative MPs Boris Johnson and Michael Gove / Picture: © Wikipedia / Antidotto [Public Domain]

She was UK Parliamentary Representative to the European Convention drawing up a new constitution for the European Union (2001-2003). This convention drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

In 2016 Stuart became Chair of the Vote Leave Campaign which paved the way to the success of the Brexit referendum.

Since September 2016, Stuart serves…