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Latest Corona Update: The Austrian Green Passport - What Is It For?
The Green Passport is now being used by many people to provide proof of vaccination, recovery, or a negative test for COVID-19 in Austria and throughout the EU. Learn more about what the "Green Passport" is and what it is used for.
August 17, 2021

Solidarity with Lebanon: Austria Sends 100,000 Vaccines

The COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened the multiple crises Lebanon is already facing, including the massive explosion in Beirut, an economic crisis, and political and social instability. Austria is donating 100,000 COVID-19 vaccines to aid Lebanon in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
August 17, 2021

Austria Celebrates Ten-millionth COVID-19 Vaccination
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein celebrated Austria administering its ten-millionth dose of the COVID-19 vaccines. The pair thanked everyone for their efforts and pleaded with the unvaccinated to go get vaccinated.
August 16, 2021

"Quick Prayer and a Jab": St. Stephen's Cathedral Vaccination Street Opens
The City of Vienna has opened another COVID-19 vaccination street, and this time it is at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Austria's most famous church. The offer is part of Vienna's ongoing effort to vaccinate as many people as possible.
August 11, 2021

Solidarity With Bosnia and Herzegovina: Austria Sends 500,000 Vaccines
Austria has sent over 500,000 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines to Bosnia and Herzegovina. This shipment is in addition to the 650,000 vaccines that were provided to the Western Balkan states by the EU. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein all expressed their pleasure in working with Austria's neighbors to end the coronavirus pandemic.
August 11, 2021

Austria Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots
New studies suggest that a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot will be necessary to help end the pandemic. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Health Minister Wolgang Mückstein publicly stated that Austria is taking the necessary steps to prepare for administering a third dose of the vaccine once it is recommended by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
August 9, 2021

Emergency Aid for Tunisia: Austria Delivers 50,000 Vaccines

Tunisia is receiving 50,000 AstraZeneca vaccines for COVID-19 from Austria. This comes as Tunisia is suffering heavily from the pandemic and has requested assistance.
August 3, 2021

Free PCR Tests in Lower Austria's Pharmacies Starting Immediately
Lower Austria's pharmacies are now offering free COVID-19 PCR tests. This will be especially helpful given the new requirements of a negative PCR test or proof of vaccination to enter clubs or discos. The offer will be provided in conjunction with the progress being made with vaccines. Read about how to get a test and the latest news about Lower Austria's vaccination efforts.
July 28, 2021

City of Vienna Offers Moderna Vaccine Without Registration
The City of Vienna is offering the Moderna vaccine without prior registration at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This marks the fourth vaccination campaign offered by the City of Vienna.
July 26, 2021

Mayor Ludwig Announces Mask Requirement Remains in Vienna
Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig announced that, due to an increase in COVID-19 cases, masks would still be required in shopping and retail stores in Vienna. This decision comes despite an easing of COVID restrictions by the federal government.
July 22, 2021

Kurz Visits USA and Meets with UN Secretary-General Guterres

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz traveled to the USA for a multi-day visit. One of his many meetings was with UN Secretary-General António Guterres in New York. Kurz discussed COVID-19, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and much more. Read more about his trip and his other meetings.
July 14, 2021

UK to End Quarantine for People Vaccinated in the UK Returning from Austria

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the government would begin easing COVID-19 restrictions for England on 19 July. People vaccinated in the UK will no longer be required to quarantine when returning from "Amber List" countries like Austria. Read more about this and what else the PM said will change.
July 13, 2021

Handy-Signatur in Austria: What It Is and How to Get It

The Handy-Signatur is an important tool to have in Austria. It is useful for accessing many online portals, including health insurance and the new Green Pass for proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more about it.
July 8, 2021

Austria's Latest COVID-19 Entry Requirements
Entry into Austria is becoming possible for more people, but there are still requirements that must be met first. Learn more about them.
July 7, 2021

Qatar and Vienna Exchange Cooperation Ideas

Ambassador of Qatar to Vienna Salmeen Al-Mansouri and Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig express mutual interest in further cooperation between Qatar and Vienna with the full support of the Secretary-General of the AACC Mouddar Khouja.
July 6, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Shorter Vaccination Intervals Suggested
The Austrian National Immunization Panel (NIG) has updated its recommendations for Covid-19 vaccines. Due to the spread of the Delta variant, the intervals between first and second vaccination are reduced. Read more about the latest developments here.
June 28, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 50% of Total Population Vaccinated, Focus on Young Adults
Austria has reached the milestone of vaccinating 50 percent of all people in Austria. The pace of Covid-19 vaccinations remains high and Vienna will particularly focus on young adults in July. Read more about the developments below.
June 22, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Austrian Green Passport Fully Operational
The Austrian Green Passport is fully functioning and ready for the EU-wide solution in July. Now, the EU-compliant QR codes for proof of vaccination, testing or recovery can be accessed and showed when necessary.
June 21, 2021

Vienna Hosts Western Balkan Summit

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has invited political leaders from various Western Balkan countries to Vienna to discuss current issues on an European as well as on a bilateral level. Read more below to find out what was discussed.
June 21, 2021

Weekly Briefing: Return to Normality in July
The Austrian government has announced the reduction of restrictions as of July 1. Three weeks later, some more relaxations could be implemented. Are the coming weeks the last ones of the pandemic? Find out more about this week's developments.
June 17, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 2 Million Have Full Immunization
More than 2 million people and thus one in four of the vaccine-eligible population in Austria are fully immunized. In total, more than 6 million vaccines have been administered.
June 14, 2021

Weekly Briefing: Is the Pandemic Really Over?
In a meeting with his Italian counterpart, Austrian Federal President Van der Bellen stated that the "pandemic as we have experienced it can be considered overcome." Is this the case? Find out more about this week's developments.
June 10, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Half of the Population is Vaccinated
Half of the vaccine-eligible Austrian population has received its first Covid-19 vaccination. This number corresponds to about 4 million people, while close to 2 million people have already received full immunization.
June 8, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Possible Easing of Measures in Schools
With a high vaccination rate among the 12- to 15-year-olds and a low incidence rate, Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Education Minister Hein Faßmann can imagine relaxations of Covid-19 measures in schools. Read more below.
June 4, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Delay in Vaccination Progress
As assumed by the provinces, the Austrian government's plan to offer a Covid-19 vaccine to every willing Austrian or person that is living in Austria does not hold. Due to an increased demand, some will get their first vaccine in July.
June 2, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Will the Chancellor's Promise be Broken?
As of today, not all of Austria's nine provinces can imagine that all those who want to get vaccinated will in fact receive their first vaccination by June. Read about the recent developments below.
June 1, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vaccine for 12- to 15-Year-Olds
After the approval of the EMA for the BionTech/Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 years, Austria aims to have the more than 340,000 eligible children and adolescents vaccined by the end of August. Read more below!
May 31, 2021

Weekly Briefing: Green Passport is Coming Soon
After the EU countries and the EU Parliament have agreed on the framework for an Europe-wide Green Passport implemented on July 1, Austria will have its version ready by the beginning of June. Find out more about this week's developments.
May 27, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Austrian Green Passport Soon Reality
The long awaited "Green Passport" is coming closer and closer. Austria's parliament has passed the necessary legal basis for the future proof of whether someone has been vaccinated, tested or has recovered.
May 27, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 4.5 Million Vaccines Administered
Austria has administered more than 4.5 million Covid-19 vaccines. As of May 25, around 4.7 million vaccines have been administered to Austrians and to people who live in Austria. Read more about the current progress below!
May 26, 2021

Austria, Czech Republic and Slovenia Want EU Accession of North Macedonia and Albania

During their visits to North Macedonia and Albania, the Czech, Slovenian and Austrian Foreign Ministers once again spoke out in favor of a rapid EU accession process for the two Wester Balkan states.
May 25, 2021

Weekly Briefing: Vaccination for Everyone in Austria
Austria has ended its drastic measures to contain Covid-19 and re-opened borders as well as restaurants, cultural establishments and alike. Vaccines will soon be available to everyone, even to teenagers. Find out more about this week's developments.
May 20, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Company Vaccinations Continue
Besides the pre-registration and booking of appointments by individuals, Vienna offers a Covid-19 company vaccination program, which allows employers and their employees to receive vaccinations at an earlier time point.
May 20, 2021

How to Get Into Austria as of May 19
In line with the opening steps in Austria, the government has announced new entry regulations, which should ease the travel to Austria. Read all about the regulations below!
May 18, 2021

Diplomats and International Community Become Eligeable for Vienna's Vaccination Programme

The Vienna vaccination portal introduced the "international community" category for selection. This means that all diplomats and staff of International Organisations have become eligeable for appointments to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Find out here about the exact modalities.
May 11, 2021

Austria Wants to Include Western Balkans for Green Passport

At working meetings in Albania and North Macedonia, Austria's Minister for European Affairs Edtstadler has spoken out in favor of including Western Balkan states in the EU's "Green Passport". Why and how? Read more!
May 11, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: More Than One Third Vaccinated
The Austrian Covid-19 vaccination progress is picking up pace. More than one third of the vaccine-eligible population has received its first immunization. For more information about the exact progress, read below.
May 11, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Equal Treatment of Vaccinated, Tested and Recovered
The Austrian parliament has approved the equal treatment of Covid-19 vaccinated, tested and recovered. Find out what exactly this means for the opening steps on May 19 and what other measures were approved by the parliament.
May 7, 2021

Weekly Briefing: End of Lockdown for Vienna and Lower Austria Stirs Up Hope
Now Vienna has also officially confirmed that on May 19 the long-awaited opening will take place. The end of the lockdown in Vienna and Lower Austria and nationally reaching 3 million Covid-19 vaccinations are not the only indications that the Austrian economic recovery gets off the starting blocks. Find out more about this week's developments.
May 6, 2021 · Updated: May 6, 2021; 17:05

Covid-19 in Austria: 3 Million Vaccines Administered
Austria has administered 1 million Covid-19 vaccines in 19 days. The 3 million mark was exceeded on April 29, only 19 days after Austria has cracked the 2 million mark. In May and June, the new Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein expects further increases of the vaccination progress.
May 3, 2021

Kosovo's Parliament Speaker and Sobotka Agree on Continued Cooperation

Kosovo's Parliament Speaker Glauk Konjufca and Austria's National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka agreed on continuing the bilateral cooperation with the Western Balkans Scholarship Program during a virtual meeting. The fight against the ongoing pandemic, EU accession and other bilateral topics were also on the agenda of the meeting.
April 29, 2021

EU and Austria Provide 650,000 Covid-19 Vaccines for Western Balkans

In a joint project, the European Commission and Austria more than half a million Covid-19 vaccines are provided to Western Balkan states, starting in May 2021. Both Commission President Von der Leyen and Austria's Foreign Minister Schallenberg stress the importance of having no "white spots on the vaccination map, wherever they may be."
April 21, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Additional Doses Speed Up Vaccination Campaign

Due to the additional Covid-19 vaccine doses from BionTech/Pfizer for the European Union, Austria is able to speed up its vaccination program. According to Austria's Chancellor Kurz, 6 million people in Austria can get their first vaccination by mid-July.
April 16, 2021

Austria Receives Additional 500,000 Covid-19 Vaccines in Q2

After successful negotiations between the European Commission and BionTech, the vaccine producer has agreed to deliver 50 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in the second quarter of 2021, instead of in the fourth quarter. This means an additional 1 million doses for Austria which will be administered from April to June.
April 15, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 2 Million Vaccinations Administered
Austria has administered two million Covid-19 vaccines. After recording the strongest vaccination day since the beginning of the vaccination process, around 1.4 million Austrians have already received their first shot, while 600,000 are fully vaccinated already.
April 9, 2021

WKO Heads: "We Cannot Afford a Pause in Vaccination"

The heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) are delighted about the possible acquisition of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine "Sputnik V" by the Austrian government. Furthermore, they hold on to their idea of using companies for vaccination programs, similar to the implementation with in-company testing.
March 31, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vaccine Delivery Will be Tripled in Second Quarter

Austria's Health Minister Rudolf Anschober announces a massive increase of Covid-19 vaccinations for the second quarter. Due to the tripled delivery volume compared to the first quarter and longer intervals between the first and the second vaccination, the number of vaccinated Austrians will increase rapidly in the near future.
March 29, 2021

EU Council: Kurz Demands Fairer Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution

At the recent EU Council, Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the other EU heads of government discussed the Covid-19 vaccine supply and distribution with the European Union. Kurz once again emphasized the need for a fairer distribution among member countries and is full of hope that Austria will soon receive more doses.
March 26, 2021

Border Controls Between Germany and Austria "Could Stop Soon"

The German Interior Minister Seehofer and Austria's Chancellor Kurz have met in Berlin to discuss the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The two politicians agree on the fact that due to a decrease of the South African variant of Covid-19 in Tyrol, border controls between Germany and Austria can be suspended in the near future.
March 19, 2021

Israel's President Visits Van der Bellen

Israel's President Reuven Rivlin came to the Hofburg in Vienna to discuss with Austria's President Alexander Van der Bellen Israel's concerns regarding Iran and the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Austria's Federal President pleaded for a "way back to the negotiating table" with Iran hinting at the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which was negotiated in Vienna in 2015.
March 19, 2021