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Border Controls Between Germany and Austria "Could Stop Soon"
The German Interior Minister Seehofer and Austria's Chancellor Kurz have met in Berlin to discuss the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The two politicians agree on the fact that due to a decrease of the South African variant of Covid-19 in Tyrol, border controls between Germany and Austria can be suspended in the near future.

Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is in Germany for a two-day working visit. In Berlin, he meets with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Interior Minister Horst Seehofer as well as the German Health Minister Jens Spahn.
Zum Auftakt meines Aufenthalts in der Berlin konnte ich heute Vormittag #Bundesinnenminister Horst #Seehofer zu einem Arbeitsgespräch treffen. pic.twitter.com/LCuhlO87DJ
— Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) March 18, 2021
"After the conversation with the German Interior Minister, I am very optimistic that border controls will be eliminated in the next few weeks. The situation in Tyrol has developed excellently - …
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