Covid-19 in Austria: Delay in Vaccination Progress
As assumed by the provinces, the Austrian government's plan to offer a Covid-19 vaccine to every willing Austrian or person that is living in Austria does not hold. Due to an increased demand, some will get their first vaccine in July.

After many provinces had raised concerns about the predefined vaccination plan of the Austrian Federal Government (as reported), Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein tried to explain the current situation.
Due to increases in the willingness to vaccinate, the plan that everyone who wants to receive a Covid-19 vaccination will receive one in June, will not quite be achieved.
According to a press release by the Austrian Chancellery, Kurz stated: "As planned, 5 million people can be vaccinated by the end of June, which corresponds to two thirds of the population aged 16 and over. The increasing willingness to vaccinate is very gratifying."
In June, Health Minister Mückstein expects 700,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine per week to be delivered to Austria. According to him, it is up to the provinces at which speed and in which order these available doses are administered.
According to the Chancellor, more than 500,000 more people will be vaccinated than was assumed just a few weeks ago. This results from an increased willingness among the population as well as to the first vaccine also being licensed for 12- to 15-year-olds (as reported).
Therefore, some Austrians and people who live in Austria will only get their first vaccine in July. Mückstein has also stated that the 12- to 15-year-olds can expect a vaccination between now and the end of August in order to start the new school year in a safe manner.
Although the Chancellor's promise has been broken, this is also good news. More vaccinated people means a significant step toward herd immunity and will lead to a massive improvement in the initial situation with regard to the fall.