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Covid in Austria: Lockdown for the Unvaccinated Ends Monday
As COVID-19 infections reached a new high in Austria due to Omicron, Chancellor Nehammer and Health Minister Mückstein announced an end to the lockdown for the unvaccinated. Read why they decided to end the lockdown and which measures still apply.
January 26, 2022

Austria First EU Country to Implement Mandatory Corona Vaccination
Austria has become the first EU country to implement mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for all adults. Read about the new law, as well as the new incentives the Austrian government is offering for vaccination.
January 21, 2022

Vienna Tourism: November Overnight Stays Plus 494% - "Only Arithmetically"
Despite a lockdown for part of the month, Vienna saw a stark increase in the number of overnight stays in November 2021 compared to November 2020. Read how this compares to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019 and how accommodation providers in Vienna have fared so far this year.
December 23, 2021

OECD: "Austria Is Set to Overcome the COVID-19 Shock and Its Economic Scars"

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released its latest Economic Survey of Austria. Read what the Survey says about the Austrian economy coming out of the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
December 20, 2021

"Golden Sunday" Returns: Austrian Non-Food Retailers Allowed to Remain Open on December 19
In an attempt to recoup some of the billions of euros retailers lost out on due to the lockdown in the middle of the holiday season, the Austrian government has announced that non-food retailers will be allowed to remain open on Sunday, December 19 for what is known as "Golden Sunday." Learn which stores the exception applies to and when you can do some last-minute Christmas shopping on Sunday.
December 17, 2021

These Covid Rules Apply After the Lockdown for Vienna and Surroundings
The Austria-wide lockdown ended yesterday and applies to vaccinated and recovered individuals (2G). For the unvaccinated, the lockdown continues to be in effect. What new rules now apply at the federal level and in Vienna and the province of Lower Austria (Wien und Umgebung)?
December 13, 2021

Austrian Compulsory Vaccination Bill is Ready: "We Want Freedom Back!"
The Austrian government has announced that the controversial compulsory vaccination bill is finally ready. Read what Constitutional Minister Edtstadler said about the bill and regaining freedom.
December 10, 2021

State of Emergency in Vienna: Numerous Demonstrations against Anti-Corona Measures

Vienna was once again subject to demonstrations against measures taken by the Austrian government to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Read about the massive demonstrations and clashes with police in Austria's capital.
December 6, 2021

Staying Overnight in Vienna During Covid-Lockdown
During the current 4th Austrian Lockdown (November 22 to probably including December 12, 2021) overnight stays in Viennese hotels are allowed for business reasons, but not for personal reasons. Find out what the requirements for an overnight stay in a Viennese hotel are and what exemptions are possible.
December 2, 2021

Covid Lockdown Controls: Already 386,000 Inspections and 3,700 Charges

Since the beginning of the intensive COVID-19 lockdown controls, the Austrian police have conducted 386,000 and filed 3,700 charges. Read about the strict enforcement of the latest Covid lockdown.
November 29, 2021

Air Travel to Austria: How Does Entry Work During the Fourth Lockdown?
The current lockdown in Austria due to COVID-19 has yet again complicated entry regulations for travelers. Inform yourself of the latest entry requirements for air travelers arriving in Austria and testing options at Vienna International Airport.
November 25, 2021

Edtstadler at General Affairs Council: Mandatory Vaccination is Necessary

At a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in Brussels, Austrian EU Minister Karoline Edtstadler stressed the need for mandatory vaccinations in Austria and coordination in the fight against COVID-19 at the European level. Read Edtstadler's expectations for the European Commission, her defense of compulsory vaccinations, and more.
November 24, 2021

Full Lockdown in Austria: These Rules Apply from November 22 to December 12, 2021, Inclusive
An Austria-wide lockdown for everyone, including those vaccinated, has again been in effect in Austria since Monday, November 22, due to the dramatic Corona situation. The updated key points in detail.
November 23, 2021

Covid in Austria: Lockdown From Monday, Immediate Tightening of Measures in Vienna
Chancellor Schallenberg and Health Minister Mückstein have announced a nationwide lockdown for Austria beginning Monday. As of February 1, 2022, vaccination will be mandatory in Austria. Additionally, Vienna has announced a tightening of COVID-19 measures effective immediately. Read about the upcoming lockdown and the new measures in Vienna.
November 19, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Restrictions Ease on July 1
Austria celebrates its next opening step on July 1. From then on, the nightly curfew is eliminated, clubs are allowed to re-open, and FFP2 masks can be exchanged for mouth-nose protection. Read more about the new regulations below.
June 29, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: What Applies As of July 1?
The Austrian government has announced further relaxations of the Covid-19 measures starting in July. The curfew will be lifted and the obligatory FFP2 masks will be replaced by a normal mouth-nose protection in most public areas. Read more about what applies as of July 1.
June 17, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: What Applies Now?
As of today, June 10, Austria faces fewer restrictions. While the curfew for restaurants is being extended to 12 a.m. now, even fewer restrictions will be in place in July. Read more about what applies now below.
June 10, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Half of the Population is Vaccinated
Half of the vaccine-eligible Austrian population has received its first Covid-19 vaccination. This number corresponds to about 4 million people, while close to 2 million people have already received full immunization.
June 8, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Easing of Measures in June and July
The Austrian government has announced a reduction of restrictive measures for June and July. A return to normality, as Austria's Chancellor Kurz has always promised, might be possible with a few exception by late summer. Find out more about every change below!
May 31, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: More Than One Third Vaccinated
The Austrian Covid-19 vaccination progress is picking up pace. More than one third of the vaccine-eligible population has received its first immunization. For more information about the exact progress, read below.
May 11, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Equal Treatment of Vaccinated, Tested and Recovered
The Austrian parliament has approved the equal treatment of Covid-19 vaccinated, tested and recovered. Find out what exactly this means for the opening steps on May 19 and what other measures were approved by the parliament.
May 7, 2021

Vienna Also Opens on May 19.

Finally, Vienna has also officially confirmed that the long-awaited opening will take place on May 19. The planned relaxations also bring further steps towards normality in the retail sector. You can find out exactly what this means below.
May 6, 2021

Weekly Briefing: End of Lockdown for Vienna and Lower Austria Stirs Up Hope
Now Vienna has also officially confirmed that on May 19 the long-awaited opening will take place. The end of the lockdown in Vienna and Lower Austria and nationally reaching 3 million Covid-19 vaccinations are not the only indications that the Austrian economic recovery gets off the starting blocks. Find out more about this week's developments.
May 6, 2021 · Updated: May 6, 2021; 17:05

Unemployment Decreases: Austria's Economy Trends Upwards

Austria's economy and employment show signs of recovery. The recent unemployment figures show a decline of about 8.7 percent in April compared to the previous month. Compared to last April, which was one of Austria's first months in the midst of the pandemic, this is a decrease of 32 percent.
May 4, 2021

Lockdown Ends in Vienna and Lower Austria: What's Permitted Now
On Monday, the hard lockdown finally came to an end in Vienna and Lower Austria. With the end of the hard lockdown, stores and body-related service providers, museums, zoos and other leisure businesses are allowed to reopen. What residents of Vienna and Lower Austria are now allowed to do again, read below.
May 3, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 3 Million Vaccines Administered
Austria has administered 1 million Covid-19 vaccines in 19 days. The 3 million mark was exceeded on April 29, only 19 days after Austria has cracked the 2 million mark. In May and June, the new Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein expects further increases of the vaccination progress.
May 3, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Ends Lockdown
Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig announced the end of the lockdown in Vienna for May 2. Starting next Monday, the retail sector as well as body-related services will reopen, while the FFP2-mask requirement in selected outdoor areas will also be suspended. Ludwig, however, wants to be cautious with regard to the Austrian-wide opening steps starting May 19.
April 28, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Openings Start May 19
The Austrian government headed by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has announced the opening plans for the near future. On May 19, previously closed sectors such as the tourism, events and sports sector will re-open, while restaurants and schools will also return to "normal" business. Entry requirements will be put in place in order to keep the risk of infection relatively low.
April 26, 2021

Austria Increases Turnover Loss Bonus
Companies, which are experiencing significant revenue shortfall due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, can now submit their applications for the Austrian turnover loss bonus for the months of March and April. The total amount available for companies has been increased to EUR 80,000 per month.
April 16, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna and Lower Austria Extend Lockdown
Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig and the Governor of Lower Austria Johanna Mikl-Leitner have decided to extend the current lockdown until May 2. The ongoing shutdown in the two provinces would have lasted until April 18, but is now extended due to "the current situation being one that is too serious", according to Ludwig.
April 13, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 2 Million Vaccinations Administered
Austria has administered two million Covid-19 vaccines. After recording the strongest vaccination day since the beginning of the vaccination process, around 1.4 million Austrians have already received their first shot, while 600,000 are fully vaccinated already.
April 9, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Eastern Austria Extends Lockdown
Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland have decided to extended the current lockdown until April 18. After discussions with experts and Austria's government, an extension of initially planned "Easter rest" was announced, because of the critical situation in the intensive care units in eastern Austria.
April 7, 2021

Statistics Austria: Highest Public Deficit Since Records Began

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Austria has recorded its highest public deficit since the start of the record in 1954. The deficit in 2020 amounted to 8.9 percent of the GDP (EUR 33.2 billion), which was caused by a sharp increases in government spending and a decrease in government revenue.
April 1, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Lower Austria and Burgenland Extend Easter Lockdown
The "Easter rest" has now also been extended in the provinces Lower Austria and Burgenland until April 11. After Vienna, the two provinces have decided to prolong the lockdown until a week after Easter. The applicable rules for the eastern region of Austria include a 24 hour curfew, closure of the retail sector as well as closure of body-related services and cultural institutions.
April 1, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Adds Outdoor FFP2 Mask Obligation
In order to further break the ongoing Covid-19 wave in Vienna, the City Mayor Michael Ludwig has announced a outdoor FFP2 mask obligation for certain, usually frequently visited areas in the city center. These areas include the Donaukanal, Stephensplatz, Schwedenplatz, Karlsplatz and Maria-Theresien Platz.
April 1, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Anschober Demands Responsibility from Austrians
Austria's Health Minister Rudolf Anschober demands from the Austrian population to refrain from traveling, avoid physical encounters and comply with protective measures around Easter. Since many people want to spend Easter with their loved ones, the already critical situation in many hospitals could worsen by irresponsible behavior during the holidays.
March 30, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Will Extend Easter Lockdown
Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig has announced an extension of the so-called "Easter rest" until April 11. Following the advice of many health experts and due to the critical situation on Vienna's intensive care units, the measures originally planned for April 1 to April 6 are now extended until April 11, with further extensions possible.
March 30, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: New Restrictions for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
The Governors of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland together with Austria's Health Minister have announced the expected new restrictions for eastern Austria. A so-called "Easter rest" will be implemented, meaning closing down retail and body-related services for the Easter holidays while also having an all-day curfew.
March 25, 2021

Increase in Financial Aid for Companies in Austria Introduced
Austria's Minister for Finance Gernot Blümel has presented an increase of measures to alleviate companies from the hardships of the Covid-19 crisis. Funding for the turnover loss bonus has been increased and compensation for vacation days during short-time work has been introduced.
March 11, 2021

Vorarlberg Eases Lockdown on March 15
The model region Vorarlberg will start the easing of its lockdown on March 15. Opening steps as announced by the Austrian Health Minister and Vorarlberg's Governor include the sectors of restaurants, youth sports, events and self-help groups. The whole project will be accompanied scientifically.
March 10, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Slight Easing of Regulations
The Austrian government has announced some new regulations with regard to the Covid-19 situation in Austria. The province of Vorarlberg will be facing relaxations of the current regulations as early as March 15, while the rest of the country will need to wait until the end of March and April for the opening of gastronomy and the cultural sector.
March 2, 2021

Austria's Culture Sector Met With German Scientists to Discuss Opening Steps

Austria's State Secretary for the Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer and other representatives of the arts industry met with the authors of two German studies which concluded "that the risk of infection in the theater, cinema, opera or concert hall is a calculable one".
March 1, 2021

Distribution of Free Corona Self-Test in Austrian Pharmacies Starts: How It Works and Who Will Receive It
As of March 1, the free test offer will be gradually expanded with free self-tests in pharmacies. Up to five free tests are available per person per month. But not every person living in Austria is eligible to receive them. Following are the details.
March 1, 2021

Free Covid-19 Take-Home Tests Start March 1
Starting from March 1, another Covid-19 test opportunity will be available for Austrians. Pharmacies will offer five free take-home antigen tests per person per week. In addition to the free tests conducted at more than 900 pharmacies, testing conducted at Austrian businesses, and various testing lanes, the take-home tests will be yet another opportunity of self-assessment.
February 25, 2021

Corona Short-Time Work in Austria Is Extended

Austria's Labor Minister Martin Kocher has announced a new phase for the so-called Corona Short-Time Work in Austria valid from April 1, 2021, to June 30, 2021. The conditions of the new phase are similar to the current regulations. The aim for after June is to gradually phase-out the short-time work where possible.
February 17, 2021

WKO: Austria Needs to End Lockdown in March

After the recent announcement of Austria's federal government to have restaurants, hotels and the cultural sector closed until Easter, the heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) demand opening steps for March. They emphasize that all the current tools, such as mass testing, entry tests and stricter distance rules, would allow a safe gradual opening of the currently closed sectors.
February 16, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Hotels And Restaurants Closed Until Easter
After easing the latest lockdown for the retail sector and schools in Austria on February 8, the opening of restaurants and the cultural and tourism sector was heavily discussed. However, Austria's government has announced that hotels, restaurants, cultural establishments and recreational facilities will remain closed until further notice.
February 15, 2021

New Entry Regulations for Austria
Austria's government announced a new version of entry regulations, which aim to prevent the spreading of Covid-19 mutations in the country. The new measures include weekly tests and pre-registration for commuters. The new regulation will be valid from February 10, 2021.
February 4, 2021

WKO Heads: Easing of Lockdown Was Necessary

Both, the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce's (WKO) President, Harald Mahrer, and Secretary General, Karlheinz Kopf, are pleased by the government's decision to open the retail sector and body-related service providers again. They furthermore demand a clear perspective for industries that are yet to be opened.
February 4, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: New Rules Apply From February 8
Austria's federal government has announced a slight relaxation of the current lockdown. Shops and schools will reopen under certain requirements, but penalties for disregarding measures and and entry into Austria will be tightened. The aim of the government is to contain the current virus mutations from the UK and South Africa.
February 2, 2021