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The United Kingdom and British Expats in Austria | Brits in Vienna
Austria and the United Kingdom - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Updated Directory of Foreign Ambassadors in Austria 2019
Below you will find the updated Vindobona.org list of foreign ambassadors and representatives of the bilateral and multilateral missions and representations in Vienna, Austria (including description of persons, pictures, CVs, etc.).
November 19, 2018 · Updated: July 19, 2019; 11:50

Meinl Bank Rebranding - Anglo Austrian Bank Launches with Negative Result of EUR 4.5 Mio

As part of a rebranding, Meinl Bank of Julius Meinl V (59) has renamed itself Anglo Austrian Bank and is relaunching its operations in Vienna with 49 employees in order to respond to the increased demand for qualified asset management in the countries of the former Danube Monarchy and to provide clients with a bridge to the countries and financial markets of Western Europe.
June 28, 2019

40 Years of the UN in Vienna - The Tireless Commitment of António Guterres

UN Secretary General António Guterres completed a busy programme when he came to Vienna for the 40th anniversary celebrations and the R20 Austria World Summit. The VIC Vienna International Centre is the place where, with the help of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 193 member states, 15 Vienna-based UN organisations and more than 5000 people from 125 countries from around the world are bound together.
May 31, 2019

Diplomats for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2019

More and more embassies, delegations and permanent representations to international organisations supported this day (IDAHOBIT), that raises awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide, as well as EuroPride 2019 in Vienna.
May 29, 2019

The Ambassadors of the Four Allied Powers in the Austrian Federal Chancellery

On the occasion of the "Liberation" Day of Austria from National Socialism by the Allies in 1945 and the end of the Second World War (Victory in Europe Day), Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz received the four ambassadors of the USA (Trevor Traina), Great Britain (Leigh Turner), France (representative of Francois Marcel Michel Saint-Paul) and Russia (Dmitrij Ljubinskij) at the Federal Chancellery.
May 13, 2019

1989-2019: Europe Exhibition Opened at Vienna`s Heldenplatz

The new exhibition "Moving Moments - The End of the Division of Europe" (Bewegende Momente - Das Ende der Teilung Europas) looks back on the fall of the Iron Curtain and pays tribute to the achievements of the people in these mostly peaceful revolutions. It also shows how the European Union is seen today by young people from these countries.
May 10, 2019

Vienna Stock Exchange: High Dependence on UK Traders

In 2018, around 60% of the equity turnover on the Vienna Stock Exchange came from UK trading participants. Hence equity turnover declined by 16.3% compared to the previous year. The most active stocks were Erste Group, OMV and Voestalpine. The SME segment "direct market plus" started with 8 companies, including 4 new listings.
April 3, 2019

Austria's Most Important Trading Partners - Ranking of the Top-20

Although the United States is only the second largest Austrian export partner after Germany, in 2018 exports exceeded the ten billion euro mark for the first time, growing by +9.7%. Imports, on the other hand, were only about half as high. Of the top 20 import partners, all, with the exception of Switzerland, showed a positive development. Imports from Russia, the UK, Slovakia, Poland and Slovenia recorded double-digit growth.
March 29, 2019

Barnier Meets the Austrian Government - What's the Point of a Brexit Postponement?

The Brussels chief negotiator for the Brexit, Michel Barnier, visited Vienna for talks with Foreign Minister Kneissl, Chancellor Kurz and Chancellery Minister Blümel. The agenda of the meeting included an exchange on the current state of the Brexit negotiations and the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom.
March 1, 2019

EU Citizens in Austria - Vote for Your Austrian MEP at the European Elections 2019

EU citizens who have their main residence in Austria can vote for Austrian members of the European Parliament. Here we show you how this works and who you can choose.
February 25, 2019

What Does No-Deal Brexit Really Mean for British-Austrian Travel Behaviour?

As of March 29, 2019 at 11.00 p.m. (UTC Universal Time Coordinated) or March 30, 2019 at 00:00 (CET Central European Time) the United Kingdom is no longer an EU member and is to be treated as such by Austria. In order to close the legal gaps in the course of a disorderly Brexit, a comprehensive law is in preparation. This law will be subject to numerous amendments in several Austrian ministries. The main areas affected are civil rights (in particular right of residence, social security), transport and customs. In following we look at the effects of the No-Deal-Brexit on travel behaviour.
February 13, 2019

Population Development - City of Vienna at 1.9 Million Inhabitants

Last year Vienna grew by 11,000 inhabitants. The birth surplus was 4,000, the migration gain 7,000. Immigration from Great Britain was disproportionately high due to Brexit fears. Serbia is the strongest group of immigrants. The influx of refugees has fallen back to the level before the wave of refugees. In 2027 about 2 million people will live in Vienna.
January 22, 2019

Vienna's UNODC Receives EUR 10 Million in Funding Agreements from UK

The United Kingdom and UNODC have signed two new funding agreements with a joint worth of EUR 10.13 million to strengthen UNODC's anti-corruption activities.
January 7, 2019

Neil Richard Bush Appointed New Head of UK Delegation to the OSCE
The British FCO Foreign & Commonwealth Office has confirmed that Mr. Neil Bush will take over as the new Head of the UK Delegation to the OSCE in Vienna in March 2019. He succeeds Ms. Sian MacLeod OBE, who has held this position since August 2015.
January 7, 2019

New Austrian Foreign Trade Strategy: Growth, Jobs, Prosperity

In a joint event in the Aula of Sciences, the Federal Government's new foreign trade strategy was presented by Economics Minister Margarete Schramböck, Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl and President of the Chamber of Commerce Harald Mahrer. The key points of the strategy are the following: Perspective, value orientation, location effect, focal points, future orientation, communication, efficient coordination.
December 20, 2018

What Brexit Means for Austrian Federal Provinces

The economic links between the Austrian provinces and the United Kingdom show that the withdrawal will not only be disadvantageous for the UK, but will also leave its mark on Austria's economy. According to a chart of the Thinktank Agenda Austria, the Austrian federal states whose exports will be hardest hit by the UK's departure are Upper Austria and Styria.
November 29, 2018

UK Nationals Living in Austria Preparing for Brexit

The British Embassy in Vienna invites all British Nationals living in Austria to a series of information events throughout the country to prepare them for BREXIT.
October 22, 2018

British-Indian-Austrian Anadi Bank Remains on Growth Course

The former Austrian branches of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International were bought by Indian Investor Sanjeev Kanoria and transferred to British-Indian-Austrian Anadi Bank in 2013. The bank continues its successful growth course in the first half of 2018, although the result from ordinary business activities declined by 37% and profit after tax by 42% compared to the same period of the previous year. The bank describes itself as a bank with the strengths of a tiger. The Anadi Tiger establishes, on the one hand, a symbolic connection to India, on the other hand, he embodies strength, speed, security and flexibility - qualities that the bank expects from itself. Also, Anadi means “eternal” in Hindi and stands for tradition, reliability, and sustainability.
September 7, 2018

Austria Prepares for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union: ‘A Europe that protects’

On 1 July 2018 Austria takes over the EU Presidency for six months. The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will focus on three topics: the fight against illegal migration, digitalisation and stability in the neighbourhood.
June 5, 2018

Iran Talks Back at the Palais Coburg in Vienna

The struggle for the prolongation of the nuclear agreement with Iran continues. On Tehran's initiative, the Joint Commission is meeting in Vienna at Palais Coburg to discuss measures to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program. Tehran wants to decide on compliance with the nuclear deal in the coming weeks.
May 25, 2018

Vienna's Attractiveness as a Location for Business Continues to Grow

For the sixth year in a row, Vienna recorded the highest number of companies settling in the city. After Vienna had already achieved a record figure in the previous year with 178 international new additions, this was again exceeded last year with 191 new companies, which is an increase of 13%. These business establishments together are responsible for investments totalling €537 million and 1,087 new jobs. There are 344 new foreign invested businesses throughout Austria. German companies remain the number one investors in Austria.
April 30, 2018

Doppelmayr to Build Cable Liner at London Airport

At London Luton Airport, Doppelmayr is building a cable car almost two kilometers long with a capacity of 2,720 passengers per hour and per route. This makes Luton Airport the second airport project in the UK after Birmingham for Doppelmayr. The Cable Liner is scheduled to go into operation in April 2021. Doppelmayr does not give details of the project turnover.
April 23, 2018

David Goodhart at the IWM: Dilemmas of Post-Liberalism

David Goodhart, a British journalist, commentator, author and the director of the Demos thinktank discusses immigration and liberalism with Ivan Krastev at the IWM Institute of Human Sciences.
April 13, 2018

Repatriation of Austrian Gold Reserves Nearing Completion

This year, and not in 2020, the OeNB Austrian National Bank is already concluding its repatriation campaign for half of its gold reserves. By the end of the year, 140 tonnes of gold are to be stored in Austria, with the other 140 tonnes remaining in London (84 tonnes) and Switzerland (56 tonnes).
March 30, 2018

Vienna - Moscow: Maintaining All Communication Channels Is Crucial

All the evidence suggests that Russia is to blame for the poison attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury. To date, 19 EU countries and 7 non-EU countries have expelled more than 150 diplomats. By deciding not to expel Russian diplomats, Austria is opposing most of its partner countries.
March 27, 2018

Gisela Stuart: How Does a Europe-Endorsing German-British MP Become a Brexite Proponent?

Gisela Stuart, born and raised in West Germany and a Member of the British parliament (Labour party, 1997 – 2017), will give a guest lecture at the IWM - Institute for Human Sciences. She will answer the question of how an EU advocate can turn into a passionate advocate for Brexit.
March 22, 2018

The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe Now More at Risk Than 10 Years Ago

In the Austrian National Defence Academy, the security issue "The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe restored?" was discussed in the form of a public panel discussion. At the invitation of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Karl-Renner-Institut, the Scientific Cluster for Polemology and Legal Ethics, the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (ROCPE), the Austrian National Defence Academy and the ISP Institute for Security Policy, Hannes Swoboda as moderator and the panelists Thomas Greminger, Fyodor Lukyanov, Stephanie Liechtenstein, Alena Kupchyna discussed the hoped-for security policy development of Europe and the OSCE.
March 7, 2018

How do Russian Politicians and Oligarchs Withdraw their Money from Austria?

The Russian money nobility has begun to repatriate large amounts of its western-hoarded money back to Russia in order to deprive it of access by Western authorities. The countries of origin are above all Switzerland, but also Austria and Great Britain. Sberbank, Russia's largest and state-owned bank, speaks of an atypically high capital inflow to Russia. Within a few weeks, a tripling of such repatriation transactions took place compared to the same period of the previous year. The sum is hundreds of millions of dollars. The average transfer amount has increased within a year by 50% to 3 million dollars. This meets with the Kremlin's desire to repatriate Russian assets.
February 22, 2018

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Notice of Full Year 2017 Results

Atrium European Real Estate Limited, owner, manager and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, will be announcing its results for the year ended 31 December 2017, on Wednesday 21 March 2018.
February 21, 2018

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Third quarter and nine months 2017 trading update

Liad Barzilai, Chief Executive Officer of the Group, commented: "We have continued to build on the momentum from our encouraging start to the year, delivering like-for-like net rental income growth across all our countries, as the benefits of our ongoing portfolio repositioning and improvement strategies continue to bear fruit. Like-for-like net rental income excluding Russia came in up 2.3%, and 8% including Russia. At the same time, we continue to execute on our strategy of investing in our existing properties as we reposition the portfolio towards high quality assets in major cities and urban locations."
November 15, 2017

EANS-Total Voting Rights: Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Publication of the total number of voting rights according to art.93 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Atrium European Real Estate Limited AG hereby announces that at the end of the month September 2017 the number of voting rights amounts to a total of 377.042.119 voting rights.
September 29, 2017

RHI Sells Production Sites in Italy and Spain to Unnamed European Refractories Supplier

The planned combination of RHI AG with the Brazilian Magnesita was approved by the European Commission on June 28, 2017 subject to conditions. Today, RHI signed a contract with a European refractories supplier regarding the sale of its dolomite business in the European Economic Area. The sale consists of the production sites in Marone, Italy, and Lugones, Spain. The contribution to revenue of the two RHI plants amounted to roughly EUR 50 million in the financial year 2016 and represents roughly 3% of the Group's revenue in the year 2016.
September 8, 2017

EANS-Total Voting Rights: Atrium European Real Estate Limited /Publication of the total number of voting rights according to art.93 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Atrium European Real Estate Limited AG hereby announces that at the end of the month August 2017 the number of voting rights amounts to a total of 377042119 voting rights. The stated capital is now EUR 2320036981. The change of total voting rights is effective as of 31.08.2017.
August 31, 2017

Investkredit Funding Ltd. / Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Investkredit Funding Ltd. is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 31, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited/Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 StockExchange Act

Atrium European Real Estate Limited is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 16, 2017


Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/ Euronext: ATRS) ("Atrium" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces its results for the first half of 2017.
August 16, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Notice of Six Months Results 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), a leading owner, manager and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, will announce its results for the six months ended 30 June 2017, on Wednesday 16 August 2017.
August 1, 2017

Strabag to work on billion-euro infrastructure project in the United Kingdom

STRABAG, the publicly listed European-based technology group for construction services, has been awarded the Main Work Civil Contract packages for lots S1 and S2 of the United Kingdom's new HS2 high-speed railway that will initially link London to Birmingham and later to Leeds and Manchester.
August 1, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / EXECUTIVEMANAGEMENT CHANGE

Atrium European Real Estate Limited, a leading owner, operator and developer of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces that Rüdiger Dany, Group Chief Operating Officer, will leave the Company to pursue other business interests. Mr Dany's departure is effective as of 1 October 2017.
June 19, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / DECLARATION OF SPECIAL DIVIDEND

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/ Euronext: ATRS) (the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, is pleased to announce that its Board of Directors has approved the payment of a special dividend (the "Special Dividend") of EUR0.14 per ordinary share, representing an aggregate return to shareholders of the Company of approx. EUR52.8 million.
June 9, 2017

Atrium publishes its first sustainability report, "Itmatters”

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/ Euronext: ATRS), ("Atrium" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces the achievement of the next milestone in its sustainability strategy with the publication today of its first sustainability report - "It matters".
June 7, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / First quarter 2017 trading update

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), ("Atrium" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, provides an update on trading for the first quarter ended 31 March 2017.
May 17, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Notice of Q1 2017 Trading Update

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), a leading owner, manager and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, will announce its first quarter trading update for the three months ended 31 March 2017, on Wednesday 17 May 2017.
May 9, 2017

EANS-General Meeting: Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Resolutions of the General Meeting

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), a leading owner and manager of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces that at its Annual General Meeting today all proposed resolutions detailed in the circular published on 7 April 2017 were passed.
April 25, 2017

Investkredit Funding Ltd. / Yearly Report

Investkredit Funding Ltd. is declaring the following financial reports below.
April 20, 2017

EANS-General Meeting: Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Invitation to theGeneral Meeting

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), ("Atrium" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces today that it will hold its annual general meeting ("AGM") at 10:00 a.m. (UK time) on Tuesday, 25 April 2017 at the offices of Atrium European Real Estate Limited on the 4th Floor of Channel House, Green Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UH, Channel Islands.
April 7, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Yearly Report

Atrium European Real Estate Limited is declaring the following financial reports below.
March 22, 2017


Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/ Euronext: ATRS) ("Atrium" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, announces its results for the fourth quarter and year ended 31 December 2016.
March 22, 2017


Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/ Euronext: ATRS) (the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), announces that its Board of Directors has signed a framework agreement with AdvoFin Prozessfinanzierung AG ("AdvoFin") and Salburg Rechtsanwalts GmbH ("Salburg") that the Company expects to resolve a significant majority of the Austrian legacy issues. The framework agreement marks a transformative step forward in the Company's goal of resolving all of its historic legal issues.
March 22, 2017

Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Notice of full year 2016 results

Atrium European Real Estate Limited (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), a leading owner, operator and redeveloper of shopping centres and retail real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, will announce its results for the full year and fourth quarter ended 31 December 2016, on Wednesday 22 March 2017.
March 13, 2017