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Vienna Terror Attack

Austria Commemorates Victims of Vienna Terror Attack on Two Year Anniversary
In memory of the terrorist attack on November 2, 2020, a wreath-laying ceremony was held today at Desider-Friedmann-Platz in Vienna. It is now two years since the terrorist rampage in Vienna's city center killed four people and injured 23 others, some seriously.
November 2, 2022

Austria Commemorates Victims of Vienna Terror Attack on One Year Anniversary
One year after the deadly terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria commemorated the victims and their families with two memorial services. President Van der Bellen, Chancellor Schallenberg, and Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig offered condolences and spoke out against terrorism and hatred.
November 3, 2021

The Chancellor on National Day: "No island of the blessed"

Chancellor Schallenberg delivered an address on the Austrian National Day at the Heldenplatz in Vienna. The chancellor reflected on the successes of Austria since 1945 and its response to recent crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the terrorist attack in Vienna. Read what he said.
October 27, 2021

40 Years After Terror Attack on City Temple in Vienna - Commemoration of Victims and Heroes
On August 29, 1981, the synagogue in Vienna (City Prayer House - Stadttempel) was shaken by a terrorist attack. It was the bloodiest attack on Jewish life in Austria after World War II. Two Palestinian terrorists killed two people in the attack, and 21 were injured, some seriously.
August 31, 2021

Schallenberg at Anti-IS Coalition Meeting: "No Country is Left Out as a Gallic Village"

At the Global Anti-IS (Anti-Daesh) Coalition Meeting in Rome, Austrian Foreign Minister Schallenberg and his European and global counterparts discussed how to best combat the current threats of Islamist terrorists.
June 29, 2021

OSCE Counter-Terrorism Conference: Schallenberg Demands Fight Against Different Virus

At the virtual OSCE Counter-Terrorism Conference, Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg demands to fight against "the virus of hatred, intolerance and contempt for humanity." He wants to remove breeding ground for radicalization and fight counter terrorism with all means of the rule of law.
April 23, 2021

Vienna's Mayor Unveils Memorial Stone for Vienna Terror Attack

Vienna's city government has unveiled a memorial stone for the victims of the Vienna Terror Attack on November 2, 2020. Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig emphasized that the memorial stone also represents a sign of togetherness of the Viennese people. He showed himself very pleased with the amount of solidarity the terror night brought about.
February 24, 2021

Swedish and Austrian Integration Minister Discuss Political Islam

The Swedish Minister of Justice and Integration Morgan Johansson and his Austrian counterpart Susanne Raab met virutally to discuss the topics of extremism and political Islam. After the terror attack in Vienna in November 2020, Austria's Integration Minister has met several responsible minister from other countries in order to exchange views on possible counter-measures.
February 17, 2021

Vienna Terror Attack: Commission Report Shows Intelligence Agency Mishaps
On the evening of November 2, 2020, an Islamist terrorist stormed through Vienna's city center and killed four people. Despite rapid police intervention, massive criticism of the security authorities was voiced after the attack because outrageous investigative errors had occurred in the run-up to the event. Now the final report of the investigation commission has been completed, and it is sharply critical and identifies considerable shortcomings.
February 11, 2021

North Macedonia's Foreign Minister Visited Schallenberg

North Macedonia's Foreign Minister Osmani visited Vienna and met his Austrian counterpart Schallenberg to discuss the ongoing EU accession process of his country and the Covid-19 pandemic. Both parties are eager to start negotiations about the accession as soon as possible.
December 21, 2020

Sobotka Supports North Macedonia's Path to EU

Talat Xhaferi, President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, met virtually with his Austrian counterpart Wolfgang Sobotka to discuss the accession negotiation of North Macedonia with the EU, the terrorist attack in Vienna and the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic in both countries.
December 2, 2020 · Updated: December 21, 2020; 10:55

Nehammer: Strong Together in the Fight Against Anti-Semitism

The Jewish Religious Society and the Austrian Ministry of the Interior extended their funding contract for three more years. The President of the Society Deutsch and Interior Minister Nehammer signed the contract, which provides funding for Jewish facilities all over Austria.
November 19, 2020

The Netherlands Gift 10,000 Tulips to Vienna

After the terror attack in Vienna on November 2, the Dutch government represented by the Dutch Ambassador to Austria Gierveld gifted the City of Vienna 10,000 tulips which will be planted near the location of the attack and at other public gardens of Vienna.
November 19, 2020

Virtual Meeting Between Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria

The Czech and Slovak Foreign Ministers met with Austria's European Affiars Minister to discuss cooperation during the Covid-19 pandemic and the joint fight against terrorism. Other topics on the agenda were the EU's migration policy, the current budget negotiations and the conference on the future of Europe.
November 16, 2020

Central Five Held Virtual Conference

The Foreign Ministers of Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Austria (Central Five) held a virtual working meeting. On the agenda of the meeting were current foreign relation issues, but especially the ongoing fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent terror attack in Vienna.
November 12, 2020

Macron, Merkel, Von der Leyen and Kurz on the Fight Against Terrorism

At a video conference, Macron, Merkel, Rutte, Von der Leyen, Michel and Kurz have agreed that the EU needs to act decisively and jointly against a terrorism and extremism. Following the recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria, the politicians demand further discussions about the future procedure of the fight against terrorism.
November 11, 2020

French Secretary of State for Europe Beaune Meets Austrian Counterpart

Clément Beaune, the French Secretary of State for Europe, visited Minister for European Affairs Edtstadler to discuss closer cooperations in the fight against terrorism. Both politicians agreed on intensifying developments against radical Islam and other forms of terrorism, also on an European level.
November 10, 2020

Integration Minister Raab: "Increasing Radicalization Tendencies Need More Determined Cooperation"

At a video conference with her European counterparts, Austria's Integration Minister Raab demanded even more determined cooperation at the EU level to fight extremism and terrorism. She emphasizes the fact that this fight can be only battled together and that it is important to detect the breeding ground for ideologies that stand against common European values.
November 9, 2020

EU Council President in Vienna

EU Council President Michel came to Vienna to commemorate the victims of the Vienna terror attack and to discuss measures that could enhance the fight against terrorism. Chancellor Kurz and Michel both agreed on the fact that the EU needs to find joint solutions for Political Islam and the terror that is often a result.
November 9, 2020

Vienna Islamist Terror Attack: Live Updates
The attack by an Islamist terrorist began on Monday evening in downtown Vienna directly in front of a synagogue. Five people died, including the suspect. The dead suspect, a 20-year-old man with Albanian roots and parents from North Macedonia, was a sympathizer of the terrorist militia Islamic State and possessed both, the Austrian and the Macedonian citizenship. Twenty-two people were injured, some in critical condition. Three days of state mourning was decided. The investigations are running at full speed. However, it is now assumed that there was only one suspect.
November 2, 2020 · Updated: November 6, 2020; 12:10

Belarusian Opposition Leader in Vienna

The Belarusian opposition leader Tikhanovskaya visited Vienna to hold meetings with representatives of Austrian and European politics. Chancellor Kurz thanked Tikhanovskaya for her "tireless efforts" and reaffirmed Austria's support for a democratic Belarus.
November 6, 2020

Raids on Islamists in Germany after the Vienna Terrorist Attack
The assassin was apparently not only well-connected to Switzerland, but also had connections to Germany. In the meantime, the German police have carried out raids on several residential and commercial premises of suspected Islamists.
November 6, 2020

Conference of Frugal Four and Finland Was Hosted by Austria

The Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland came to Vienna to meet with Austria's Minister for European Affiars Edtstadler. On the agenda was the issuance of a joint statement in which they Ministers condemn the recent terror attack in Vienna and other topics regarding the cooperation of the five countries.
November 5, 2020

Dutch Foreign Minister in Vienna

The Dutch Foreign Minister Blok visits his Austrian counterpart Schallenberg to discuss EU's foreign and security policy, the fight against terrorism, and other current foreign relations issues. The Dutch politician also offered his condolences after the terror attack in Vienna,
November 5, 2020

Macron Was to Visit Austria, Now Only Virtual Meeting With Kurz

The French President Macron had planned to travel to Austria to meet with Sebastian Kurz. However, due to the Covid-19 measures in place, the two politicians will only meet virtually. After the recent terror attack in Vienna as well as in Nice, the topic of discussion will be the fight against Islamist terrorism. A common European approach is demanded and will also be discussed during the working meeting.
November 4, 2020

Worldwide Expressions of Solidarity After Terror Attack in Vienna

Many international organizations and presidents of other parliaments are shaken by the terror attack in Vienna and offer their condolences to the President of the National Council Sobotka. According to Sobotka, this shows the "international dimension" of the attack.
November 4, 2020

70 Years of European Convention on Human Rights: "Democracy Needs Human Rights"

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights, Constitutional Minister Edtstadler stated that human rights are a prerequisite for an democracy. She also sees the Islamic assassination in Vienna as an attack on the freedom and democracy in Austria and Europe.
November 4, 2020

United Arab Emirates Strongly Condemns Terror Attack in Vienna

The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Vienna is deeply moved by the Islamic motivated attack in Vienna and condemns the terrorist attack in a statement.
November 3, 2020

Terror Attack in Vienna - Perpetrator Was Sympathizer of the Islamic State
One of the assassins was an Islamic State (IS) sympathizer, further investigations are underway in the suspect's environment. Around 1,000 law enforcement officers are deployed. At least one perpetrator is still fugitive and is classified as very dangerous. Minister Nehammer added in a press conference, that caution was still required and that one should stay at home if possible.
November 3, 2020

Terrorist Attack in Vienna: Several Dead and Injured according to Vienna Rescue Service
According to the Vienna Rescue Service (Berufsrettung Wien), several people were killed and injured in the shootout near the Vienna Main Synagogue.
November 2, 2020