Austria Commemorates Victims of Vienna Terror Attack on One Year Anniversary
One year after the deadly terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria commemorated the victims and their families with two memorial services. President Van der Bellen, Chancellor Schallenberg, and Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig offered condolences and spoke out against terrorism and hatred.

On 2 November 2020, an Islamic State sympathizer killed four people and injured 20 others in a terrorist attack in Vienna. One year later, Austria commemorated the victims of this horrific and tragic night.
Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig and countless other members of Vienna’s government attended a memorial in the morning and laid a commemorative wreath at the memorial stone in Desider-Friedmann-Platz, where the attack began.
Some of the relatives of the victims attended the ceremony, and Mayor Ludwig expressed his deepest sympathy for them.
Ludwig vowed, “We will never forget November 2nd, we will not forget the victims, and we stand by the side of the relatives.”
The mayor highlighted the solidarity shown in Vienna that night and expressed gratitude for all those who helped prevent the attack from being even worse.
Mayor Ludwig said, “That night showed that Vienna cannot be brought to its knees and that cowardly terrorism cannot dissuade people from believing in our democratic system of values.”
He also promised to fight all forms of terrorism and work to ensure that such an attack never happens again.
"Wir werden den 2. November nie vergessen, wir werden die Opfer nicht vergessen und an der Seite der Angehörigen stehen“, sagte Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig heute bei der Gedenkveranstaltung für die Opfer des Terroranschlags vom 2. November 2020.
— Stadt Wien (@Stadt_Wien) November 2, 2021
In the evening, another memorial was held at the Ruprechtskirche, the church near where the attack occurred. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg and President Alexander Van der Bellen both attended the event.
Chancellor Schallenberg echoed the sentiments of Mayor Ludwig, praising the people who helped in Vienna for their solidarity and courage while also expressing condolences and promising support to the families of the victims.
Schallenberg said, “We can hardly imagine what the relatives of the victims suffered in the past year. Our sympathy goes to them, as well as the obligation to stand by and support wherever we can.”
The chancellor added, “Hate, intolerance, and extremism have no place in our open, pluralistic society. Terrorism cannot and will not succeed in dividing us and undermining the foundations of our free society.”
Hass, Intoleranz und Extremismus haben keinen Platz in unserer offenen, pluralistischen Gesellschaft. Unsere Gesellschaft, unsere Gemeinschaft ist stärker. Dafür müssen wir uns aber dieser Stärke bewusst sein und uns gemeinsam dem Hass in all seinen Formen entgegenstellen.
— Alexander Schallenberg (@a_schallenberg) November 2, 2021
President Van der Bellen read the first names of the four people that were killed in the attack, saying, “We feel for the families, sisters, brothers, fathers and mothers, children, friends, from whom a loved one was stolen on 2 November 2020. We will keep the memory of the victims. We think of Gudrun, Nedjip, Qiang, and Vanessa.”
The president said, “There are no words that would be appropriate in view of what happened out here in front of this church a year ago.” However, he offered his heartfelt condolences and support to the families of the victims.
Wir fühlen mit den Familien, den Schwestern, Brüdern, Vätern und Müttern, Kindern, Freundinnen und Freunden, denen am 2. November 2020 ein geliebter Mensch geraubt wurde. Wir werden das Andenken an die Opfer bewahren. Wir denken an Gudrun, Nedjip, Qiang und Vanessa. (vdb)
— A. Van der Bellen (@vanderbellen) November 2, 2021
National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka and Vienna Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn also spoke at the memorial.
In addition to the memorial services, there was also an event held to thank the police for their response to the terrorist attack.
At the event, Chancellor Schallenberg said, “More than 1,000 police officers worked all night and the next day. They ensured the safety of the people in our country at risk of death. For this, you not only deserve today’s honors but also our respect, our appreciation, and our great thanks.”
He also used the event to highlight Austria’s new anti-terror package worth over € 120 million that he says will give the police “good and safe equipment and fair remuneration.”
Die Polizistinnen und Polizisten,
— Alexander Schallenberg (@a_schallenberg) November 2, 2021
sind in vielerlei Weise ein Schutzschild für unsere Gesellschaft und die Menschen in unserem Land. Dafür verdienen sie nicht nur die heutigen Ehrungen, sondern vor allem unseren Respekt, unsere Wertschätzung und unseren großen Dank.