Sobotka Supports North Macedonia's Path to EU

Lifestyle & TravelMore+ ♦ Published: December 2, 2020; 22:15 ♦ Updated: December 21; 10:55 ♦ (Vindobona)

Talat Xhaferi, President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, met virtually with his Austrian counterpart Wolfgang Sobotka to discuss the accession negotiation of North Macedonia with the EU, the terrorist attack in Vienna and the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic in both countries.

Austria's President of the National Council Sobotka and his North Macedonian counterpart Xhaferi met virtually. / Picture: © Parlamentsdirektion / Thomas Topf

Austria's President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, exchanged views with his North Macedonian counterpart Talat Xhaferi via a video conference.

The talks focused on the accession negotiations of North Macedonia with the European Union, the terrorist attack in Vienna, movements of fundamentalist Islam and the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic in the two countries. …