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Immofinanz: Secondary Listing in Warsaw Starts Today

Today the first Immofinanz shares will be traded at the Warsaw stock exchange. CEO Eduard Zehetner will be giving a press conference in Poland’s capital.
May 7, 2013

Real Estate Industry: Major Losses for Properties In CESEE

According to Manfred Wiltschnigg, CEO of Austrian Real Estate Agency Immofinanz until the end of March, investments in Poland are becoming more risky.
May 6, 2013

Immofinanz Share Soon to Be Listed in Warsaw

The Immofinanz share will in all probability be listed in the Main Market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange starting on 7 May 2013.
April 29, 2013

Ca Immo: Google To Lease 14,000 Sqm In Munich

Google has taken out a lease with CA Immo and E&G Financial Services for the planned Kontorhaus office building, in Munich’s Arnulfpark.
April 22, 2013

Austria: Three Convictions at Immofinanz Process

Former head of Immofinanz, Petrikovics, was sentenced to six years in prison. Co-defendants Schwager and Thornton were sentenced as well.
April 12, 2013

Immofinanz to List in Warsaw

Real state corporation Immofinanz wants to list their shares on the Warsaw stock exchange.
April 9, 2013

CA Immo: Major Drop in Profits

On Tuesday evening, CA Immo published the annual figures for 2012. The market-listed real estate company shows profits of € 48.6m which means a decrease of 28 %.
March 20, 2013

Improvement on the Czech Commercial Real Estate Market in Sight?

Bank Austria sees anti-cyclical investment opportunities in the Czech Republic and CEE. The Czech Republic offers a low country risk and transparent real estate market.
March 13, 2013

S Immo AG: New Contracts in Bucharest and Sofia

New tenants in Serdika/Sofia and Sun Offices/Bucharest. Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG has again achieved letting successes in Romania and Bulgaria – two markets that continue to be economically challenging.
March 12, 2013

Austria: “Short Supply on Real Estate Market”

Demand is expected to remain high for residential real estate in 2013. Supply is lingering behind demand particularly in locations where business is strong, Bank Austria reports.
February 27, 2013

Stavros Efremidis New Executive Director of conwert

Stavros Efremidis is responsible for conwert’s operating business in Germany as Executive. Thomas Doll, Executive Director and CFO of conwert, is responsible for the operating business in Austria and CEE.
February 20, 2013

Immofinanz Withdrawsfrom Swiss Hotel Market

The Austrian real estate group sells Kempinski Residences and Hotel as well as the Grand Hotel in St. Moritz.
February 18, 2013

Estonia: Real Estate Transactions Up by 12%

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2012, 36,176 purchase-sale transactions of real estate in the total value of 1.7 billion euros were notarised.
February 12, 2013

Erste Group Finances Major Slovak Real Estate Project

Erste Group’s Slovak subsidiary co-refinances City Business Centre in Bratislava with EUR 34.5 million.
February 11, 2013

CESEE Office Market Shows Solid Fundamentals

CESEE office market is undergoing a stable development; rental levels remain largely solid in most of the region, Erste Group says.
February 11, 2013

Immofinanz Continues Sales in Vienna

The Austrian real estate company continues the implementation of its real estate sales programme. Besides that, Immofinanz decides to leave France.
February 4, 2013

Vienna Suffers from Housing Shortages

In the next 20 years, Vienna will need up to 200,000 new accommodation units.
January 23, 2013

Conwert Finishes Major Investment

The Austrian real estate company closes the acquisition of majority interest in KWG Kommunale Wohnen AG.
January 21, 2013

CESEE Property Market Highly Heterogeneous

In Austria, the yield is expected to shrink further. However, the investments will be stable, CBRE Austria says. In the CESEE region, the situation is ambiguous.
January 21, 2013

Immofinanz: New Projects in Berlin

Purchase of a 3,000 sqm property for the realisation of 100 flats in the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district of Berlin. 1,500 new flats in Berlin in construction or in planning.
January 21, 2013

Conwert Announces Strategic Asset Refocusing

According to preliminary figures, the EBT guidance of € 50 million has been achieved in 2012 before one-off effects. Strategic refocusing leads to negative one-off adjustments
January 18, 2013

CA Immo to Focus on Germany and Austria

Following years of rapid expansion in Germany and Eastern Europe, CA Immo is adjusting the focus of its real estate portfolio to existing core markets and the offices asset class.
January 17, 2013

Austrian Property Market Becomes Even More Attractive

According to a survey carried out by the business advisor Ernst & Young, about 90% of the interviewees think that Austria´s real estate market is attractive.
January 15, 2013

BUWOG to Strongly Expand Business in Berlin

Germany remains motor of growth for the Austrian real estate company. The subsidiary of Austrian Immofinanz acquires properties with 34,500 m² total space for 520 flats.
January 10, 2013

Good Outlook for Viennese Property Market

According to real estate experts, Vienna is one of the most attractive market for retail investments.
January 8, 2013

Immofinanz Sells Offices in Prague

As of 31 December 2012 Immofinanz Group sold the office building BB Centrum Building C located in Prague to the VIG FUND.
January 7, 2013

Austrian Real Estate Prices Flatten

Although real estate supply is shrinking slightly, the price curve flattens. Real estate prices are expected to increase by 2.8% this year.
January 4, 2013

Austrian Signa Holding Acquires „KaDeWe“ in Berlin

The Austrian real estate group Signa Holding acquired 17 shopping centers in Berlin. In total, the sales price comes at € 1.1bn.
December 22, 2012

conwert acquires majority stake in German KWG

Acquisition of approx. 60% stake in German residential property company with 9,700 units. Purchase price of approx. 620 € / sqm.
December 21, 2012

Immofinanz: Drastic Profit Decrease

Group generated solid operating results in the first half of the 2012/13 financial year. EBIT was down slightly, however.
December 19, 2012

Immofinanz: Increasing Rental Income Ahead

Tomorrow, the Austrian real estate group Immofinanz will publish its results for the first six months.
December 19, 2012

Immofinanz: Expansion into Germany

The Austrian real estate company intends to deploy treasury shares to obtain bank financing in order to continue the expansion into Germany.
December 17, 2012

CA Immo Expands Into Berlin

The real estate company CA Immo has reported the letting of around 6,800 sqm of office space in relation to another development project in the Europacity district of Berlin.
December 13, 2012

Immofinanz Develops New Project in Poland

The Austrian real estate company expands activities in Poland: Start of construction on Nimbus office development project
December 13, 2012

CA Immo: Gazprom New Tenant

ZAO AVIELEN A.G., a joint venture of the Austrian real estate companies Warimpex, CA Immo and UBM, is renting two thirds of its office space at AirportCity St. Petersburg to Gazprom Invest Zapad, a subsidiary of OAO Gazprom.
December 13, 2012

CA Immo: New Tenants in Hungary

CA Immo was able to acquire new tenants for some 9,300 sqm office space in five Hungarian office properties over the past six months.
December 10, 2012

Immofinanz: Major Contract in Budapest

Immofinanz Group announces extension of three leases covering 18,000 sqm at Atrium Park in Budapest.
December 4, 2012

CA Immo: Major Leasing Agreement in Bulgaria

Together with its joint venture partners Robul and Bank Austria Real Invest, CA Immo has already signed new lease agreements for around 17,600 sqm of space in the Megapark office complex this year.
December 3, 2012

Conwert Notes Falling Revenue and Net Income

The Austrian real estate company publishes results for the first nine months of 2012. Earnings before tax (EBT) at 22.5m increased more than sixfold.
November 22, 2012

Real Estate Market: Austria Is Underdeveloped

Regarding the rate of owner-occupied flats, Austria is below the EU average. Poland ranks first.
November 21, 2012

CA Immo: Mixed Results

Consolidated net income after minorities increased by 27% to € 39.0 m in the first nine months of 2012. EBIT was down by 11.8%.
November 20, 2012

CA Immo: New Major Tenant in Vienna

The Austrian real estate supplier lets 21,500 sqm of Viennese office building to Bosch
November 16, 2012

Immofinanz: Major Success in Hungary

The Austrian real estate company concludes one of the biggest logistics leasing transactions of the year in Hungary.
November 15, 2012

CA Immo Expands in Warsaw

“Continuing success for largest Polish property development.” The Austrian property company will complete project before the end of the year.
November 14, 2012

CA Immo Secures Major Project in Romania

Lease agreements have been extended for over 14,000 sqm in two Bucharest office buildings. International anchor tenants are ensuring an almost 100 % occupancy rate in the CA Immo Romanian portfolio.
October 30, 2012

CA Immo´s Occupancy Rate in Prague at 90%

The Austrian real estate company CA Immo has managed to secure further tenants for four office buildings and a shopping center in Prague.
October 25, 2012

Immofinanz to Increase Dividends

Eduard Zehetner, CEO of Immofinanz does not exclude to increase dividends to € 0.2 per share.
October 19, 2012

CA Immo to Downsize

Florian Nowotny, CFO of the Austrian real estate company announces further property sales.
October 19, 2012