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Real Estate Industry: Major Losses for Properties In CESEE
Politics ♦
Published: May 6, 2013; 13:42 ♦ (Vindobona)
According to Manfred Wiltschnigg, CEO of Austrian Real Estate Agency Immofinanz until the end of March, investments in Poland are becoming more risky.
Real Estate Industry: Major Losses for Properties In CESEE / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Properites in CESEE countries have become financial pitfalls. Investors – among them many Austrians do not seem to have a chance of getting out of the misery. There is still a boom in real estate investments in Poland. However, there is a slow but steady reversal in trend. Wiltschnigg, former CEO of Immofinanz, explains that there is dangerous development in Warsaw. Because of the…
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