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OPEC Fund: A Record Year for Development and Sustainability
The OPEC Fund for International Development has had an unprecedented year as the institution stepped up its global development assistance efforts, committing a record-breaking US$1.7 billion to 55 projects worldwide. These funds, designed to address the challenges of climate change, support the energy transition, and strengthen social and economic resilience, mark a turning point in the Vienna-based Fund's efforts to promote sustainable growth worldwide.
January 30, 2024

Congo’s Foreign Minister Visited Vienna

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg welcomed his Congolese counterpart Jean-Claude Gakosso to a meeting in Vienna. They discussed the economic relations between the two countries and Congo’s security issues.
March 16, 2023

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen Met the Departing Czech President Milos Zeman

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen made an Official visit to the Czech head of state, who is leaving office after two terms.
March 5, 2023

How China's Global Infrastructure Strategy Undermines European Integration in the Western Balkans and Beyond
The accession of the Western Balkans countries into the European Union continues to be a topic of debate amongst the EU Member States. Read how China's global infrastructure strategy may be undermining these countries' aspirations for EU membership.
May 19, 2022

EU - African Union Summit as Driver for Strengthened Economic Partnership between African Countries and Austria

Austria plans to use the upcoming European Union - African Union Summit as a means to strengthen the economic partnership between African countries and Austria. Read more about Austria's plans for strengthening cooperation with Africa.
February 15, 2022

Vienna's New International Long-Distance Bus Terminal
Construction on Vienna’s new international long-distance bus terminal funded by Donau Busterminal Realisierungs GmbH and designed by Burtscher-Durig is set to begin by the end of 2022, and the terminal is expected to be operational by 2024 or 2025. Read more about the estimated project costs of 200 million euros and some of the advantages it presents to international travelers.
August 18, 2021

War for Global Telecom Infrastructure Supremacy: Vienna first EU Capital with Area-wide 5G Network

While the Third World War is raging backstage between the USA and China for world supremacy in 5G infrastructure, Huawei wins another milestone in Vienna. Digital City Councilor Peter Hanke has set the goal "Vienna should become the first city in Europe with a complete 5G network". The city is supporting the network expansion with 20 million euros.
May 18, 2020

Viennese Public Transit Network: Normal Service Again from 18 May
The Viennese Lines (Wiener Linien) increased their operations further on 11 May. Normal service with peaks of up to two minutes is planned again from 18 May.
May 11, 2020

New International Bus Terminal to be Built in Vienna - 270 Buses per Day - 5 Mio Passengers per Year

Until 2024, Vienna will finally get a central and modern long-distance bus terminal, which will also become a flagship and showpiece for arriving tourists. 200,000 arrivals and departures of long-distance buses with around five million passengers per year are to be realized at the new terminal in Leopoldstadt directly next to the Dusika Stadium.
March 6, 2019

Business Mission and "Future Trip" to Tel Aviv as Part of the State Visit of Van der Bellen

On the occasion of the official state visit of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WKO) is organising an economic mission entitled "Infrastructure" as well as the "Open Innovation for Corporates" future trip to Tel Aviv.
February 4, 2019

Austrian-Israeli Economic Relations - 20% Increase in Exports

On the occasion of the official state visit of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and the accompanying business delegation of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the issue of the actual state of economic relations has arisen. The Austrian-Israeli foreign trade volume amounted to 568 million euros in 2017, with a trade balance surplus for Austria of 229 million euros. The Chamber of Commerce reports that Austrian exports to Israel increased by 20.3% in 2017. The trend seems to have continued in 2018. More than 600,000 overnight stays by Israeli tourists make Israel one of the top nations in Austrian tourism statistics.
February 4, 2019

What Does Austria Have to Do with the Silk Road Project?

The Chinese "One Belt One Road Initiative", also known as the New Silk Road, is China's strategic measure of the century to make the entire Euro-Asian region including Africa even more dependent on its products and investments. Now the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the ambassadors from China and Kazakhstan have joined forces to convince the Austrian population and politicians that the connection of Austria via broad-gauge railway to the Silk Road is an opportunity of the century.
November 30, 2018

The New Location Development Act - Significance for Austria's Attractiveness as a Business Location

The Austrian government has passed the highly controversial Location Development Act in the Council of Ministers, which will speed up environmental impact assessments, be passed by the National Council this year and come into force on 1 January 2019. The new legislation will introduce automatic permits for certain energy infrastructure projects (eg, electricity grids and power plants). Positive reactions are coming from industry and politics. Various environmental associations criticise the new law.
November 22, 2018

Danube Region Business Forum - Infrastructure and Its Implications on Business in CEE and SEE

The Danube Region is one of the traditionally important markets for Central European regions and companies. However, the infrastructure of this region does not yet meet the requirements of the economy. The 8th Danube Region Business Forum will take place on 9 October 2018 at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna. The aim of the forum is to ensure that the infrastructural quality and cooperations in the region meet the requirements of the economy.
October 3, 2018

High Potential for Austrian Investments in Moldova

Austria is one of the most active countries in the CESEE region ranking first in foreign direct investments (FDI) in many countries.
May 22, 2014 · Updated: May 22, 2014; 13:05

Serbia: Vucic Rejects Single-Party Government

Aleksandar Vucic, leader of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and future Prime Minister, said on Tuesday that his party does not intend to govern on its own.
April 9, 2014

Austria: On Verge of Losing Business Attractiveness

The new tax package does not only burden car drivers and smokers but also the economy will have to contribute to the budget with several hundreds of millions of Euros annually.
January 15, 2014

Austria: Competitiveness Suffers from Poor Infrastructure

According to infrastructure report “FBA“ (Future Business Austria), the Austrian business location is suffering from poor infrastructure which leads to the country missing out on a productivity potential of almost € 34bn.
November 5, 2013

Boost for Municipal Infrastructure in the Western Balkans

EBRD and KfW launch new €100 million fund
November 4, 2013

WEF: Russian Economy Needs Change in Domestic Institutional Environment

The Russian Federation is poised for transformation.
November 1, 2013

Poland to Improve Railway Infrastructure

According to CIR, the Polish government’s press center, the government plans on spending PLN 979m on railway infrastructure in 2014 and a further amount of PLN 692m in 2015.
October 16, 2013

Bulgaria Supports Trans Adriatic Pipeline

During yesterday’s world media meeting, on behalf of his country Bulgarian President Rosen Plevniev expressed his support of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project (TAP).
October 16, 2013

IMF: Serbia´s Reforms are Not Sufficient

On the occasion of a visit in Serbia, the IMF commented the efforts of the Serbian government to cut the budget gap. The austerity cuts are right, but the country needs further reforms, IMF´s team said.
October 10, 2013

WKO: Austrian Enterprises Miss out on Potential in Turkey

According to a commercial councelor at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) in Istanbul, Austria is focused too much on Eastern Europe. Switzerland exports triple the amount to Turkey.
September 19, 2013

Croatia, Slovenia and Italy in Favor of Closer Cooperation

Italian, Croatian and Slovenian PMs push for stronger cooperation.
September 16, 2013

Kapsch Wins Contract for GSM-R Network in Slovenia

A step towards European integration: train communications technology from Kapsch is used in more than half of all EU Member States.
September 10, 2013

Romania: West Region to Catch Up Economically

Romania's West Region aims to catch up with its more developed peers in the European Union.
September 9, 2013

Lopatka Demands Reform for Austrian Railways

State Secretary Lopatka demands Minister of Infrastructure Bures to tackle the expensive pension system at the Austrian Railways by doing away with privliges for emplyoees in order to unburden tax payers.
September 4, 2013

Kapsch and the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate ŘSD recognized for transportation technology

Seven to ten wrong-way drivers per month are discovered in the Czech Republic through the use of Austrian transportation technology
August 8, 2013

Kapsch TrafficCom Starts Collecting Tolls in Belarus

The costs of the toll system established by Kapsch TrafficCom in Belarus came at € 267m and starts operating now.
August 1, 2013

Gazprom Acquires Kirghiz Gas Network

In return for a symbolic purchase price, the Kirghiz natural gas network is taken over completely by Gazprom. The Russian energy giant intends to invest billions of rubel in infrastructure.
July 29, 2013

Czech Republic to Remain in Recession

The Czech economy will, according to the Finance Ministry in Prague, shrink by 1.5 percent and only start growing again in 2014 by 0.8 percent.
July 26, 2013

China: Big Plans for Ljubljana Airport

China Southern, Asia’s biggest airline company, plans to establish a hub in Ljubljana for SEE.
July 24, 2013

Austrian GDP Growth Above European Average

In 2012, Austria saw a growth of GDP of 0.9 percent which is signifantly above the European average.
July 12, 2013

Czech Republic: Gloomy Prospects for Economy

The Czech economy is shrinking. According to experts, new Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok will not be able to change much. Enterprises have started to cut back on investments.
July 12, 2013

Polish Road Authority As Tardy Payer

Prime Minister Tusk seems unimpressed about ambassadors from six countries filing a complaint.
June 19, 2013

Lopatka: "EU Enlargement is a Driver for Reforms and Rule Of Law"

State Secretary Lopatka on DARUM EUROPA information tour.
June 18, 2013

Dispute About Tender for Orient Express

The Orient Express once led through Romania. These days, this section is cause for legal disputes in connection with the tender in the amount of € 330m.
June 13, 2013

Czech Republic: Dumping Offers for Building of Highway

Major construction companies screw down prices for the building of a highway segment from Linz to Prague.
June 3, 2013

Zagreb: In-depth Analysis of SEE Infrastructure Development Plans

Many countries of Southeast Europe are outlining ambitious infrastructure development plans within transport, social, energy and environmental projects.
June 1, 2013

World Economic Forum on East Asia 2013

Courageous transformation for inclusion and integration. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 5-7 June 2013.
May 21, 2013

Real Estate Industry: Major Losses for Properties In CESEE

According to Manfred Wiltschnigg, CEO of Austrian Real Estate Agency Immofinanz until the end of March, investments in Poland are becoming more risky.
May 6, 2013

Leitl: „Cut of Base Rate by ECB Important and Necessary Signal“

President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Christoph Leitl welcomed the cut of the main refinancing rate to 0.5 percent.
May 2, 2013

Vienna: Infrastructure & Construction Summit Brings Together All Balkan Countries
Government ministers from Austria and various Balkan countries will be discussing infrastructure and construction in the region at a two-day summit in Vienna at the end of May.
April 30, 2013 · Sponsored Content

Kapsch TrafficCom Last Bidder for Major Project in Slovenia

Austrian listed electronic toll system provider Kapsch is the only bidder for the establishing of an electronic toll system for trucks in Slovenia.
April 26, 2013

US: Kapsch TrafficCom Opens TDM Protocol

Kapsch and E-ZPass® Group paves the way for nationwide electronic tolling interoperability
April 26, 2013

Poland: Appealing BPO Location

Poland has been increasing its attractivity as a location for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). This becomes evident by the numbers of personnel.
April 15, 2013

FDI: Hungary Popular With German Enterprises

The majority of German companies would again choose Hungary for their investments
April 11, 2013

Estonia and Russia to Enhance Relations

At a meeting on April 5 in St. Petersburg, Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev focused on the chance of reinforcing cooperations.
April 9, 2013

2012: Significant Increase in Austrian Construction Industry

According to the latest data issued by Statistik Austria, the construction industry has increased its output significantly in 2012.
April 2, 2013