Kapsch and the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate ŘSD recognized for transportation technology

CompaniesTechnology ♦ Published: August 8, 2013; 13:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

Seven to ten wrong-way drivers per month are discovered in the Czech Republic through the use of Austrian transportation technology

Kapsch and the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate ŘSD recognized for transportation technology / Picture: © Kapsch AG

Kapsch TrafficCom and the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD) received the prestigious industry award “Czech Transportation Technology of the Year 2012” for a joint project. The award-winning system for the identification of wrong-way drivers has been part of the Czech toll system since January 2012. It is initially in use on the Czech highways D1, D2 and D5. Together with…