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Poland to Improve Railway Infrastructure
Politics ♦
Published: October 16, 2013; 17:07 ♦ (Vindobona)
According to CIR, the Polish government’s press center, the government plans on spending PLN 979m on railway infrastructure in 2014 and a further amount of PLN 692m in 2015.
Poland to Improve Railway Infrastructure / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Moreover, the government intends to spend PLN 646.8m in 2016, PLN 714.4 in 2017, PLN 775.7m in 2018, and PLN 804.3m in 2019. The assets derive from the public railway fund. However, as pointed out by the government’s press center which refers to the resolution adopted on Tuesday, the figures are merely “cautious estimates.”
The government listed modernization, construction,…
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