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Immofinanz Shows Progress in Romania

The wholly owned Immofinanz Group subsidiary Adama announces the start of construction on the second phase of two of its existing projects.
October 16, 2012

Hungary Not A focus of commercial Real Estate Investors

The risk appetite of real estate investors is still subdued. Hungary’s default risk remains relatively high.
October 9, 2012

Boom in Viennese Real Estate Market Persists

According to the real estate service supplier findmyhome.at, the price increase in the residential housing segment and the rental market goes on.
October 8, 2012

Hungarian Retail Sector Struggling on Several Fronts

The recession in Hungary is also affecting the Hungarian retail sector. A weak labour market combined with declining purchasing power is dampening consumer spending, a development which is reflected in weak retail sales.
October 8, 2012

Hungary: Residential Housing Market at a Standstill

According to Bank Austria, the Hungarian housing market has reached a historic low.
October 8, 2012

Hungary: Vacancy Rates in Office Market Remain High

Despite record low in new building activity, the Hungarian office market proves stable.
October 6, 2012

Immofinanz Group: Silesia City Center Ranks among the top Shopping Centers in Poland

On 19 September 2012 the Polish Association of Retail Tenants and GfK Polonia Institut published a new ranking of Polish shopping centers. The Silesia City Center was rated first.
September 28, 2012

Austria Faces Growing Demand in Living Space

In the next 25 years, Austria needs 10% more apartments. However, building land becomes more and more scarce.
September 25, 2012

Immofinanz: Earnings Up, Net Income Down

In the first quarter of 2012/13, the Austrian real estate company recorded an increase in rental income by 14.2%. EBIT soared by 31.1%. Net income declined by 67.5%.
September 25, 2012

Immofinanz Announces Massive Share Repurchase Program

The executive board of IMMOFINANZ AG has resolved to carry out a repurchase programme of treasury shares based on the authorisation by the 18th ordinary sharehold-ers’ meeting of 28 September 2011.
September 24, 2012

CA Immo Completes Mercedes-Benz Sales Headquarters in Berlin

The last concrete was laid on the roof today. The foundation stone was only laid in November 2011 and the building is set to be completed by mid 2013.
September 11, 2012

Immofinanz: New Project in Cologne

The Austrian real estate group dissolved its joint venture with Frankonia Eurobau and took over the Gerling Quarter in Cologne.
September 6, 2012

Conwert Buys Back Convertible Bonds

Result of tender offer for convertible bonds due2014.
September 6, 2012

conwert Issues New Convertible Bonds

conwert Immobilien Invest SE , a company listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, has initiated a two-step transaction with the aim of reducing its leverage and extending the maturity profile of its debt.
August 30, 2012

conwert significantly increases earnings

In the first half of 2012, earnings before tax (EBT) increased by 45.2% to € 18.0m. Net income was up by 17.1% to € 9.6m.
August 23, 2012

S Immo: Higher Net Income Despite Lower Revenues

The Vienna listed S Immo AG today published its results for the first half year. Earnings remained stable. Due to lower financing costs, net income was up by 50%.
August 22, 2012

CA Immo Below Expectations

The Austrian real estate company achieved a 83 % increase of consolidated net income after minorities in the first half year of 2012. Rental income reached € 140.7m (+10 %).
August 21, 2012

Rising Profit for CA Immo Expected

The Austrian real estate company should record a rise in net income of 96%. EBIT should fall by 8%, however.
August 20, 2012

Immofinanz: Major Sale in Vienna

The Austrian real estate company announces proceeds of over € 33 million on apartment house sale in Vienna.
August 20, 2012

Atrium Records 37% Increase In Earnings

The Vienna-listed real estate company could improve rental income as well as earnings and net income.
August 17, 2012

Immofinanz to Double Sales

In three years, the Austrian property company aims to increase sales and re-investments to € 1.0bn from € 500m.
August 8, 2012

Immofinanz: Net Income Down, Earnings Up

The Austrian real estate group confirmed the positive operating trend set in recent quarters with the close of the 2011/12 financial year, which brought a slight 1.2% year-on-year increase in rental income.
August 6, 2012

Austrian Property Market Runs out of Steam

In Austria, the property market shows first tendencies of consolidation. The number of acquisitions was down in the first six months.
August 4, 2012

Immofinanz: Rise in Earnings Ahead

Next Monday, the Austrian real estate company will publish results for the financial year 2011/12. Net income should remain stable
August 3, 2012

Immofinanz: Rise in Operating Profit Expected

Analysts expect the Austrian property company to achieve a 58% increase in EBIT. EBT will be lower, Baader Bank says.
August 1, 2012

Decrease in Building Saving May Increase Rents

In Austria, the popularity of building saving declined in the first half year of 2012. In a few years, funds for the residential building market may be insufficient.
July 27, 2012

CA Immo Continues Sales in Berlin

The planned liquidation of land reserves in Berlin by the Austrian property company CA Immo is gathering pace.
July 20, 2012

Erste Group Enters Bulgarian Property Market

Todor Alexandrov Offices in Sofia developed by Erste Group Immorent AG are ready for occupation.
July 18, 2012

CA Immo: Success in Berlin and Munich

The Austrian real estate company has sold extensive land reserves in Berlin and has concluded further rental contracts in Munich for the Skygarden office building.
July 16, 2012

Immofinanz: Substantial Success in Hungary

The Szépvölgyi Business Park in Budapest, an Immofinanz Group office property, will soon become the corporate headquarters for a further international company.
July 11, 2012

Austrian Business Property Market Under Pressure.

In the Viennese office property market, new lettings remain subdued. Regarding the shopping centre market, old and less attractive models under pressure.
July 7, 2012

Austrian Real Estate Market Shows Stability

The Austrian real estate market is a small, stable market with income returns of 5 percent in the last eight years. Real estate investors focus on core properties resistant to the crisis, leaving some market opportunities untapped.
July 6, 2012

New Board Member at CA Immo

The supervisory board of the Austrian real estate company decided changes on the board of CA Immo. Florian Nowotny succeeds Wolfhard Fromwald.
June 30, 2012

Real Estate Crisis in the Balkans Has Deepened

Due to the economic crisis in Southeastern Europe, real estate prices are still falling. Since 2008, prices fell by up to 50%.
June 28, 2012

Immofinanz Expands into Netherlands

With the acquisition of a property in the Dutch city of Den Bosch during mid-June, the Austrian real estate Group has further expanded its self-storage portfolio.
June 26, 2012

Shopping Center Industry Sees Still Growth Potential in CESEE

In 2012, about 300 further shopping centers should be built in the CESEE region. The market still shows a great potential, experts say.
June 20, 2012

Conwert ´s Corporate Bonds Generate Strong Demand

Subscription period closed early – first retail bond from the Austrian real estate company in the amount of € 65m enjoys strong demand.
June 16, 2012

Success for CA Immo in Frankfurt

The Austrian real estate company CA Immo has concluded another lease for approximately 1,350 m2 (14,531 ft2) of office space in Frankfurt’s Tower 185.
June 15, 2012

Conwert: Corporate Bond Successfully Placed

The Austrian real estate company issues a retail bond with a term of five years until 2017. The total volume oft he bond issue is € 65m.
June 13, 2012

Immofinanz Bond with Interest Rate of 5.25 %

The Austrian real estate group Immofinanz announced that today marks the official start of a road show in connection with the placement of a new corporate bond.
June 13, 2012

Immofinanz Strengthens Presence in Poland

The Austrian real estate group realises first own residential development project in Poland.
June 6, 2012

Conwert to sell € 50m of Bonds

The Austrian real estate company conwert Immobilien plans to sell € 50m of 5.75 percent bonds due in 2017.
June 1, 2012

CA Immo Leases Major Office to ORF

The Austrian broadcaster ORF will take up residence at a major office building developed by the Vienna-listed real estate company CA Immo.
May 30, 2012

S Immo: Eurocenter in Zagreb Fully Let

The Austrian real estate company S Immo has gained another internationally renowned tenant – Zagrebačka Banka d.d. – for its Eurocenter office building in Zagreb. Thus it is now fully let.
May 30, 2012

S Immo Does Not Plan Investments

The Austrian real estate company regards the current framework conditions as not suitable for investing in new projects. S Immo plans more sales, by contrast.
May 29, 2012

Conwert Records Declining Earnings

The Austrian real estate company presented its first quarter results today. Net rental income was down by 13.3%
May 29, 2012

Conwert: Decline in Earnings Expected

Analysts of Erste Group and RCB (Raiffeisen Centrobank) predice a decrease in net income and rental income at the Austrian real estate company.
May 26, 2012

Immofinanz Expands in Germany

The Austrian real estate group launches first internal development project in Germany with construction project at Düsseldorf Airport.
May 24, 2012

Warimpex Improved Sales and Profit

Warimpex reported Q1 figures today. Due to the good performance in Poland, Russia and the Czech republic, revenues soared by 18%.
May 24, 2012

S Immo: Slight Decrease in Revenues and Earnings

The Austrian real estate company recorded a small rise in net income. A dividend of € 0.10 per share will be proposed.
May 23, 2012