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Negative Result for Warimpex

The Austrian real estate company recorded a loss of € 3.2m in the first half of the year. EBIT fell from € 13.4m to € 7.6m.
August 30, 2011

S Immo: Earnings more than Doubled in the First Half of 2011

The Austrian real estate company recorded EBIT of € 51.3m, up 70.6% year-on-year. Net income doubled to € 10.1m.
August 29, 2011

Sharp Rise in Earnings for CA Immo

Rental income of the Austrian real estate group increased by 54% in the first half of the year. EBIT amounted to € 112.4m, up 53% from the reference period.
August 25, 2011

Eco Business to Continue Redimensioning

The Austrian real estate company registered a strong decline in EBIT and incurred a net loss of € 3.0m in the first six months of the year.
August 24, 2011

conwert: Lower Income despite New Sales Record

The Austrian real estate company recorded a decline in income of 33% year-on-year. Proceeds on the sale of properties are expected to reach a total of € 600m in the full year.
August 17, 2011

Atrium with Significant Increase in Profit

The real estate company achieved a plus of 19.4% in net rental income in the first half of the year. Profit before tax increased by 8.9% to € 113.7m.
August 16, 2011

Financial Market Authority Terminates Inquiry against CEO of Immofinanz

The head of the Austrian real estate group had been accused of insider trading and delayed shareholder information.
August 12, 2011

Demand for Real Estate Remains on a High Level

In the first half of 2011 Austrians invested € 8.3bn in real estate. Vienna remained the number one region with a total volume of € 2.31bn.
August 10, 2011

Atrium to Develop Hypermarket in Poland

The real estate company will develop a shopping center in the city of Lublin for the French retail chain Auchan.
August 10, 2011

conwert Confirms Outlook after Half-Year Results

The Austrian real estate company expects an operating result of between € 61m and € 63m for the first half of 2011 and an increase of 15% for the full year.
August 8, 2011

Immofinanz with Strong Results in Financial Year 2010/11

The Austrian real estate company recorded an increase in net profit of 60% and will pay a dividend for the first time since 2007.
August 4, 2011

Bank Austria Finances Portfolio of Apartment Houses in Vienna

The Austrian bank generates a stimulus for Vienna’s real estate market and finances 53 apartment houses with € 110m.
August 2, 2011

Immofinanz Acquires Development Site in Poland

The Austrian real estate company plans to develop a shopping center in the Polish city of Lublin. Opening is scheduled for 2013.
August 2, 2011

Immofinanz Completed Sale of Office Campus Gasometer

The Austrian real estate company and its partner sold an office property in Vienna for € 75m to Bank Austria Real Invest.
August 1, 2011

Hypo Alpe Adria Sells Schlosshotel Velden

The Austrian bank signed a purchase agreement with Amisola Immobilien AG. Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group will take over management of the hotel.
July 29, 2011

Warimpex Sells Hotel in Warsaw

The Austrian real estate company sells the Sobieski Hotel in Warsaw, together with an adjacent 6,000 square meter office building to Wenaasgruppen, headquartered in Norway.
July 28, 2011

Immofinanz Generated New Funds in Russia

The Austrian real estate company reached an agreement on the refinancing of its logistics center in St. Petersburg. The new funds will be invested in further projects in Russia.
July 21, 2011

Atrium Executes Settlement Agreement with Multi Investment

As a result of the agreement, the American-Israeli real estate fund will receive net cash of € 64m and generate a profit of € 156m.
July 15, 2011

German LBBW Starts Sale of Property Portfolio – conwert Interested

An acquisition of the real estate portfolio is not affordable for the Austrian group. However, it might enter a partnership and take over the asset management.
July 13, 2011

S Immo Increases the Occupancy Rate of its Hungarian Portfolio

The Austrian real estate company’s Hungarian subsidiary leased out nearly 4,000 m² in the heart of Budapest. The vacancy rate was reduced to below 9%.
July 7, 2011

CEO Volker Riebel Leaves conwert

The Austrian real estate company announced a new management structure: CEO Riebel leaves; the managing board will consist of two directors.
July 6, 2011

conwert Interested in Billion-Euro Deal with LBBW

The Austrian real estate company is looking for partners to purchase the residential property portfolio of the German bank. Industry experts see a realistic chance for an acquisition.
June 20, 2011

CA Immo: Uniform Brand Appearance also in Germany

In the future, the Austrian real estate group’s German subsidiary Vivico Real Estate GmbH will operate under the brand "CA Immo".
June 20, 2011

Immofinanz Acquires Romanian Property Developer

The Austrian real estate company buys the remaining stake for € 42.43m in order to become sole shareholder of Bucharest-based Adama.
June 16, 2011

Immofinanz Acquires Office Property in Warsaw

The Austrian real estate company already held 51% of the property and is now becoming the sole shareholder. The transaction includes the sale of another object to a project partner.
June 10, 2011

Immofinanz Sells Funds for € 137m

The Austrian real estate group decided to sell its financial investments as it is focusing on its core business. 18 funds worth € 160m are still held by the company.
June 8, 2011

CA Immo Starts Work on Shopping Center in Frankfurt

The Austrian real estate group and its joint venture partner invest € 360m into the project. The opening will take place in fall 2013.
June 1, 2011

Immofinanz Sells Office and Retail Property in Vienna

The Austrian real estate group sold a property located at Simmeringer Hauptstraße in Vienna to HIH Global Invest GmbH for € 29.2m.
May 30, 2011

Warimpex: First-Quarter Loss Widens

The Austrian real estate company’s loss increased from € -0.7m to € -3.0m in the first quarter of 2011. EBIT fell from € 2.9m to € -0.3m.
May 27, 2011

CA Immo: Initial Consolidation of Europolis Prompts Sharp Rise in Earnings

The figures for the first quarter of 2011 show a strong rise in earnings following the inclusion of Europolis into the consolidated accounts of the Austrian real estate group.
May 25, 2011

CA Immo Sold Two Shopping Centers in the Czech Republic

The Austrian real estate group and a Czech investor agreed on the sale of two malls for an amount of € 96m.
May 24, 2011

Conwert Announces Strong Growth in Revenues in the First Quarter of 2011

The Vienna-based real estate company records a good business development and a 24% increase in EBIT.
May 20, 2011

Atrium: 50% Decline in Pre-Tax Profit

Despite a growing rental income, the real estate company’s profit before taxation decreased from € 46.3m to € 26.4m.
May 18, 2011

Declining Sales at UBM

The Austrian real estate company hat do report a decline in sales of 15%. However, profits rose slightly.
May 13, 2011

Strong Decline in Eco Business Sales and Earnings

The net result was positive with € 1.1m, but it fell in comparison with the same period of the previous year by 68%.
May 13, 2011

German IVG is also Active in Austria Now

IVG Immobilien AG (IVG), the largest German real estate fund company, acquired the Austrian Hypo Real Invest in January 2011, changing its name to IVG Austria AG, with headquarters in Vienna.
May 12, 2011

Immofinanz Closes Acquisition in Moscow

The Austrian real estate group takes over 100% of the GoodZone.
May 11, 2011

Atrium Strengthens Polish Portfolio

Atrium European Real Estate announces that it has completed the acquisition of the Promenada Shopping Centre (“Promenada”) in Warsaw, Poland for €171 m from Carpathian PLC.
May 9, 2011

Immofinanz takes over 100% of Zagreb’s Grand Centar

Immofinanz acquired the remaining 20% stake in the Grand Centar in Zagreb through its subsidiary Immoest Allegro. This stake was previously held by Generali Immobilien AG.
May 5, 2011

Immofinanz Strives for Presence in Russia

The Austrian real estate group plans to expand its activities further through the purchase of shopping centers in Moscow.
May 3, 2011

Vienna’s Real Estate Market is Booming

With the third quarter of 2010, the trend started to reverse for the Viennese real estate market. Property is booming again, rental real estate loses demand.
April 28, 2011

Zehetner Remains CEO at Immofinanz

The Supervisory Board of the Austrian real estate company extends Executive Board contracts for Eduard Zehetner and Daniel Riedl.
April 28, 2011

Warimpex to launch a Private Placement of Convertible Bonds

The Austrian real estate company intends to issue convertible bonds amounting to € 29.73m at the Warsaw Stock Exchange in order to "enhance financial flexibility".
April 20, 2011

Sparkassen Immobilien AG: Significant EBIT Improvement

The real estate group announced its annual results for 2010. EBIT for the year ended as at 31 December 2010 improved by more than € 110m to € 60.5m.
April 15, 2011

Immofinanz Opens Tenth Retail Park in Slovakia

STOP.SHOP., an Immofinanz Group umbrella brand for specialty shopping centres in Central Europe, continued its growth course with today’s opening of the tenth retail park in Slovakia.
April 15, 2011

Immofinanz Announces Improvement in Results

The Austrian real estate company publishes its Q1-Q3 resuls for 2010/11. Revenues and net profits grew moderately.
March 31, 2011

conwert Announces Augmenting Operating Results

conwert Immobilien Invest SE, listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, reported a strong operating result in the financial year 2010. Dividends will be increased.
March 24, 2011

Higher Profits for UBM Despite Lower Production in 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange listed UBM Realitätenentwicklung AG achieved higher profits in 2010 despite lower production. Dividends are to be increased by 10%.
March 23, 2011

Eco Business Back in Black

The Austrian real estate company records a fivefold increase in Group EBIT to € 25.0 m for the first three quarters of 2010.
March 22, 2011

Atrium Reaches Turnaround

The real estate company recorded positive net earnings in 2010. Profits amounted to € 111.06m.
March 12, 2011