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Austrian Real Estate: Increased supply of 339%

Office space supply is on rise, but demand is lagging behind. Prime rents and yields went down y/y.
September 27, 2010

CEE Real Estate: Outlook is brightening

CEE real estate stocks are currently in a phase of brisk corporate action. Financially sound companies with attractive assets are interesting takeover targets, while other companies are being taken over.
September 27, 2010

Immofinanz: Net Income Decreases by 57%

Immofinanz AG showed half as much profit in the first quarter after its merger, as a lasting non-recurring effect from the first quarter. Earnings per share diluted after the merger with Immoeast.
September 27, 2010

Austrian Financial Services Discover Immigrants as Customers

Around 1.47 million people living in Austria have a migration background. Therefore, immigrants are an important target group for business. Domestic banks have also been getting into the so-called ethnic banking recently.
September 24, 2010

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) Declined by 80%

Participation in companies and real estate are attractive, but Austrian firms are reluctant to make acquisitions in Eastern Europe.
September 22, 2010

Austria's Management and Supervisory Boards’ Salaries on the Test Bench

The partly state-run OMV had the most expensive board of all Austrian corporations in 2009. In total, the oil company spent 10.2 million euro on its bosses, 23.4% more than the previous year.
September 20, 2010

CA Immo International completes first phase of DIY store OBI in Romania

Construction phase one of the retail development project in Sibiu has been concluded - DIY store OBI opens with 9,700 sqm of usable space.
September 2, 2010

UBM with slightly improved results

Focus on hotels and housing, regional focus remains on Poland and Germany.
August 31, 2010

Raiffeisen Evolution shifting back

The real estate developer Raiffeisen evolution (RE) was significantly affected by the uncertainty in the property markets in 2009.
August 26, 2010

Eco Business back in black

The listed Eco Business Immobilien AG registers positive numbers in the first half of the year.
August 24, 2010

Final result for the voluntary takeover bid for CA Immo International AG

In total CA Immobilien Anlagen AG now holds 42,217,340 shares of CA Immo International AG, this is equivalent to 97.14% of the issued share capital of CA Immo International AG.
August 17, 2010

Eco with surcharge above Austrian average

"Since the Austrian real estate companies with an average of four to five percent return on equity do not currently earn their cost of equity, an evaluation of net asset value is not justified in not justified in our opinion."
July 1, 2010

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG to acquire Europolis AG

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG agreed with Österreichische Volksbanken-AG Group to acquire all shares in Europolis AG.
June 25, 2010

CA Immo attends to Europolis AG

Austrian Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) will conclude on Thursday its business of selling its real estate subsidiary Europolis to the CA Immo.
June 24, 2010

ECO Business-Immobilien AG sells Opernringhof in Vienna for €101m

ECO Business-Immobilien AG announces the upcoming sale of the Opernringhof in the first district of Vienna for EUR 101 million. The object will be sold to an Austrian private investor for a price significantly above the current carrying value.
June 14, 2010

Raiffeisen banks are approaching reunification

Raiffeisen International, performed better than expected in the first quarter of 2010.
June 8, 2010

Banks are approaching reunification

Raiffeisen International, the listed Ostbankenholding of the sector, has ended the first quarter of 2010 better than expected.
May 31, 2010

Warimpex successfully completes capital increase

In a difficult environment on the financial markets Warimpex successfully completed its capital increase by placing 14,400,001 new ordinary shares, representing approximately 36% of the existing share capital.
May 27, 2010

Manfred Url succeeds Erich Rainbacher as CEO of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse

Manfred Url succeeds Erich Rainbacher as CEO of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse, Johannes Schuster joins the board of RZB.
May 21, 2010

Sparkassen Immobilien AG - Results of AGM

Stock exchange-listed Sparkassen Immobilien AG announces that the 75% majority required for the approval of the resolution in agenda item 7 with respect to the rights of participating certificates to conversion into ordinary shares was not achieved.
May 21, 2010

Immofinanz makes a hop – soon more shares on the market

Despite the announcement that in the coming months 55 million shares will be placed on the market, the share Immofinanz responded with an increase to the agreement with Constantia BV.
May 21, 2010

Sparkassen Immobilien AG starts 2010 with a strong first quarter

Stock exchange-listed Sparkassen Immobilien AG has started the financial year 2010 with a strong first quarter: the major financial indicators have improved significantly compared with the same period last year.
May 20, 2010