Immofinanz: Positive Signs Again

BusinessCommodities ♦ Published: September 30, 2010; 17:03 ♦ (Vindobona)

At exactly 12:53 pm on Thursday, an order for 926 shares allowed the Immofinanz stock to fight its way back to the zero-line. Investors hope that the worst is over by now.

Immofinanz: Positive Signs Again / Picture: © Immofinanz

The last three days were really bitter for Immofinanz shareholders. Losses on Monday, losses on Tuesday, then the debacle at the General Meeting: Institutional investors, for whom capital measures are usually not to their taste, taught Immofinanz boss Eduard Zehetner a lesson. His desire for convertible bonds and the issuance of up to 522 million new shares was brought to judgment…