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Immofinanz - Sale of 55m shares hasn't started
Companies ♦
Published: July 6, 2010; 00:00 ♦ (Vindobona)
The placement of the 55m Immofinanz shares from settlement with Constantia Packaging has not yet begun as reported in today’s published "Company Flash" of UniCredit.
Immofinanz - Sale of 55m shares hasn't started / Picture: © Vindobona.org
According to analyst Alexander Hodosi “no shares of the 55mn Immofinanz shares from the settlement with Constantia Packaging BV have been sold, which rules out a share overhang as an explanation for the recent price drop,"
As part of the deal with Constantia, Immofinanz is expected to receive an equivalent amount of approximately 55m Immofinanz shares. According to CEO Eduard…
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