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Railway Industry
Rail Freight Transport Increased in 2010
The volume of goods transported on Austrian railways increased by 8.9% in the last year. However, it is still below the level of 2008.
May 31, 2011
Siemens Manufactures Parts for a New Train Generation in Graz
Siemens manufactures components for 130 new trains for the Deutsche Bahn (DB-German Railways) until 2030 in Graz. The contract is worth € 6.0bn.
May 11, 2011
Kern Leads an Image Campaign for ÖBB
With humorous content, but caused by the serious situation of the Austrian State Railway, CEO Christian Kern intends to promote greater understanding for the Group.
April 26, 2011
GATX Rail Europe Announces Entry into Turkish Marketplace
The Vienna-based GATX Rail Europe today announced its entry into the Turkish marketplace with the deployment of newly-manufactured railway tank wagons.
April 18, 2011
"Austria Has a Historical Chance to Become Europe’s Logistics Hub"
Sources from the transport industry consider that Austria offers potentials, mainly in the Danube and rail traffic.
April 16, 2011
ÖBB Debt Reduction is Further Delayed
The debt of the Federal Railroad increases dramatically through the acquisition of a 25% share in the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) project,
April 15, 2011
ÖBB Promote Construction of the Brenner Tunnel
After the ÖBB detached themselves from the financing of the Brenner tunnel in February, an agreement was reached with the Ministry of Finance.
April 14, 2011
Official start of construction of Austria's largest building project
The start of construction of the controversial Koralm tunnel, a railway connection between Carinthia and Styria, has occurred. The 20km long tunnel will be completed in 2022.
March 29, 2011
Economy: "South Axis” Demands Recovery Program
Styria and Carinthia are at a disadvantage concerning infrastructure compared with other provinces, was the criticism of the Economic Chambers of the "strong south".
March 25, 2011
ÖBB: Massive Losses in Ireland
The ÖBB had to write off € 260m because of a sale and lease-back transaction.
March 19, 2011
ÖBB CEO Kern Closes In on Politicians
The CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Christian Kern, reacts angrily to accusations made by politicians.
February 5, 2011
New Order in Poland for Kapsch CarrierCom
Kapsch CarrierCom has won the next large order for the deployment of a digital train radio system.
January 28, 2011
Pricing Agreements in Austria's Transport Industry
The Austrian Federal Competition Authority has ncovered two shipping cartels involving several well-known carriers.
January 21, 2011
Czech Railways Considers to Acquire ÖBB-Railjets
The Austrian Federal Railways doesn´t want to exercise its option to buy further Railjets from Siemens.
December 28, 2010
Allegations of Market Abuse Against ÖBB
The Austrian Federal Railways are facing another accusation by the Federal Competition Authority. Rail Cargo is said to have abused its market power.
December 17, 2010
voestalpine: Change in Executive Board
The Supervisory board has decided the succession of executive board member Mülner. His successor as head of the Railway Systems Division is Franz Kainersdorfer.
December 16, 2010
Voestalpine: Doubling of Sales in Five Years
By 2015, the Chairman of the Board of the Austrian steel group, Wolfgang Eder, intends to achieve sales over € 15b billion through expansions.
December 6, 2010
Stuttgart21: Strabag and Porr Hope for Major Project
The two Austrain building companies, Strabag and Porr, are struggeling for the disputed major infrastructure project in Germany, Stuttgart 21.
December 2, 2010
Extra-budgetary Debts Grow Unabated
Debt levels which are not attributed to the Austrian Federal Budget rise exorbitantly. Above all, the ÖBB and Asfinag are responsible.
November 30, 2010
ÖBB-CEO Kern Reconstructs Freight Division
After the decisions made about personnel, Kern wants to make the freight division profitable again. The group’s CEO has accorded himself three years for the process.
November 26, 2010
ÖBB: Changes in Freight Traffic Leadership
Because of poor results, the ÖBB CEO has to act on facts: The managers of the freight division are being replaced.
November 25, 2010
Siemens Austria: New Orders from Bangkok
The Thai BTSC has placed an order at Siemens for 35 additional intermediate cars for the city rail system. Works in Bangkok start in 2012..
November 22, 2010
Siemens Austria Participates in Construction of Zagreb’s Main Train Station
The consortium Siemens AG Österreich and Elektrokem d.o.o from Zagreb has been awarded the contract for the delivery of a modern electronic switch system
November 18, 2010
Voestalpine Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results
Voestalpine group increases EBIT by almost tenfold up to € 414m. Revenue goes up by 24.2% due to significant growth in sales
November 18, 2010
Voestalpine Expands into the Gulf Region
The Austrian steel group will manufacture rail components for Saudi Arabia over a joint venture.
November 16, 2010
The ÖBB is a Risk Factor for the State Budget
While the investment projects for the ÖBB are being reduced by Transport Minister Doris Bures, a fiasco is threatening on the revenue side.
November 15, 2010
Infrastructure Development: Investing in the Future or Incurring Debt?
While industry competes for sites for the development of infrastructure, legitimate questions are being raised on financial issues.
November 15, 2010
Traffic Expenditures: € 4.3bn less
As a consequence of the new budget, public infrastructure projects are being reduced considerably. Postponed projects and low-cost alternatives will save money.
November 12, 2010
Kapsch CarrierCom Gets Major Contract for GSM-R Project in Spain
Kapsch was commissioned by the Spanish railway authority Adif with the implementation of a GSM-R network.
November 9, 2010
Competition for Hungarian ÖBB Subsidiary
Rail Cargo Hungaria (RCH) is still fighting for restructuring success. Meanwhile, a new competitor has appeared in the freight business.
November 5, 2010
Strabag CEO Haselsteiner: Koralmtunnel Has To Be Built
Haselsteiner reacts sharply to criticism of the construction of the Koralm tunnel. He sees the infrastructure measure as economically sensible.
November 2, 2010
ÖBB: Alleged Corruption
An internal document about a meeting of the ÖBB Supervisory Board in 2008 has now appeared. Bribes are openly talked about.
October 29, 2010
EU Funds to Finance Brenner Tunnel until 2015
The European Commission has extended its partial financing commitment for the Brenner tunnel. However, appropriate measures must be taken soon. Deliberations are still underway at present.
October 28, 2010
STRABAG Builds the Koralm Tunnel
The controversial project will be built by the construction group Strabag. The total investment amounts to around 600 million euro.
October 28, 2010
New Westbahn Claims Unjustified Subsidies for the ÖBB
The reason is an amendment to the Public Procurement Act, which allegedly gives preference to the ÖBB.
October 20, 2010
Austrian Federal Railways in Debt Crisis
Several infrastructure projects will increase the debt burden of the Federal Railways dramatically. This could bring considerable effects for the financial situation of the whole Federation.
October 19, 2010
Siemens Graz: - Investment of 12 Million in Plant for Railway Bogies
Siemens is investing a total of twelve million euro at the Graz location. The plant for railway bogies will receive a new assembly line for wheel sets. In addition to the present 950 employees new jobs will be created.
October 8, 2010
Rail Cargo Austria :End of Losses Not in Sight
The losses of the ÖBB subsidiary Rail Cargo Austria rise to at least 200 million euro The end is far away. Lay offs and restructuring are necessary.
October 7, 2010
ÖBB: 100 Million Euro Savings Through Improved Purchasing
ÖBB want to save 100 million Euro during the next three years with cheaper and better organized purchasing. Shunting and traction are merged.
September 27, 2010
Verbund - Fight over capital increase further delayed
The controversy over Verbund capital is likely to prolong. Infrastructure Minister Doris Bures will continue to insist on her initial position.
August 26, 2010
Construction output declines by 14%
The massive railway expansion in the first quarter prevents an even greater decline.
July 1, 2010