Rail Cargo Austria :End of Losses Not in Sight

TransportRail ♦ Published: October 7, 2010; 13:27 ♦ (Vindobona)

The losses of the ÖBB subsidiary Rail Cargo Austria rise to at least 200 million euro The end is far away. Lay offs and restructuring are necessary.

Rail Cargo Austria :End of Losses Not in Sight / Picture: © Vindobona.org

The losses of RCA will turn out higher this year than previously thought, announced ÖBB boss Christian Kern in interviews.

Previously, a loss of 124 million euro had been predicted. Now, says Kern "a one before the three-digit loss will be most probable." Profits should be registered by RCA only by 2014.

The Hungarian subsidiary Rail Cargo Hungaria (RCH, formerly MAV…