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RCA Rail Cargo Austria

Hub to the Far East - ÖBB Rail Cargo and Port of Trieste Strengthen Cooperation

At a critical time when the question of Italian economic independence from China is being discussed throughout Europe, ÖBB's Rail Cargo Group is intensifying its cooperation with the port of Trieste in order, among other things, to be able to use the transport connection of the Adriatic port to the Far East.
March 22, 2019

What Does Austria Have to Do with the Silk Road Project?

The Chinese "One Belt One Road Initiative", also known as the New Silk Road, is China's strategic measure of the century to make the entire Euro-Asian region including Africa even more dependent on its products and investments. Now the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the ambassadors from China and Kazakhstan have joined forces to convince the Austrian population and politicians that the connection of Austria via broad-gauge railway to the Silk Road is an opportunity of the century.
November 30, 2018

Austrian Railways: Hope for RCA

Rail Cargo Austria, the freight division of Austrian Railways (ÖBB) seems to have achieved the turnaround. In 2010, RCA caused losses of € 67m.
March 10, 2012

Austrian Railways Looking for Partners

ÖBB (Austrian Railways) wants to re-launch its foreign markets with local partners. After 2008, ÖBB had to downsize operations abroad.
February 28, 2012

Dismal Prospects for Austrian Transport Industry

In spite of satisfying results this year, the domestic transport industry expects worsening conditions in 2012.
November 21, 2011

Sale at Rail Cargo Austria?

The freight traffic division of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) still suffers from its Hungarian subsidiary RCH. A sale to Hungary seems to be possible.
October 15, 2011

ÖBB with Positive Operating Result in First Half of 2011

The Austrian Federal Railways continue their restructuring program. Management expects to leave the loss zone by 2013.
September 29, 2011

ÖBB: “Cargo Business on the Right Track“

The Austrian Federal Railways’ CEO is satisfied with the development of the group’s cargo unit. RCA achieved a positive operating result in the first half of the year.
August 26, 2011

Hungary Considering Buyback of ÖBB’s Rail Cargo Hungaria

The Hungarian state is interested in acquiring a stake in the Austrian Federal Railways’ cargo subsidiary which it privatized in 2008.
June 14, 2011

ÖBB with Capital Injection for Its Italian Freight Business

The Austrian Federal Railways’ subsidiary Linea needs additional funding in order to cover its last year’s losses of € 5.8m.
June 9, 2011

Rail Freight Transport Increased in 2010

The volume of goods transported on Austrian railways increased by 8.9% in the last year. However, it is still below the level of 2008.
May 31, 2011

ÖBB: No Sale of Loss-Making Rail Cargo Hungaria

The Austrian Federal Railways want to become market leader in rail cargo in Central and Southeastern Europe. € 30m will be invested in Hungary.
May 27, 2011

Surprisingly Good First Quarter Results for ÖBB

The Austrian Federal Railways achieved earnings of € 4.2m before tax in the first three months of 2011. For the full year, however, the company still forecasts a loss.
May 23, 2011

Massive Losses for Federal Railroad

The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) had to report a record loss of € 330m in 2010. CEO Kern speaks of "legacy".
April 30, 2011

Kern Leads an Image Campaign for ÖBB

With humorous content, but caused by the serious situation of the Austrian State Railway, CEO Christian Kern intends to promote greater understanding for the Group.
April 26, 2011

Kern: "We are Struggling for Survival"

The CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Christian Kern, paints a dramatic picture of the largest domestic transport company.
April 8, 2011

ÖBB: Cargo Division as Loss-Maker

The continuing crisis of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) is due in large extent to the losses in freight traffic of Rail Cargo Austria (RCA).
March 8, 2011

Difficulties in ÖBB Restructuring

The Austrian Federal Railways cannot get out of their debt crises. Restructuring of the freight division requires additional funding
February 15, 2011

Austrian Federal Railways Needs € 400m

Christian Kern, CEO of the Federal Raiways (ÖBB), backed up his call for a capital increase.
January 3, 2011

Drastic Job Cut at ÖBB

The Austrian Federal Railways cuts 650 posts at its freight division Rail Cargo Austria (RCA).
January 1, 2011

Allegations of Market Abuse Against ÖBB

The Austrian Federal Railways are facing another accusation by the Federal Competition Authority. Rail Cargo is said to have abused its market power.
December 17, 2010

JCL Logistics and Rail Cargo Austria Step into Strategic Alliance

Both logistics companies agree to establish a cooperation in groupage service. Their common target is to reach synergies in their transport network.
December 15, 2010

ÖBB-CEO Kern Reconstructs Freight Division

After the decisions made about personnel, Kern wants to make the freight division profitable again. The group’s CEO has accorded himself three years for the process.
November 26, 2010

ÖBB: Changes in Freight Traffic Leadership

Because of poor results, the ÖBB CEO has to act on facts: The managers of the freight division are being replaced.
November 25, 2010

Competition for Hungarian ÖBB Subsidiary

Rail Cargo Hungaria (RCH) is still fighting for restructuring success. Meanwhile, a new competitor has appeared in the freight business.
November 5, 2010

Hungarian Railway Workers Strike Against Rail Cargo

Due to employee layoffs at Rail Cargo Hungaria, the employees threaten to go on strike. Rail Cargo suffers losses both in Austria and in Hungary
October 27, 2010

Rail Cargo Austria :End of Losses Not in Sight

The losses of the ÖBB subsidiary Rail Cargo Austria rise to at least 200 million euro The end is far away. Lay offs and restructuring are necessary.
October 7, 2010

ÖBB: Layoff of 100 executives and 1,000 administrative jobs

In order to save the financially strongly ailing ÖBB, it is being set on a course of austerity by the new boss, Christian Kern, who has been appointed on Friday. 100 executive and 1,000 administrative jobs are to be cut within the next three years.
September 10, 2010

OIAG to become an infrastructure holding

The OIAG aims to become an infrastructure holding company. The federal real estate company (BIG), Verbund (energy), Asfinag (infrastructure) and parts of the ÖBB (railway) will be slowly integrated in an ÖIAG structure.
July 23, 2010