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The ÖBB is a Risk Factor for the State Budget
Politics ♦
Published: November 15, 2010; 12:06 ♦ (Vindobona)
While the investment projects for the ÖBB are being reduced by Transport Minister Doris Bures, a fiasco is threatening on the revenue side.
The ÖBB is a Risk Factor for the State Budget / Picture: © ÖBB-Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft / Chris Zenz
The state budget does not include the balance sheet of the federal railway yet, as the ÖBB is outsourced. Condition for outsourcing is that at least 50% of the revenues must be self-generated. If this condition is not met, the Maastricht criteria require that the debt of the outsourced ÖBB has to be included in the state budget.
So far the State Debt Committee had feared that…
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