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Peter Hacker

Austria Wants to Drop all Covid-19 Mitigations
Austrian Minister of Health Johannes Rauch has said that he wants to end all Covid-19 regulations in Austria until springtime this year. This would mean the legitimate end of the Coronavirus-pandemic in the country.
January 15, 2023

Mask Obligation in Vienna's Public Transport Remains
While the Corona measures have been softened further at the Austrian federal level, Vienna is sticking to its stricter rules. The mask requirement on public transport in Vienna will be maintained into the year to come.
December 29, 2022

City of Vienna Gives Up to 200 Euros to Households in Need
The City of Vienna is preparing to give up to 200 Euros to its citizens, in the frame of the Energy Bonus 22, as declared in the City's press release.
November 29, 2022

Displaced Persons From Ukraine Now Have Access to Family Allowance
Families displaced from Ukraine can now apply for Austrian family allowance. As a result of this announcement, a loophole in the law has been closed, making it possible for all Ukrainians in Austria to claim social benefits. It will be introduced in the National Council on Friday.
July 8, 2022

UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Urged the Security Council to Stop the War in Ukraine
The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements called on the United Nations Security Council to put aside its differences and find a solution to end the war in Ukraine. There have already been 5 million people who have fled Ukraine, and there are another 7 million internally displaced.
April 21, 2022

1,350 Ukrainian Displaced Persons Could be Accommodated by Private Apartments in Vienna
The residents of the city of Vienna already provided over 1,100 housing donations for Ukrainian aid seekers who had to flee from the war crimes committed by the Russian invaders. Thus, about 94% of Ukrainians could be accommodated in private shelters and facilitate the situation for public quarters.
April 21, 2022

Solidarity With All Refugees: Integration House Calls for Refugee Ball 2022
After a one-year break, the City of Vienna and Integrationshaus are once again inviting to the annual Vienna Refugee Ball. The event, which will take place on April 23, aims to draw attention to current problems in the refugee issue and collect donations that will benefit the non-profit organization Integrationshaus.
April 12, 2022

COVID-19 in Austria: Booster Vaccinations Now Available to Everyone in Vienna After Six Months
Mayor Michael Ludwig has announced that the City of Vienna is now offering COVID-19 booster vaccinations to everyone in Vienna six months after they received their second dose. Read about the specifics of Vienna's booster vaccination campaign and where and when to get a third shot.
November 2, 2021

How and Where to Get Vaccinated for Free Against Influenza in Vienna
The City of Vienna is offering free influenza vaccines between November 2, 2021 and March 31, 2022 to all people over the age of 7 months who live, study or work in Vienna. A total of 450,000 vaccine doses are available. Find out when and where to sign up and where to get the vaccination here.
October 25, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Vienna Launches Vaccination Booster Offensive
Vienna is continuing its campaign to get people vaccinated against COVID-19 and has launched its offensive to administer the booster vaccination. Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig and other officials recently held a press conference to discuss Vienna's progress on vaccinations and announce the plan for the booster shots. Read more about where Vienna stands in the pandemic fight and the roadmap for boosters.
October 18, 2021

"Quick Prayer and a Jab": St. Stephen's Cathedral Vaccination Street Opens
The City of Vienna has opened another COVID-19 vaccination street, and this time it is at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Austria's most famous church. The offer is part of Vienna's ongoing effort to vaccinate as many people as possible.
August 11, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: 50% of Total Population Vaccinated, Focus on Young Adults
Austria has reached the milestone of vaccinating 50 percent of all people in Austria. The pace of Covid-19 vaccinations remains high and Vienna will particularly focus on young adults in July. Read more about the developments below.
June 22, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: Will the Chancellor's Promise be Broken?
As of today, not all of Austria's nine provinces can imagine that all those who want to get vaccinated will in fact receive their first vaccination by June. Read about the recent developments below.
June 1, 2021

Vienna Introduces New Covid-19 Testing System
The City of Vienna has introduced the new testing system "Alles Gurgelt!". Every Viennese is eligible to pick up PCR tests at the 152 BIPA stores throughout Vienna, record herself or himself while conducting the test and drop off the tests at one of 620 REWE locations. The results of the test is available after 24 hours and works as "entry test" for body-related services.
March 29, 2021

Vienna's Mayor Unveils Memorial Stone for Vienna Terror Attack

Vienna's city government has unveiled a memorial stone for the victims of the Vienna Terror Attack on November 2, 2020. Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig emphasized that the memorial stone also represents a sign of togetherness of the Viennese people. He showed himself very pleased with the amount of solidarity the terror night brought about.
February 24, 2021

Covid-19: Austria Offers Admission of Portuguese Patients

To alleviate the current health crisis in Portugal, Austria accepted to admit ten patients that will be treated in Vienna and other provinces. Due to the slightly improved situation in Austrian intensive care units, the Portuguese Covid-19 patients and other patients with serious illnesses will be transfered to hospital in Austria.
February 5, 2021

Vienna Opens First Covid-19 Vaccination Line
By Monday, January 18, 2021, about 11,000 physicians, paramedics and other people working in the medical sector, will be the first ones to receive the vaccines in the so-called vaccination lines set up by the City of Vienna. All Viennese residents can pre-register for a Covid-19 vaccination starting January 18, 2021.
January 15, 2021

Vienna Prepares for Second Mass Testing
Vienna's residents can have themselves tested once again during the period from January 8 to January 17. The tests will be conducted at the same three locations like during the first mass testing. Although the city prepares capacities for up to 900,000 people, registration for an appointment is required.
January 7, 2021

Vienna Prepares for Mass Testing
The City of Vienna prepares to test its population for Covid-19. The responsible city departments, emergency organizations, and the Austrain Armed Forces have taken measures to provide test capacities for the period from December 4 to December 13. Within this period, every Viennese resident above the age of 10 is eligible for testing.
November 30, 2020

Digital Days 2020 Reached Over 1,100 Registered Users

The Digital Days 2020 hosted by the City of Vienna as a hybrid event have welcomed over 1,100 users with more than 4,000 views in total. Digitalization in every business sector was discussed among politicians and experts from the business world.
October 5, 2020

Coronavirus in Vienna: Update - July 20, 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has also hit the metropolis of Vienna hard and the number of infected cases and unfortunately also deaths is constantly increasing. It must also be assumed that an unknown number of people who do not suspect this has already been infected. Medical science does not yet know the virus exactly. What is known so far is that in 80 percent of the cases the infection is mild. The mortality rate is currently three per cent, compared with just under one per cent for influenza. What is the Vienna Pandemic Plan? What is the situation in Vienna and what can be done individually? Questions and answers on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) below.
July 20, 2020

City of Vienna Signals Willingness to Talk to Rothschild's Heir

In the conflict over a non-profit Rothschild Foundation from 1908, today's Neurological Centre Rosenhügel (Neurologisches Zentrum Rosenhügel), between Geoffrey Hoguet, the grandson of the donor Alfons Freiherr von Rothschild, who lives in New York City, and the City of Vienna's magistrate, the City of Vienna is now offering its "willingness to talk".
March 12, 2020

Austria Reports First Death from COVID-19
The first death in Austria due to the coronavirus was reported from Vienna today. A 69-year-old man died last night in the Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital.
March 12, 2020

COVID-19: While some Cities are Taking Drastic Measures, Vienna is Watching
The WHO strongly urges that the containment of the virus be recognized as the most important means of control and that appropriate measures be taken. However, the City of Vienna decides not to take containment measures at events, because the situation "does not justify official measures".
March 1, 2020

Coronavirus: City of Vienna Sets Up Mobile 24/7 First Aid
The Vienna authorities have presented an emergency plan for Vienna in dealing with the corona virus. From now on, the medical radio service (Ärztefunkdienst) will be on duty 24 hours a day. The doctors will take over the initial diagnosis and initial care at home.
February 28, 2020

Coronavirus-Infected Person has been in Hospital for Several Days
The 72-year-old who tested positive for the coronavirus today has already been in hospital for ten days. This was announced by the Health City Councillor at a press conference early this afternoon. In another case, he said, there is a very high suspicion of infection.
February 27, 2020

Coronavirus: First Confirmed Case in Vienna
In Vienna there is a first confirmed case of infection with the novel coronavirus. The victim is a 72-year-old man. At noon it became known that the patient who tested positive today has already been in hospital for ten days. For safety reasons, three departments in the hospital have been closed. In another case there was a very high suspicion of infection.
February 27, 2020 · Updated: February 27, 2020; 14:45

First Sub-Two Hour Marathon Challenge - Why Vienna Was Chosen?

Kenyan long-distance runner Eliud Kipchoge, the current marathon world record holder, plans to break the last great barrier of modern athletics - the 2-hour marathon. An epic challenge of this magnitude needs a suitable and equally grand location to do it justice, and the Prater in Vienna is the perfect fit - from the air quality to the climate.
October 7, 2019