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Coronavirus: First Confirmed Case in Vienna
In Vienna there is a first confirmed case of infection with the novel coronavirus. The victim is a 72-year-old man. At noon it became known that the patient who tested positive today has already been in hospital for ten days. For safety reasons, three departments in the hospital have been closed. In another case there was a very high suspicion of infection.

According to the office of Health City Councillor Peter Hacker, the patient is in the isolation ward of the Rudolfstiftung hospital in Vienna's third district, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF reports.
Efforts are being made to transfer him to the hospital Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital.
Further details of the case have not been released for the time being, but today at 1 p.m. local time in the Vienna City Hall, all the facts about the first confirmed case of corona virus infection in Vienna will be announced by Health City Councillor Peter Hacker, the medical director of the KAV, Michael Binder, and the deputy director of provincial health services, Ursula Karnthaler.
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