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How is the Salary Landscape in Austria: A Clue by the Stepstone Salary Report 2023?
Salary discussions are often taboo, yet they play a central role in the world of work and significantly influence the decisions of both employees and companies. The Stepstone Salary Report 2023 emerges as a crucial resource to shed light on salary structures and dynamics in Austria.
October 12, 2023

Working in Austria: Red-White-Red Card Facilitations Approved
The Social Affairs Committee of the National Council has approved facilitations for the Red-White-Red Card. Most importantly, german language skills criteria were eased for certain industries.
March 23, 2023

Foreign Companies Provide Every 5th Job in Austria
A new statistic examines the question of how many jobs in Austria depend on foreign companies and what share these companies have in the Austrian economy. Read on if you want to know more!
October 8, 2022

How International Direct Investment and Skilled Workers Influence the Austrian Economy
A new study deals with the question of the extent to which foreign companies and workers influence Austria's value creation. The results show a clear outcome. Read on if you want to learn more!
September 28, 2022

Working in Austria: Further Facilitation of the Red-White-Red Card
Applying for a Red-White-Red Card is made easier again! Skilled workers who intend to work in Austria will find it easier to obtain a work permit in the future. Read this article to find out which simplifications have been decided.
September 26, 2022

Reform of the Red-White-Red Card Passed by Parliament
In order to eliminate the shortage of suitable workers, the Austrian parliament recently decided to change the criteria for the Red-White-Red Card. In future, it should be easier to obtain this card. Austria's economy is relieved. If you want to know the exact changes, read on!
July 11, 2022

Reform of the Red-White-Red Card: Facilitation for Foreign Workers
In order to cope with the acute shortage of skilled workers in Austria, access to the Austrian labour market is to be facilitated for foreign workers in the future. The application procedure is to be made easier and the criteria for obtaining the Red-White-Red Card are to be reduced.
June 29, 2022

COVID-19 in Austria: Concerns About Transition to 2.5G Rule in Workplace
Due to increased COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, Austria is considering transitioning from the 3G rule in the workplace to a 2.5G rule in the coming weeks. Some government officials are expressing concerns about the implementation of this change. Read about the potential requirement change and the concerns that some have about it.
November 3, 2021

Free COVID-19 Tests for Employees of the Gastronomy Sector
Tourism Minister Köstinger announced that employees from gastronomy businesses, youth hotels and camping sites can be freely tested for the Coronavirus since 1 September.
September 2, 2020

Tax Reform Will Be Valid from September 1 on
According to Finance Minister Blümel, the tax reform will be valid on from September 1 and there will be a corresponding refund for salaries already taxed with retroactive effect from 1 January 2020.
August 31, 2020

Kurz: "There is light at the end of the tunnel"
Today, Chancellor Kurz was holding a State of the Union Address and talked about the Coronavirus, special vacation for parents and a "pact against isolation". According to him, the next summer will be normal again. However, the time until then will be challenging.
August 28, 2020

Raiffeisen Cuts Staff in Czech Republic

The Austrian banks local unit has reacted to increasing costs and the poor economic outlook.
November 9, 2011

Massive Layoffs at Volksbanken Group

Hundreds of employees of the Austrian bank will lose their job in the next years, according to media reports.
November 9, 2011

Chamber of Labor Claims Substantial Wage Increase

The Austrian Chamber of Labor calls for a massive rise in wages for metal workers. The union refers to increase profits of the metal industry.
October 10, 2011

Urgent Need for Specialized Workforce

Lack of skilled employees hits Austrian crafts enterprises. Opening of the labor market could help to satisfy the demand.
May 17, 2011

Workers Continue Feeling the Crisis

The Austrian Working Climate Index increased only slightly from 107 to 108 points during the last half-year. According to the Labor Chamber, the crisis has not been mastered yet, particularly for workers.
May 7, 2011

Labor Chamber: Productivity Grew Significantly More Than Salary Increases

Personnel costs per employee of Austrian companies, according to the Labor Chamber (AK) have grown less than half as strong as productivity since 2003.
April 30, 2011

Austrian Educational Level Rises

Educational level of young people aged 15 to 34 compared with their parents: Trend towards higher education.
April 28, 2011

"Austria has Lost its Chance"

The labor market opening of Austria for the more recent EU member states comes too late, according to the manufacturing industry.
April 27, 2011

Austria's Labor Costs above EU Average

An hour of work costs an Austrian employer an average € 28.00 - six euro more than the EU average.
April 13, 2011

Austrian Unemployment Shrinks Further

Increase in jobs and decrease in unemployment in the fourth quarter of 2010; job market relief in 2010 compared to 2009
March 25, 2011

300,000 Austrians in Poverty despite Working

The term "working poor" is an established fact in Austria. Full 6% of full-time employees are in poverty.
March 22, 2011

Tough Negotiations Epected in Austria's Electrical Industry

Collective agreement negotiations for about 50,000 workers in the electrical industry start today.
March 18, 2011

Employment Reduction in Austrian Manufacturing Industry

The number of workers in the manufacturing industry fell by 3.2% in 2010. Moreover, there was a massive reduction in the demand for temporary workers.
March 16, 2011

Bank Employees’ Salaries Increase at an Average of 2.3%

The union is satisfied with the salary increase of collective agreements for bank employees.
March 15, 2011

Hardly any Effects Expected by Labor Market Opening

As of May 1, 2011, the citizens of the countries which joined the EU in 2004 will be able to work in Austria without any restrictions. The effects should be kept within certain limits.
March 4, 2011

Workers Continue Seeing the Situation on the Labor Market as Critical

The work climate index of the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK, Arbeiterkammer Österreich) indicates that workers continue considering the situation on the labor market as critical despite rising employment.
March 4, 2011

Mitterlehner: "Companies are Taking On More Apprentices Again"

The Austrian Minister of Economy sees positive developments on the labor and apprenticeship market. The promotion of apprenticeships has proved to be successful.
March 2, 2011

Unemployment: Austria has Top-Position Among EU27

EU27 area unemployment rate at 9.9%, Austrian unemployment rate amounts to 4.3%. National youth unemployment is below the average too.
March 2, 2011

Manufacturing Industry Welcomes Red-White-Red Card"

IV-President Sorger: Innovative immigration system is an incentive for highly skilled workers; the abolition of the quota is a major political location signal.
February 23, 2011

Shortage of Highly Skilled Workers in Austria

The lack of highly qualified employees in Austria turns into an increasingly strong competitive disadvantage.
February 18, 2011

Vacancies in Austria up by 64%

78,900 job vacancies in the fourth quarter 2010, an annual percentage change of +64%.
February 17, 2011

Austrian Unemployment Shrinks

The unemployment rate (Austrian standard) decreased from 8.9% in January 2010 to 8.5% in January 2011.
February 12, 2011

Manpower Austria Increased Sales

The sales of the U.S. services group Manpower increased last year by 54% to € 130m in Austria.
February 8, 2011

AMS Reports 2010 Vacancies Record

In 2010, 404,733 vacancies were reported, representing an increase of 50,575 jobs over 2009.
February 5, 2011

Declining Unemployment in Austria

Uunemployment could be reduced by 4.3% even in the traditionally for the labor market difficult winter months.
February 2, 2011

Shortage of Skilled Labor in Medium-sized Enterprises

According to a report by Ernst & Young, the growth of two out of every three Austrian companies is hindered by the lack of qualified personal.
January 26, 2011

Strabag: Layoff Wave in the Czech Republic

Because of the weak order situation, the Austrian construction group dismisses up to 380 employees at the Czech location.
January 20, 2011

Federation of Trade Unions Calls for "Tax Justice"

A new debate is sparking off in Austria, and possibly also a tax reform. The Gewerkschaftsbund (ÖGB, Federation of Trade Unions) wants workers to be tax-unburdened.
January 18, 2011

AMS Expects Marked Relaxation of the Labor Market by 2013

The Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS, Labor Market Service) foresees a significant increase in labor supply on the Austrian labor market. Unemployment will stagnate.
January 15, 2011

Only Slight Increase in Austrian Minimum Wages

Index of Agreed Minimum Wages 2010: low increase due to economic crisis.
January 15, 2011

Downward Trend of Austrian Unemployment

Unemployment trend: Flash estimates for the fourth quarter of 2010 show an unemployment rate of 4.1%.
January 5, 2011

Black Economy is still Difficult to Control in Austria

About 14% of the economic product evades the Treasury in the Austrian economy, but experts say the trend is declining again.
January 5, 2011

Experts: No Failures in the Austrian Labor Market

The last hurdles for the new EU-members to enter the Austrian labor market will fall in May 2011. However, even the unions has no concerns.
January 3, 2011

Austria's Minister of Social Affairs Wants to Extend the Years of Employment

Rudolf Hundstorfer wants to see older workers work longer, and is trying to get the consensus of businesses.
December 31, 2010

Austria's Labor Market Opens

As of May 1, 2011 the German and Austrian labor markets open for the new EU citizens. Romania and Bulgaria will follow suit in 2013.
December 30, 2010

Illegal Employment Grows

One of four Austrian firms employs illegal workers from abroad.
December 29, 2010

Chamber of Labor Calls for a More Equitable Distribution

Corporate profits on one hand and reduced working hours, dismissals and wage cuts on the other, are not compatible for the Chamber of Labor.
December 28, 2010

Income Report: Workers' Wages Fell in Real Terms

In its income report, the Audit Court presents the evolution of the income of the Austrians. Increasing differences can be identified.
December 24, 2010

Above-Average Labor Market Data for Austria

Compared with Europe, there are relatively a lot of people of working age employed in Austria. The proportion of unemployed is also low.
December 21, 2010