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Free COVID-19 Tests for Employees of the Gastronomy Sector
Lifestyle & Travel › Health ♦
Published: September 2, 2020; 17:03 ♦ (Vindobona)
Tourism Minister Köstinger announced that employees from gastronomy businesses, youth hotels and camping sites can be freely tested for the Coronavirus since 1 September.
It is now possible to freely test waiters and waitresses for COVID-19. / Picture: © Flickr / Wolfgang (CC BY-ND 2.0)
From this month on, it is possible to organize free tests for employees of gastronomy businesses, youth hotels and camping sites.
This offer has already been valid for hotels and many of them have used this opportunity.
Minister Köstinger said that the demand in the gastronomy sector was significant and as capacities are still given, the offer was extended.
It is very important that those businesses provide tests to their employees to identify infected workforce faster and to avoid a cluster building.
In order to participate in the testing, it is necessary to register for a participation confirmation which can be done at WKO.
Further information about the testing can be found at the website from "Sichere Gastfreundschaft" (Save Hospitality).
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